
Blood and Water

Love the only glue other than mutual hatred than can bind two colliding forces together. A fairytale or a reality? time will tell if fate opposes or upholds. A trade of hearts one more than the other, this is a tale. A tale of blood and water.

MUNA_CHIMSO · perkotaan
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven

   The room was rowdy filled with buff  scary men ranging from different sizes. Some lean and muscular, others fat and burly with unkempt beards.

They were six men in total other than Toni seated round the table. Gio and another goon stood on both sides of Antonio with guarded expressions. I sat on the other end of the table against my wishes right in his line of sight.

I squirmed in my seat trying to divert his attention, his heated gaze had been trained on me ever since I stepped into the room. Even when he was speaking to other people he didn't look away, I couldn't meet his eyes fumbling with the hem of my dress.

The man to my left glanced down at me with distaste scowling at my petite frame. When it came to other women I was considered average in the height department but with these men I was no more than a mouse. The man to my right was a short and stubby man who's stomach made up majority of his body's mass.

He smirked at me trailing his eyes down my body with hooded eyes. He winked up at me once his eyes were done stripping me. I shivered recoiling back in my seat. Most of their conversations were in a different language so I spaced out.

My mind wandering off to the most bizarre of places. Like that lady I saw when I first got here she seemed to have disappeared into thin air after I only met her twice. She had a ring that she proudly flaunted, were they  married? Or just engaged.  Now was not the time to fuel my jealousy,not in a room filled with ruthless men who wouldn't think twice before putting a bullet through my head.

I glanced around at the gangster themed walls. The Ciovelli Crest at the very end of the room right behind Antonio's chair, The ice sword wrapped in swirls of red.

  Blood Is thicker than water

I mumbled trailing towards the other chairs in the room they were plain only Antonio's had the intricate designs that made it fit for a king. Our eyes met, I shivered looking away. he was still staring.

"Cosa mi impedisce di ucciderla ora eh"

[What's stopping me from killing her now huh?]

The man to my left growled cocking his gun, he pressed it to my temple rising to his feet. I didn't even bat an eyelash at his rigid stance did he really think I was scared of him. This isn't my first time at gun point he wasn't the first man to point a gun at me.

Antonio wasn't fazed as well, he didn't move still staring at me from his seated position.

"Do you even have some sort of plan to get rid of that father of yours?" He spat at me this time in English inching closer. If he had asked me this question a day ago I would have chickened out still empty handed but last night I thought about ot not getting a wink of sleep.

What's the most efficient way to get rid of Mariano Delgado? What else could I do other than give him a dose of his own medicine. he wasn't stupid but neither am I. I guess the apple doesn't really fall far from the tree.

"He's not my father, and yes I do!" I spat back at him bubbling with rage.

"Enlighten me" he chuckled pushing the gun firmly against my temple.

"A bomb"

"And how do you propose we get this bomb to a man whose whereabouts are not known to us?" He was amused and so were the rest of the men at the table.

"I will get it to him" I stated firmly glaring at him.

A roar of laughter reverberated round the room slamming their fists repeatedly on the table. It quaked under the weight of their fists.

"Really? And how do you plan on doing that. How do you plan on planting a bomb in Mariano's hideout when you don't even know where it is" he taunted, still laughing.

"Easy, I will be the bomb" The whole room stilled, all eighteen pairs of eyes were trained on me but I only glanced at one. He froze, his eyes widening for a split second you wouldn't notice it if you weren't looking at him like I was.

Yes it was a stupid plan, A suicide mission but love makes you do stupid things. I owed him my life  and what better way to repay him than taking down his biggest threat? It was a bonus for me as well an impromptu revenge.

He abruptly stood using the silence to his advantage he stomped his way towards me. Pulling me up by my arm he led me out the door.

"That's your big plan? A suicide mission! And what makes you think that I'm just going to let you die?" For a moment I mistook his fury for affection, I really was stupid.

Stupid enough to do this.

I pulled him in for a hug, praying that he wouldn't push me away.

"You don't know this but I made a promise to you and nothing is going to stop me from fulfilling that promise,not even you" I sobbed into his chest wrapping my arms even tighter around him.

  I wanted to savor the moment long before he came back to his senses and ripped me out of his arms.  The tears wouldn't stop flowing but I hoped that even now he would never remember me never again.

I hoped that he would find his lady in red and forget about me after I'm gone. I wanted him to be happy even if he's not with me. I wanted him to hate me so that loosing me would be a lot easier.

Finally after a long overdue moment he ripped himself out of my arms. Leaving me a sobbing mess in the hallway.

"Toni!" I called out for him my voice dripping with sheer desperation. He stopped and for a moment I thought that he'd finally come back for me just like he always did but he shrugged it off and kept moving.

Never stop Toni, A part of me wanted him to keep moving. To move on from me, from Mariano but another part wanted him to come back and hold me in his arms till the rest of the world faded away and it was just us.


          "I love you"
