
To not fail


“Quincy~” I popped my head in his office, “Your coffee.” I gave it to him while he was taking some notes on his notepad.

“Thanks.” He took a sip from it immediately and smiled, “I just love the taste of this coffee.” He gave me a glance, “This is what I like.” He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat, “You being friendly and not ignoring me.”

“Hehe,” I felt a little flustered, “And me too, right?” I looked at him with glistening eyes.

He chuckled, “If that’s what makes you happy.”

“Hey! You have to say it!” I pouted.

“Yes, I like you too.”

I smiled brightly, “I know,” I chuckled, “I am the best after all.”

He just chuckled in return and kept doing his words.

“I’m leaving for college.” I told him as I walked towards the door.

“Is your friend picking you up again?” He asked as his eyes shifted onto the laptop screen.



There was no other reaction from him. Rather, he seemed too busy to even give me one.