

AllMightyPush · Fantasi
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2 Chs


Ironheart clan!

A clan with a vast and prosperous domain stretching as far as the eye can perceive. A clan with a rich history and wealth as deep as the seas.

And an environment overflowing with Qi that commoners could only dream of ever setting foot upon. Feared by many and revered by all, such as the colossal behemoth known as the Ironheart Clan!

But today, for the first time in history, on the clan's cultivation grounds, many youths from a common background can be seen cultivating. These youths have been granted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cultivate and break the shackles of mortal limits.

A clear sign of happiness and pride is unmistakably etched across the countenances of these youths as they absorb the knowledge and wisdom imparted by the venerable elders of the Ironheart Clan.

From concealed cultivation techniques to profound martial arts, from the enigma of alchemy to the art of forging, day and night, these youths, akin to ravenous beasts, voraciously absorb the knowledge that will change their life completely.

And soon, five years passed like a gentle breeze!

One old and one middle-aged man suddenly appeared above the clan cultivation ground. They were levitating in the air as if the laws of nature had no effect on their body. 

They glanced down towards the persistent young cultivators on the clan cultivation ground. Even after a long five years these youths from common backgrounds still can be seen cultivating. Once frail and feeble bodies of these youth now after five years started to emit powerful auras.

"Master, today exactly five years have passed," the middle-aged man intones with reverence to the old man beside him. His gaze is fixated on the diligent youths below.

"These youths will henceforth serve our clan. Gathering such prodigious talents from humble beginnings and guiding them along the path of cultivation was a wise decision. In a mere five years, they've solidified their foundations. They are, indeed, deserving of the title 'genius,'" the middle-aged man continues.

These brilliant youths were meticulously chosen by the Ironheart Clan. Some were born to commoners, others were orphaned, and a few even used to be slaves. After a rigorous selection, only those who had the best potential got the chance to cultivate and break the shackles of mortal limits.

The old man let out a wistful sigh before speaking, "Our clan has regressed significantly in the past few generations. We used to be overlord once upon a time but now.. aside from me, no one in this clan is truly strong!

I hope when the sky collapses one of these youths will be there to hold it. And Cedric I have high expectations from you as a Clan leader of the Ironheart clan you must ensure a bright future for our lineage."

The middle-aged man was Cedric Ironheart he was the clan leader of this behemoth known as the Ironheart clan. And the old-looking man was the master of Cedric Ironheart. Even in the Irornheart clan, only a few were aware of his existence. Aside from he was the old monster protecting the clan, no one knew anything more about him even Cedric Ironheart had little to no idea about him his name remains an enigma to all. For those who do know him, he is simply referred to as the Master, Master of the Ironheart clan.

"Yes, Master I'll do everything in my power to protect the clan," Cedric declares resolutely, meeting the old master's gaze with determination.

The master acknowledged with a slight nod and then both Cedric and his master stood on the same spot as they began to survey all the diligent youths below.

On the same cultivation ground, a young man along with all other youths can be seen cultivating. Sitting in the shade of a giant tree he was trying to absorb Qi from the surroundings.

His physique leans toward the slender side, his uncombed reddish hair, and his attire plain and unadorned. He appears, at first glance, to be an ordinary, frail young man. Amidst a clan cultivation ground brimming with youths exuding potent auras, he resembles a lamb among a pack of ferocious wolves.

With eyes closed, he concentrates with every breath.

An abundance amount of Qi constantly rushed into his body but as it reached his dantian, it suddenly dispersed and repulsed out of his body. It was as if his dantian was locked and no amount of Qi could enter it or be stored in it.

He tried again and again but it was futile efforts. Over the course of five years, he remains unable to break this formidable barrier. It is as if the heavens themselves playing a joke on him.

The frown on the face of the boy was clearly visible as he let off a small defeating sigh of helplessness.

He was an orphan before he was selected as a potential genius by the Ironheart clan. He felt immeasurable joy at the prospect of embarking on the path of cultivation and becoming like heroes of legends.

Also selected as one of the highest potentials among others he got the best resources and the clan's core cultivation techniques. He was thrilled and ready to make his name known wide...

However, the slap of reality was hard!

A few months passed but still, he was unable to make any progress. While others started to make a breakthrough and advance along the path of cultivation, he stagnated.

Elders of the clan helped him gave him special treatment and guided him during cultivation, they also provided him with natural treasures but everything was in vain...

Everyone gave up on the boy as one year passed and he was still unable to break through while other genius youths cultivated hard with the speed even elders remained gawked. his resources dwindled and no one paid any heed to him.

And exactly after five long years today was the date of results... 

While other youths will achieve great things, he may wind up on the street again after being kicked out of the clan.

He stopped his cultivation and opened his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, tears well up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. He questions his life, his dreams, and the opportunities that have slipped away.

From today onward he was destined to be cast off... living a life of poverty and struggle.

When he was immersed in worry about the future a sudden wind started to blow on the clan cultivation ground. The trees started to sway when he saw two figures descend from the heavens.

Everyone stopped cultivating and hurriedly got up to show respect to them. For these common youth, someone who can fly is akin to god.

The descending figures are none other than Cedric, the Clan Leader, and his old master.

Cedric stepped forward and glancing at all the youths he continued, "Over the past five years, you have all grown remarkably. Henceforth, going forward you will become pillars of this clan. Those who have performed exceptionally during this time will be assigned to an elite division of the clan, while the rest shall join the clan's army. As for those who have failed..."

Cedric's gaze falls upon a frail-looking young man standing beneath a tree in quiet contemplation. With a resonant voice, he continues.

"Ember... I had high expectations from you as you were the highest potential candidate we selected... but It's truly a pity and a waste of cultivation resources. Despite our bestowal of core cultivation techniques seeing your potential, it was a total waste."

Cedric slowly stepped toward Ember one step at a time with a hint of disappointment etched in his voice. "A cultivator without progress is of little use to our clan. Moreover, you know too much about our clan cultivation secrets, It's better if we just get rid of you,"

A powerful wind slashed toward the Ember with a speed hard enough to even see.

All the hairs on Ember's body stood still as death approached in the form of a wind slash, it was impossible to dodge. His life flashed and he let out a small mocking laugh for thinking naively that he would merely kicked out of the clan for failing to cultivate.

Yet, as the wind's edge draws near his neck, it inexplicably vanishes. The sole testament to its reality is a minor scratch upon Ember's throat.

It was the master of Cedric who intervened at the last second and saved the life of Ember. If not for him Ember's body surely would have sliced in half. Cedric turns to his master, his expression a tapestry of confusion and reverence as he clasps his hands together.

The old master strokes his white beard, fixing a penetrating gaze upon Ember. He utters, "Let him live and assign him the role of a servant. He bears our clan's mark, he will surely die if he even tried to divulge any of our clan's secrets."

Pitying gazes descend upon Ember as he is relegated to the role of a common servant within the clan. But Ember did not care about any of that he was drenched in sweat from head to toe his legs were shivering and as he heard he will live on as a servant his legs gave up and he fell on his butt.

He was not devastated instead he felt relief of avoiding this disaster and living another day!