
Blood bonds The first

The novel narrates a pack and the dispute between two brothers for the leadership of the wolves. In a world doomed to extinction, the attraction of the younger brother, Philip put the wolves in danger of extinction. Craving power, he drives away the sorceress who walked among the wolves with betrayals and lies to keep her from the true alpha. Daughter of the Sorcerers' Regent, she was raised by wolves. Pursued by the Successrium under orders from Muir who aimed to destroy the Corsair Armada. Richard Morgan, under the protection of the goddess Hecate, sought to save his people and keep the woman he loved alive. It tells of Cassie and Richard Morgan's first meeting after Lady Katherine's funeral. It shows Richard's experience with the White Order after the failure of his marriage and business. It narrates his involvement with Gypsy, daughter of Vladimir, the king of the gypsies, and his attraction to the young heiress of Hecate's tradition. Disgusted to learn that the price charged for his freedom was negotiated by Cassie and Gypsy, Richard leaves the castle in the frontier lands shortly before the twins are born. The alpha warrior is infuriated to learn that he was freed from the galleys through negotiations with the Order of Sorcerers and that he was cursed to forget about living with the young and obnoxious cabin boy of the Star of Tomorrow until he discovers that it is actually a girl while works for sorcerers.

Marcia_Gioseffi · Fantasi
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4 Chs


The story touches on themes such as sorcerers, werewolves, and witches.

It has its plot in a fictional world and its main cities. Muir and Chabone are some of them or perhaps more important in the Kingdom of Garrone. This mystical organisation's traditions, habits, and customs are governed by strict laws and controlled by royalty, represented here by the Successorium.

There is a law that is the most sacred of all. Their existence should never be revealed to humans. Even the Law of Destiny does not override the directive.

The decay of an ancient race by punishment for violating the laws of nature. This is the central theme addressed. Thus, the original race, Primordials, after the great fall, was divided into 4 species: sorcerers who mastered magic, wolves who possessed the ability to change their form, ichichos - little evolved creatures - and dominated by dominant power and Graves.

Of the surviving species, sorcerers and wolves face off, fighting the threat of extinction. Burials, for intolerance and rebellion, had been cursed. They had no magic of their own, but they could alter their physical form. They absorbed magic to stay alive, draining their victims. The kingdom was then divided between two species: wolves and sorcerers.

For years, Burials brought terror to the small nation until it fell into extinction because of its limitations.

It felt like a world destined to end.

In this way, ancient legends have always portrayed the beginning of a time when the race was unique and powerful. There was the most extraordinary legend among them about a witch who would walk among wolves. Well, sorcerers and wolves are natural enemies. We could not stop talking about the transformed - a failed attempt to combat the threat of extinction and that they created a wild and bestial species without control.

Many heirs of these clans, seeking salvation for their world, imagined finding ways in human knowledge to prevent a tragic end. So we have a clash between different cultures. In ancient religion, women have always been considered special. She had the gift of procreation. This approach is very different from the way women were treated at the time. The book reports some passages on the subject.

Finally, every good story has the girl in danger. A young woman cursed and kept anonymous. This is our main protagonist: Kassuim. We do not have as heroes a knight armed with moral principles.

The 18th century marks the end of the Modern Age in Europe.

It is the century of Enlightenment.

The world is the stage for events such as the Enlightenment and man will witness the French Revolution.

The Inquisition took place in the Middle Ages, a century ahead of time in our history has a stage. But the Sucessorium still maintained similar techniques, spreading terror to ensure their survival and secrecy from humans.

Thus, also the protagonist, Richard Morgan is a man who had access to studies in Europe and surprisingly finds himself tied to the responsibility of the pack's leadership.

He is one of the main captains of a Corsican'fleet of ships that served the Sucessorium in controlling the laws and his Court.

The rest, you will discover with the challenges in the search for the Pieces of 4, in the middle of Battle do Siege.

It was perhaps one of the worst fights between sorcerers and wolves in Chabone.

A cursed object of great power. What wolves and sorcerers would not do to use that power ...

Especially when, after centuries, once again the witch protected by the wolves walked among them.

Good Reading