
Will They fight?

A commanding voice resonated from the badge, clear and authoritative, "Attention all first year students: report to the Iron Dorm immediately. This applies to every department. I repeat, first year students of all department, report to the Iron Dorm immediately."

Orion narrowed his eyes at the announcement, a suspicion creeping into his mind. It felt as if the call was crafted specifically for him.

"It seems, Not everyone remained ignorant to my endeavors at the arena," Orion mused. He had found it peculiar how easily he had been granted entrance into the Scholar Department instead of the Battle Mage Department. It was bound to arouse suspicion sooner or later.

With a thoughtful glance down the corridor leading to the library, Orion pivoted, retracing his steps and veering toward the Iron Dorm. He was curious to see what this summoning held for him.