
Blood Moon Dark Shadows

Two people seeking revenge. Two people seeking love. Their destiny bound together. A fate already decided by the gods. A past of pain, a desire for revenge. Can you love someone who is the reason behind all your sufferings? Can the flame of love be able to kill the fire of revenge? Who will win- Love or Revenge? A darkness is blooming in the forest of Egar, from centuries, waiting for an age old war. Secrets buried in the past. Truths lost in time. And a small hope of love in between the evil. Four Protagonists, and their life of revenge, pain, forgiveness, and love.

staymysterious123 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

The Evil Has Returned

12:00 AM

The city of Zorlan is illuminated with the artificial lights created by humans. Still, there is bustling. Thousands of people. Thousand stories. Thousand emotions. The old man closing his food stall after a tiring day. The office worker returning home from a late night overtime. The college students having their time of life. The Policeman standing at the corner to maintain discipline. The old woman, who opens her stall at night, to provide food to the night workers. The doctors taking a break from their routine. The lawyer preparing for his case. The billionaires returning from their parties. And many more. Still doing what they have done always. Working, dreaming, living. Unaware of the darkness that is close to them. So close.

The forest of death. Evil. The forest of Egar.

People heard about it, they ignore it. They don't come near the borders even. Thinking that would be safe like that.

But the evil of the forest is invisible. Because it resides in its depth. Deep down in a place that no one has seen. The roads around the forest are forbidden.

But not for the person in the black like coal Raptor, moving on the one deserted road unknown to the outside world.

Black eyes, raven black hair. Few strands of those fell back on his face. Those intimidating black eyes, like a deep abyss, deep in thought. Unafraid of the looming darkness, he moves toward his destination.

There is a dark path covered with overgrown tree branches, invisible to the outside world. Near the creek, at the turning of the road that leads to the village of Saal. The owner of the raptor is aware of it as his vehicle moves in that direction.

After a long stretch of overgrown branches, there is a pebbled road, leading to the high walled iron-clad gates. Darkness looms over it like a blanket. Only the moon shines over it, giving it a dark aura, the aura of death. The huge old gothic-styled abandoned palace covers almost half the area of Egar. Abandoned. That's what it will look like to wanted visitors. But this is the place where the evil of Egar resides. A nightmare. A dark illusion. Waiting for its prey.

The Man of the Raptor enters the code on the panel on the sidewall of the gate, it opens with an old rusted sound.

A curved road surrounds the deteriorated garden that leads to the front of the black doors. One man is standing there. Tall, blonde hair that reaches the shoulders, Pale grey eyes, red-tinted lips, lean-faced, with a charming smile. He stands there lazily as he waits for the black raptor.

The raptor reaches the front door. And the man looks at the pale blonde with a deep tired sigh. He gets out of his car and locked it. And walked towards the other.

" You are late Professor. He has been waiting for you. He doesn't seem to be in a good mood. My people provided him with his food to calm him down. But it is not working this time. He seems to be agitated."

" What food, Sanderas?"

"You know, the usual." The Pale blonde whose name is Sanderas replied with a cunning smile.

"Who is it?" asked the man with black intimidating eyes.

"The one who failed."

"You know this is the 20th one who failed, so he got enraged and gave him what the losers deserve," said Sanderas

"For god's sake, he needs to calm his blood. It takes a lot of effort to hire a researcher, and I can't hide it from the people, you know who. We don't wish to make them aware of it. But thanks to you and the hot-headed man. They will know sooner. You two need to control it. The next time, try to serve that slave woman of yours who you call your lover. She will be much better food. She has served her purpose."

" She still has some purpose. Professor. You will know soon. Till then let that pity thing live. She will die soon. But not so soon. I need something for entertainment. It's fun when she thinks of us as lovers. And what the humans say.. Ahh yes Some soulmate kind of thing. It is fun you know. Giving her that illusion. "

" Of course you need it. She thinks of you as a young charming person not a 700 years old vampire. She will definitely think of you as a soulmate." The Professor scoffed.

"Forget it. We need to hire a good researcher, who gives us better results."

"I need to talk to him."

"Are you sure, what if he devours you?" asked Sanderas.

"Sanderas, think of entertaining your pet with true love stories," said Professor looking at the black-haired beauty walking down the stairs. "I can deal with him alone."

The woman greeted the professor. He looked at her and ignored her walking up the spiral stairs.

"The professor never seems to like me, San. He never greets me properly. At least he needs to show me some respect. After all, I am the woman of the house." whined the woman.

Sanderas smirked in his mind hearing "the woman of the house."

Silly woman. You are the sacrifice of the house. Soon you will realize it. But till then let us hear your true love bla blas that are definitely boring but still funny.

"Don't worry love, one day you will receive what you deserve. Soon. Till then, let us have some drink."

The Professor walked the dark corridors of the eastern wing of the palace. To the room at the end of the hallway. The corridor smells of blood. Death.

He walked to it and knocked on the doors and then opened it. The room was dark with the smell of metallic from the walls and floors. The room was covered in darkness. Except from the light of the moon shining through the large windows. There was an unlit fireplace. The room was cold very cold. Maybe from death that it has seen or maybe the person who is sitting on the huge chair in front of it. The dark long hairs covered his face. Deep in thoughts.

Professor looked at this man. The man is lost in the depths of time. The man that was ignored by all. The man that was forced to lose everything. The man who he is now because of someone who deserves no less than death. The man who was once his happy-go-lucky self. The man who was his brother's best friend. The man who is the only person left in his family.

"You are here. You are late today. Was the workload heavy? Have you eaten? How are you? My boy, Ian."

