
Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic

The Dance of Dragons, the event that caused House Targaryen to fall. They lose everything and gained little. And a large factor of why it started was because of the supposed bastard children of Rhaenrya. But what if on the wedding night between her and Laenor a child was sired and he was trueborn. Characters might be aged up a little such as the main character Jacaerys. Also this story will be a mix of the book and the show as the book doesn't have many interactions on record. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do no own Fire and Blood or House of the dragon.

TheManUnderTheBed · Televisi
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29 Chs

Son of the Sea and Skies

Rhaenyra Targaryen the Heir to the Iron Throne as was announced by her father King Viserys I, lay on a bed screaming in pain as she was having a hard and difficult labour, it had already been nearly 12 hours and yet the babe had not come. She cursed and screamed, she had not wanted to be married so soon but her father had insisted that to secure the Throne and to dismiss the rumours of her proclivities with her uncle that she would get married to Lord Corlys Velaryons son Laenor.

Laenor was a man who was brave and had a good heart, he was also rather handsome with his pale skin, silver-gold and purple eyes. He also rode the dragon Seasmoke and used it in numerous battles. However, none of those achievements or accolades helped when it came to his interactions with the fairer sex. The Princess and Laenor had come to an arrangement, they would be married and support each other as husband and wife would, while they pursued their other interests.

For Rhaenyra it had been Harwin Strong a man whom she had given her favour to at the Tourney that was held to announce the wedding of her and Laenor. While for Laenor it was Joffery Lonmouth a kind and well-liked man who had ended up being killed in the very same tourney due to the wrath of Ser Criston Cole. While Laenor was morose for months he still did his duty and was able to perform in the marriage bed, albeit with some difficulties. However, once was all it took and his seed had taken root.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" Rhaenyra screamed as she was once again told to push by Grand Maester Orwyle, something that infuriated her to no end. Her husband was nowhere to be found, she had heard rumours that he often sort solace in the arms of a young squire though his name she knew not.

"It won't be long now" Harwin Strong stated from the side of her bed, while it was highly unusual for the Captain of the city watch to be by her bedside when she was giving birth, however, she had not wanted to be alone and with her husband not there she felt comfort from his presence. She also thought that mayhaps he thought the child might be his, which she thought could be a possibility.

"Come now Rhaenyra, almost there" Old Wyl stated as he sat at the foot of the bed examining her, she hoped it would be over soon as she did not know how much longer she could take it "There we go, I can see it now, one more big push Princess" Old Wyl says for what Rhaenyra thinks is the hundredth time.

Nevertheless, she pushes, she pushes as hard as she can, a storm outside was raging the air howled with fury and lightning struck across the sky, it was as if they were at Storms End, the water in the Black Water rose high and crashed along the rocks of the shore, Small folk who saw it thought that the ocean had come to swallow them up.

It all seemed to peak as Rhaenyra finally managed to squeeze the babe out, the waves had reached their highest point almost swallowing up the beach head and the sky was lit up with flashes of lightning. Old Wyl held the baby who started crying a midwife wrapped it in the blanket and he smiled "A strong and healthy boy your grace" Old Wyl said proudly as he handed him to Rhaenyra. He was beautiful, he had silver gold hair and the most beautiful eyes Rhaenyra had ever seen, a crystal blue with some streaks of purple. While it became obvious who the father was she knew in that moment it didn't matter, she would love him the same.

Those who held superstitions had said that the skies and seas had roared in greeting for their new Lord.

Jacaerys Velaryon


Jacaerys is said to have been a curious child, in that regard it is said he took after his Grandsire, as soon as he could crawl he would venture out on his own often being found hours later as he had managed to get a fair distance away from where he was. How he was able to get past the wet nurses and those who cared for him no one knew. Once more a boy who wandered around on his hands and knees with a dragon accompanying him is a sight that is hard to not see.

Vermax had been hatched almost the month that it was put into the crib of Jacaerys and a bond between rider and dragon had never been stronger, Vermax would never allow itself to be removed from Jacaerys side and would be with him at all times. Even Targaryens were not spared from the tiny dragon's wrath as they tried to take him to the dragon pit. After many bitten fingers and a few clothes that were set on fire, they decided to leave him be, he never left Jacaerys side so he wouldn't be much trouble.

