
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Nigra Forum

"So what do you wanna do now?" Walker said as they exited the mansion. "I heard that you were a pretty good investigator so I'll put my faith in you, but don't go overboard."

Silas didn't say anything. Instead he lost himself in thought.

"If he really did take the head then I'm guessin' that he was sent to assassinate 'im ." Walker continued.

"Then we should head to the place where they want heads... Any ideas?"

"I guess you could say that..."

"So where we headed?"

"Nigro Forum"


Ice chowed down on some dry bread along with vegetable broth. It wasn't exactly tasty, as one would call it. But Ice always said "It's edible" and continued eating. Levia managed to gulp the food without complaints as well, almost as if she was used to it like Ice.

"Tell me about whatever happened with you and Infirmi... " Ice said as he ate.

"I was abducted and experimented on.... that's about it...."

"Do you wanna go back?"

"I'd prefer staying with you...."

A loud voice could be heard from below which sounded like shouts.

"Damn you Ice! I told you not to make your damn house on my terrace!!" A man yelled, climbing up the ladder.

"Whoops we gotta move" he said as the seeds he'd previously planted grew and lift his shack, carrying them across houses. One of the vines grabbed a hold of the man he continued yelling and cursing Ice as they drifted away.

"The plant placed them on an empty building, 2 storeys high. The building was much more organised than the shack - a shelf, cupboard and the kind.

" This is where I actually live" He said as he stepped out . The vine withered away and slowly turned to dust.

Levia stepped along with him. She was surprised but not shocked.

"My second ability is.." He said biting into his finger which began leaking blood "To create any element of control group - Wind, Plant, Fire, Earth, Water, Poison, Steel, Lightning, Dark and Light - out of my bodily fluids.". The blood turned into steel coins as they dropped to the ground. " And the best part is I can control them even after I've created them and also turn them back into the bodily fluids."

Levia stood there awestruck. Never before had she seen such a useful ability . But no ability was free of cons. "Doesn't it hurt?..." She asked in a low voice.

"I got used to it a long time ago. " He replied.

He emptied the bowl of broth. "In any case, I've got more people to kill." He said as he stood up. "My first kill was an easy kill..."

"Why did you kill him?" Levia asked.

Ice sighed "This government may look kind and generous and thoughtful at first but, on the inside..." His eyes glinted with anger and pain as he crushed a fruit in his palm "They're as rotten as it gets!"

Levia stood and watched the fruit get crushed. "So... What are you?"

"Me? I'm a bounty hunter...."

She tilted her head unable to understand his occupation. "In any case.... Where are we going next?"

"I need a job so.... we're headed to the Nigra Forum."


"So what does it mean?" Silas asked chewing on a tangerine. "Nigra Forum...."

"In terms of Infirmi " Walker replied. "We'd call it the black market..."

Silas wasn't shocked to any extent. He knew that the place they were headed to had something illegal going on.

"And what're we looking for there?" He continued asking.

"Assassins, Hunters maybe requests... just don't buy anything there..."

"The thought never really crossed my mind"

The vehicle stopped short of a gate. From the outside it looked like a cemetery.

"Why doesn't the government just shut it down?" Silas asked.

"I wonder why.."

"You don't really seem to like the place do you?"

"Bad memories" Walker said pulling a cigarette from the pack. "You know you never really told me... what gate do you open?" He said as he searched for a lighter.

Silas placed his finger under the cigarette as he muttered the words "Aperta Porta". A flame the size of a coin appeared at the tips instantaneously and lit the cigarette in question.

Walker was taken aback for a second. "Flame control? Pretty lucky ain't cha?". Walker realised something " Wait a minute... you're the newbie from the war... what'd they call you again?"

"The flame magician... I think" Silas said as he gave a simple smile. "Should we go in?"



The market was like any other. bustling with people with cloaks and covered faces. Walker bad an annoyed look on his face while Silas didn't really bother looking around. Walker knew the place and that was enough. They made their way to a two stories building that looked like a bar. It wasn't as lively as the others but it was it silent either.

The bartender was a middle aged man with a dark brown beard. He was but a dwarf with the height of a 5-year old.

"How can i help you today gentlemen?" He asked.

"Cut the bullshit Terry..." Walker replied.

Terry chuckled softly. "Whad'dya want Walker? another shot with master?"

"Over my dead body... I'm here 'cause I need information."

"Can't really help you with that... I've been living in this dump since you left."

"Like hell you have... I just wanna know who killed Equus."

"Equus died?!"

"Don't play dumb" Walker said as he pointed towards The bartender's watch. "You still work for master dont'cha? He probably got the information before we did..."

Terry chuckled again. "Who's the kid?" He asked looking at Silas.

"He's an adventurer..."

"Never heard the CP takin' the help of adventurers"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures..."

Terry placed a glass of wine, mixed finely. "You remember this dont'cha? "

"How would I forget?" Walker replied as he gulped the entire glass. "Still the same taste..." He commented. "So will you talk or not?"

Terry glared at him for a while before saying - "Alright"