

Meanwhile, back at the resort…

"Oh, has he upset my Rubie? Did you come to mummy to make you feel all better?" The Manager baby sweet-talks The Supervisor as he snuggles into her soft and sweet-smelling lap and they both cuddle on her soft and plush love seat. The Rube was lying down while Marina sat on the couch and was quite adequately relaxed and satisfied…

For now, at least...

And admittedly, Reuben does prefer the stepmother-stepson kinky role play, on occasion…

The slim and sexy matron seductress reaches for her intercom button right on the edge of her executive table, which was just beside the office couch. "Alexia, how is His Majesty's requests coming along?"

"They are being completed as we speak, Madame Marina," was the quick and short answer. "We're just waiting for the go from either of you before we promptly deliver them."

"Alex, this is Rube." yells the Supervisor from the cushiony sofa. "Let me know at once when you have given all his requests. I'll be calling the motherfucker then, and tell him about it, capisce?"

As if you could leave The Madame alone at this point, Sir… Alexia internally stated.

"Absolutely, Sir Reuben. Just approve the release of the prince's requests and I'll let him know your message right after we deliver everything he asked for. And, oh, before I forgot, he requested to add a large and deep plastic basin along with a bucket filled with small shrimps."

"What the hell is that for? Aren't we sending them cooked dishes?"

"Yes, we are, Sir but it would seem our talent Hiraya has caught a baby octopus and would like to keep it as a pet."

What the fuck? Well, as long as he's happy with the redheaded broad, who am I to complain?

"Oh and Alexia," the mature lady interrupts. "Can you serve a platter of pasta Alfredo for two with a whole Italian chicken on the side here in my office, along with a dozen pieces of medium-sized garlic bread? And make them heavy on the parmesan and oregano, please."

"Will you be ordering drinks or cocktails with that, Madame? And will you also have additional grated cheese on the side? We have Romano and Gorgonzola available right now."

"No need. We are quite fine with what my bar has to offer," Reena was quick to reply. "But a definite yes for both the extra cheeses and please deliver our order exactly thirty minutes after we end our call."

"Yes ma'am, noted…"

"Thank you and goodbye, Alex"

"Ok, Madame. Until later," the assistant answers then immediately ends the call.

"Why half an hour, wife?" queries the bewildered man.

"Because that is the exact time we'll be able to go through round one of our private special 'dinner'," the lusty female explains patiently while stressing the last word with hidden innuendo and a knowing smirk.

"Oh…" Rube finally states, passion and realization underlying his tone. "Then why don't we start now Marina so we can maximize our alone time?"

"I thought you'd never ask, lover." The woman says with a glint of desire in her eyes.


"Ooooh he's definitely adorable, Raya!" exclaims Tricia, a fellow talent and best friend of Hiraya with delight. "You really hooked and caught him yourself?"

"Yes, I did. Thanks to Orion's dedicated and expert tutoring, of course," the successful talent proudly replied.

"Don't sell yourself short, Hiraya. You caught Calvin all by your lonesome and I didn't really help." Marion humbly clarified.

"Calvin?" a perky and girly-looking talent quipped excitedly. "You've already named him, Raya?"

"Orion suggested it and I liked it. He said it's the Martian being nemesis' name in the movie 'Life' that looks like an octopus. The creature grew really big and killed a lot of astronauts and scientists when they were still in outer space!"

"Yeah, it's not surprising that you would name a cute beloved pet after a scary killer Martian monster from the deep and dark part of the solar system," laughed one of the boyish male prostitutes near her. "That's just so like you, Rai!!"

"Knock it off, Myron! You heard her say her boss was the one who suggested its name and he didn't deny it," interjects Heron, a more buffed and muscular manwhore among all the males there. "Is that right, Sir?"

"Yes it is, Heron is it?"

"Yes sir, that is my name..." is the hunk's quick but hesitant answer.

I don't know how but this brawny guy Heron seems familiar to me…

"Will you really be keeping it, Hiraya?" asks the other boyish talent, who was a friendly newbie. "I mean as a pet?"

"Well DUH! It's in a basin and it's with her, right?" Tricia snidely reminds the new guy Sergei AKA The Virgin.

"Alright, alright… leave Serg alone!" Raya defends her novice co-worker with amusement. "He's still a newcomer and we should be nice to him.". 

"It's ok Raya. I kinda knew a little too late that it was a stupid question…" admits The Virgin a bit sheepishly while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Ok gang," the blue-violet-eyed female announces as she glimpses the Resort's staff as they finish setting up their ordered tent, and sleeping quarters. Also, they manage to set a long dining table complete with drinks, cutlery, china and covered courses and cooked viands. "Thanks for the support and welcoming my new pet but Orion and I need to rest and get ready for dinner. I know all of you need to do the same, like you Heron... you still need to massage Diana before eating, right?"

"It's Dianne, but yes you're right," the well-built guy half-heartedly acknowledges as he parts his straight and longish auburn bangs with one large, manly hand. "She might even be waiting for me right now and hoping to start our session immediately ."

Marion's thoughts: Well, I admit to knowing the one he's servicing. She's an invalid cousin of mine who slightly suffered from polio a few years ago and I remember recommending the Resort to her parents because of Rube's very effective masseuse slash physical therapist who has supposedly helped cure a number of guests here years before.

"Well then, chop-chop! Get a-moving everyone or your clients might all leave you behind and find someone new," warned the new octopus owner as she clapped her hands in a loud but curt manner. "Go on, get everyone! I don't want any of you blaming me if you lose your Midnight Resort sponsors!" 

When they were finally alone, the silent monarch wraps his sinewy and strong arms around his chosen talent to finally ask her his puzzling question…

"Raya, do you know that massage therapist's full name and do you know more about him besides his client?"

"Is that a smidgeon of jealousy I hear?" teases the redhead.

"No, I just think I know him from somewhere else other than here at the Resort. I just need you to help me remember, woman," Marion carefully explains as he gently licks her ear.

Raya then suddenly turns and wraps her slim and soft arms around Orion. "To be honest, I don't mind if you do get a little jealous because I can easily reassure you that I don't want anyone else but you. Besides, you've already made me exclusively yours. Even my pussy is starting to smell of your cum alone, Marion."

"Really now, that is reassuring," the dark-haired investor acknowledges, feeling touched, pleased and even a bit tingly by her admission. "But I would really appreciate it if you tell me all you know about this particular Midnight Resort talent."

"Alright, but can we have dinner while we talk about Heron De Narra?"

No wonder he looks familiar, he's a De Narra who is a distant Spanish relative of ours… Marion swiftly thought but kept silent about it. Instead, he easily shifts his thoughts to his camp companion's suggestion. 

"But of course we can, dear Hiraya. After you…" the good-looking royal magnanimously offers as he raises one flap of the tent while leading her hand with the other.

Raya answers his tender smile and gentlemanly action with a short, adorable and heart-warming giggle. "My pleasure, Marion. A girl could easily get used to such attention."

"That is absolutely what I intend to do, my lady," Marion states firmly but sweetly

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