Jacaerys other companion was none other than Queen Alicent's daughter Helaena who was born the very same year as Jacaerys, their ages being only months apart. And while Aegon who was a grumpy baby and preferred to be with his mother or a wet nurse didn't play with them. Jacaerys and Helaena were almost as inseparable as his dragon was from him. While the King was glad to see his grandchild and daughter getting along so well the same couldn't be said for the Queen Alicent, she had known of Laenors proclivities as well as the closeness to the captain of the city watch. She had hoped the boy have more hints of his being a bastard, she still believed that he was a bastard though only being lucky enough to inherit his mother's features.

As Jacaerys grew up he began to walk and thus he began to explore more with Vermax and Helaena by his side, he'd found a lot of secret tunnels that went around the red keep though he only used them to visit Helaena at night as she often complained of strange dreams of dragons and fire, he would lay in bed with her and hold her hand with Vermax often standing guard over the two.

He enjoyed his Uncle Daemons' company the most outside of Helaena, he had returned from the Stepstones in 111 AC, and though he was hot-headed and crude he always found time for his nephew, though most rumoured that to be because he vied for Rhaenyras attention whom had still not forgiven him for so easily leaving. In 113 AC he began his fighting lessons which he took under the watchful eye of Daemon after he was treated rather roughy by Criston Cole. Though for what reason Jacaerys didn't know, a lot of people said this helped keep Daemon out of trouble as Jacaerys was an eager learner and did well with the sword even beating his uncle Aegon who had a years head start and was a bit bigger. His father Laenor as well took an interest in his martial education, as a man with certain desires he had not expected to have a son so he was joyed when Rhaenyra has given birth to one that was truly his, though he had steeled himself to love the children no matter if they were his or not.

Jacaerys continued to train and explore even travelling outside of the keep in secret, though he did that rarely as his Uncle Daemon had caught him more than once, Helaena often begged him to take her with him but he knew the Queen did not like him and he didn't wish to anger her any more than he already had. But then she asked him again while giving him a wide-eyed innocent look and he had forgotten why he even said no in the first place. He and Helaena would sneak out and tour the city in secret with Vermax often flying above them.

However one incident stopped them from doing this, they had wandered a bit too far and found themselves in flea bottom, a place full of unsavoury types, a place where even guards did not oft visit as it was deemed a lost cause. Being of Valyrian blood their features made them recognisable and to some of the more degenerate denizens, Beautiful. Armed with a dagger Jacaerys did his best to defend himself and Helaena from a large ugly man who attempted to grab them. However he was only 5 and what he could do against a fully grown man was limited, however Vermax was not limited in such a way.

Never straying far from his bonded he swooped down landing on the ground, he had grown to the size of a large horse in the five years it had been since he had hatched, a normal man would soil themselves and flee in terror at the sight of a dragon baring down on them, and this is what the man did though only the first part as Vermax did not allow him to flee setting him alight with his flames. Jacaerys watched the entire time as Helaena placed her head on his shoulders.

Needless to say, the boy was in trouble when they arrived back at the keep, a dragon swooping down and setting someone alight isn't something that can be easily hidden, when they arrived back at the Red Keep it was to a Queen who was hysterical, for hours search parties had been looking for the two and while Rhaenyra was worried for her son she knew he had Vermax and what better guard is there than a dragon. However, the Queen didn't see things this way and slapped the boy across the face dragging the young princess out of his arms and cursing him the whole time.

His Grandsire the king looked just as unimpressed as the Queen, for years he had dealt with his habit of wandering around and getting into trouble but he had gone too far this time. He would be sent off to foster with his Grandfather Coryls Velaryon in the hopes it would teach him some discipline, Rhaenyra begged and pleaded with the King to not do such a thing with even his Uncle believing it to be too harsh a punishment, but it all fell on deaf ears, a man had been killed by a dragon in Kings Landing, and while it may have been deserved the people won't feel safe anymore if they see the culprit flying above the city.

And so Jacaerys at 5 years of age was sent off to foster with the Lord of the Tides.


(119 AC)

Jace sat astride his dragon Vermax as they perched on a rock formation on Dragonstone, a place Jace often visited when he was able to fly on Vermax as it was the seat of Aegon the conqueror and when his mother became Queen it would be his seat. Though what he was doing now was a game he liked to play with Vermax, it served to increase their bond as well as their flying capability, it also got his blood racing.

Vermax screeched as it shifted on the rocks, it sensed something and it made the young dragon nervous "Gīda, vermax, bisa kessa sagon kirimves, (Calm, Vermax, this will be fun)" Jace said with a smirk on his face, at 10 years of age he had grown up well he was tall for his age and strong from years of training, he wore his silver-gold hair short in the style of the conquerer and his eyes only seemed to accentuate his beauty as they were the colour of the sky on a clear day with dashes of purple in them.

