
Magic Vestige

"Now that you mention it, there was someone like that. A boy, with crimson red hair." Brian said in suprise, as if shocked by his own forgetfulness.

"He didn't look more than seventeen," he continued. "Others thought he was noble but haha! I DON'T THINK SO," Brian spoke cryptically and gulped down the remaining wine from his mug.

"And why do you think that?" The woman asked again.

"He had those eyes, you see. The eyes of a predator, hehe... like someone who knows how to kill. Now that I think about it, he was the only one who was unaffected by the first mana wave of that damn creature, other than me and Harvs, of course."

"He could be very much alive right now. Who knows... who knows..." brian replied before His head fell on the table, as all the wine finally caught up to him. He kept mumbling the last phrase, repeating them in a loop until he fell asleep.