Professor Ian Macmillan looked at the man, this man, no matter how angry he is, he never shows that to him. He gets angered but never harmed him. He can't even do that. He gets angry but also takes care of me. That's the way he shows love and affection. No one but me has seen this side of him. To the outside world, he is the invisible evil. But for me, he is my family. How could I not do what he wishes for? If he needs revenge then I will give him that. His eyes teared up. He walked to the man, sitting before him on his knees.

"Brother, I am fine. Yes, bit tired. But okay. Sanderas told me what happened today. Don't worry. I will find a much better researcher the one who knows what he is doing. And will give you the success you wish for."

"You were a child, afraid of the world around you. Naive. Innocent. But you have grown so much. I believe in you, my boy. I trust you. I wish every day that the results be a success. I don't want to burden you with so many responsibilities."

"It will never be a burden to me brother. No matter what, Ian will do everything for his brother. Everything." He hugged him like a baby holding his one support system which he knows will never ever leave him.

Within these walls of evil, death, darkness, and revenge, there is still love. A bond like a father and a son. A love that compels people to commit even the most brutal evil. Not the best kind of love but it is still love.

A love that still cant drive away the darkness and evil of the forest. The forest of Egar.


The old rusted warehouse of New Age Biogenics Lab, Barnet & Co. used to be a functional one ages ago. Now it sits isolated after the new warehouse was built near the lab. This old warehouse looks old, with broken roofs, doors, and tainted glasses.

Surrounded by overgrown bushes, a yard full of scraps from the nearby section of the city. A playground for the local boys. Two boys entered the place through the broken wired cage surrounding the warehouse. This is where they play football. They have arrived earlier waiting for their friends. Soon their friends arrived and they started playing. While passing the ball one of them used a little bit of force resulting in the ball being thrown a little bit far towards the side of the warehouse near the old broken account room. One of them ran towards it. But he stopped mid-way. What he saw ahead made him tremble in fear. Within a few feet ahead in between the old scraps, lies a battered body of a person with no face and a hole in his chest. This gruesome scene made him scream louder and louder.



Cassandra's Den.

Ayaan was serving the customers with a charming smile and having his regular talks. That's his way. Not to overpraise him, but the reason for a huge surge of customers here is because of him. He gives them that warm cozy feeling. I smiled at his usual antics.

It was a warm sunny day. I was hoping to go for a walk in the park. I will ask Ayaan if he is interested to go there. But I am sure he will say yes. Not because it's a sunny day, but Jayden will be there, his one and only crush. He doesn't even know about this boy's existence. But Ayaan is happy just by looking at him. Silly boy.

I was thinking about what snacks and desserts I should take with me when I heard it.

I looked at the news. Dave was at the counter, he raised the volume of the news channel that was on play on the cafe television.

".... One of the local boys who used to play in this old non-functional warehouse saw it. He is completely terrified by the gruesome scene. The police are trying to find the identity and clues. This is not the first time something like this happened. A body with his face completely damaged even to recognize with a hole in his heart. As per the police, he might be a researcher or a doctor. If the former is true, then this might be the fifth victim of someone's gruesome plan. But what is surprising is that all the five bodies are connected to the one and only Barnet Inc. Like always the bodies are found in the places that used to be a part of Barnet or a property that belongs to the Barnet. Is this a conspiracy to let Barnet Inc down, who is this cruel person to commit such heinous crimes?..."

I tuned out the rest of what is being said because what I heard shook my core. Only one person can do it. I know it. Because I have seen it. The haunting dreams, the moment of pain is back again. I knew it. He was never dead. He is alive. All of them lied. All were lying. He is alive. And he will be back soon. To do what I have no idea. But this time he will die definitely. Because I will never let him leave. All these years I was waiting for you. One hint, one clue. And here it is, I will never leave you. You will face the same pain, the same torture. And this time I will laugh at your incompetence. Soon we will meet. Soon I will have my revenge.

I controlled my emotions. I was at the cafe. These people should never know. Never. I looked at Ayaan and he is looking at me. He understood. He knows it. How could he forget? The evil only he has seen. He can never forget.



I was in a happy mood. This morning I got a call from dad. He was still with a hangover. But still, he praised me. He is proud of me, yes that's what he said. This made my day, one can see my giddiness, but this was a moment I was waiting for. But all my steps halted when I saw the panic and frown on the face of my security head, Nathan Dane.

"Nathan, Is everything alright? Why are you so tensed?" I frowned thinking something very serious might have happened.

"Sir, the chief of the Police, Chief Maria, is here to talk with you."

I was confused, what are the police doing here.

"Why, what happened?"

"Sir, a researcher from Xenome Innovation Lab, was missing for a few days. He was found this morning, dead."

Xenome Innovation Lab is a competitor of New Age Biogenics. CEO Jackson is hell-bent on gaining the important projects and research of our lab, even if by underhand means. He already took away our clients and some even betrayed us, resulting in heavy losses for them. Because Barnet Inc deals with trust. If there is no trust, then loyalty and personality are compromised. I don't wish that. But why an employee of theirs dead is making the police come here to Barnet Inc.

hell, no way.

"Tell me, did that Jackson put the blame on us. That's why they are here. The Police."

"..uh... Sir, that's not the case exactly... but it is worse.." I looked at him confused," The dead body was found at the old warehouse of New Age Biogenics."

That blew me away. How could Jackson do this? How could he stoop so low? Commit the crimes and put the blame on us.

" Sir, She is here. Inside your office."

" I will talk with her. Call Xander and Uncle Mikhael."

" Yes Sir." Nathan walked away.

I opened the door and entered the office.

If Jackson has done it to defame my grandfather's name then he will pay this for sure. I will make him do that. Killing an innocent for one's own greed is never justifiable. Never.