Vermax calmed at Jace's words as he put his arm on his neck, "Maghagon zirȳla hen, (Bring him out)" Jace said with a broad smile on his face, at his words, the dragon roared a mighty roar which shook a few lose rocks from where they were perched. Silenced reigned after the dragon's roar however that was until the earth seemed to tremble inside a cave just beneath them a roar seems to shake the very earth that they stood upon. Jace felt his heart pumping as the adrenaline flowed through his veins. And that's when he saw him in all his glory, with scales as black as coal and green eyes that seemed to glow, this was the dragon Jace had started bothering for the past year, one of the Wild dragons of Dragonstone, Cannibal.

"Sōvegon Vermax, (Fly Vermax)" Jace commanded as his dragon leapt off the rock formation flapping its powerful wings as it took flight. Cannibal roared as it took flight after him, the wild dragon was massive being bigger than Caraxs but not bigger than Vhagar, either way, he was much bigger than Vermax and not yet old enough to be too slow.

As Jace flies Vermax through the treacherous rocky landscape of Dragonstone, the wind roars in his ears, and the adrenaline courses through his veins. The sheer exhilaration of having roused the wild dragon Cannibal is both terrifying and thrilling. With every beat of Vermax's powerful wings, Jace can feel the ground shaking beneath them as Cannibal closes in.

"Iksā paez uēpa zaldrīzes, (You are a slow old dragon)" Jace shouts out to the larger approaching dragon only getting a roar in return.

As they soar through narrow ravines and twist through rocky arches, Cannibal's roars echo, sending shivers down Jace's spine. The wild dragon's massive form casts a shadow over Jace and Vermax, making it seem like a nightmare pursuing them. Vermax, however, proves to be an agile and skilful flyer, dodging sharp cliff edges and sudden rocky outcrops with precision.

As they navigate the perilous terrain, Cannibal's jaws snap dangerously close, narrowly missing Vermax's tail. Jace grits his teeth, urging Vermax to push harder, praying that they can outmanoeuvre the relentless beast. The island's jagged rocks create a labyrinth, and Jace skillfully guides Vermax through tight squeezes and sudden drops, using every ounce of his flying expertise to evade Cannibal's relentless pursuit.

At one point, they find themselves trapped in a narrow gorge, with Cannibal closing in from behind. With a burst of speed and an impressive mid-air spin, Vermax narrowly avoids Cannibal's fiery breath, which sears the rocky walls behind them. The heat and smoke only add to the tension and chaos of the chase.

Jace's heart races as he senses the danger, but the excitement of the chase pushes him to keep going. He maintains a strong bond with Vermax, trusting the dragon's instincts as they twist, turn, and weave through the rocky maze.

Finally, just as Cannibal seems about to catch up, Jace spots an opening to a hidden cave. He urges Vermax to dive, and with a powerful downward stroke of his wings, they plummet into the darkness of the cave, leaving Cannibal roaring in frustration outside.

Inside the cave, the air is cold and damp, and Jace and Vermax take a moment to catch their breath. Jace leans against Vermax's sturdy scales, his smile now tinged with relief. They had narrowly escaped the clutches of the wild dragon, and the thrill of their daring escape lingers in the air.

As Jace and Vermax catch their breath inside the dark cave, the adrenaline continues to surge through their veins. The narrow passage offers some protection, but they both know that it's not a haven. Cannibal could easily track them down if they linger for too long.

After a brief moment, Jace decides they must keep moving. Vermax spreads his wings, and with a powerful leap, they take flight once again. The cave opens up to a hidden valley on the other side of the rocky island, providing a brief respite from the narrow confines.

As they fly over the valley, Jace notices a series of ancient ruins spread across the landscape. He hadn't had much time to explore Dragonstone as much as he would've liked to but at the moment he had bigger worries as Cannibal's relentless pursuit forces him to focus on the present danger.

Suddenly, Cannibal reappears, soaring overhead, and lets out another earth-shaking roar. It seems the wild dragon has caught their scent and refuses to give up the chase. With a surge of determination, Jace urges Vermax to push on, trying to outmanoeuvre their relentless pursuer.

Vermax dips and weaves, using the valley's natural features to their advantage. They fly low between ancient pillars and crumbling structures, hoping to lose Cannibal in the maze of ruins. Jace's heart pounds, fully aware that any mistake could cost them their lives.

Cannibal's fiery breath licks at their heels, and Jace can feel the intense heat singeing the scales on Vermax's tail. The dragon lets out a defiant growl, determined not to be caught. Jace holds on tight, his mind racing with strategies to stay ahead.

As they continue the chase, Jace spots a narrow passage between two large cliffs up ahead. It's a risky manoeuvre, but it might be their best chance to shake off Cannibal. Without hesitation, he signals Vermax to make a daring dive through the passage.

The gap is tight, and the rocky walls threaten to scrape against Vermax's wings, but the dragon pulls off the manoeuvre with grace. Cannibal roars in frustration as he struggles to follow them through the narrow gap. They manage to gain a few precious moments of distance.

However, the respite is short-lived. The valley's terrain opens up again, and Jace knows they can't afford to slow down. Vermax kicks into high gear, soaring toward the island's coastal cliffs. They have an idea – a risky one – but it might be their only chance to truly escape.

With a burst of speed, Vermax ascends rapidly, aiming for the cliff's highest point. Jace can feel the wind rushing past, and the ground falls away beneath them. At the last moment, Vermax tucks his wings and executes a sharp turn, diving steeply toward the ocean below.

Cannibal, caught off guard by the sudden change in direction, struggles to match their aerial acrobatics. As Jace and Vermax descend rapidly toward the crashing waves, the wild dragon roars in anger, realizing he's been outmanoeuvred.

At the very last moment, Vermax pulls up, just inches above the ocean's surface, and they skim along the water's edge. The spray of saltwater douses them, and Jace holds on tight, hoping they can maintain control.

"Ahahahahhaha, Sȳrkta biarves hembar jēda uēpa vala, (Better luck next time old man)" Jace shouts back at Cannibal who roars in anger at Jace and Vermax having escaped him once again. Usually, Jace would head back to Dragonstone to visit his family since they had recently moved there not wanting to be in Kings Landing but after enraging the dragon so much he decided it best to head back to Driftmark, the home of his Grandsire and the place he had fostered for the past five years.

He circled Dragonstone widely as he headed towards Driftmark, it wasn't long before he saw the island in the distance and he steered Vermax towards the seat of House Valeryon, High tide a place of pale stone towers topped with silver that glistened in the sun. Vermax landed in the courtyard with Jace easily slipping down from his saddle, he put his head on Vermax and whispered some words into his ear before he patted him on his side urging him to fly off and hunt. For his entire life Jace had made sure Vermax had lived free, he would never confine him as his family had done to their dragons, they were creatures of the sky not the ground and they needed to be free to roam. 

"Did you enjoy your ride? Didn't get into too much trouble I hope" A voice sounded out from behind him.

He turned to see his Grandmother Rhaenys Targaryen, she had a smile on her face as she approached the courtyard from inside the keep, she had long black hair that was starting to grey and purple eyes. She was the rider of Meleys the crimson queen and had taken him on many rides when he was younger.

"You wound me, Grandmother, When have I ever gotten myself into trouble," Jace said with a sweet smile on his face.

Rhaenys rolls her eyes and cuffed the back of his head "Your Grandfather wants to see you, something important I believe" she said with a smile as if she knew what it was.

Jace thanked her and kissed her on the cheek before heading into the keep. Rhaenys looked at the receding form of her Grandson, he greatly took after her husband, always needing to go to some new place and discover new things. She loved him fiercely like she did all her grandchildren, though sometimes she wished she had more by her son and his wife. Lucerys and Joffery were different from their brother each having brown hair dark eyes and a pug nose, Rhaenys was not stupid, she knew what this meant and it did infuriate her somewhat but her son was happy and that was what mattered most to her.


Jace walked inside the keep taking his gloves off and tucking them into his breeches, all the servants greeted him and he greeted them back with a smile, he found that being friendly with the servants was a must when you snuck out of the castle regularly, they are usually the ones who'd catch you or run into you.

As Jace entered the Great Hall with the driftwood throne he saw his grandfather standing in front of the hearth looking at the flames "I hope you haven't been bothering that old beast again" Corlys says with a stern face.

Jace gives him a helpless smile and shrugs his shoulders "I was not caught this time or any other time"

"But next time could be your last boy!" Corlys replies

"It is only the one who fears tomorrow that will never live their life, if I'm to sit on that blasted throne then I have a lot of living to do" Jace replies not phased by his grandfather.

Corlys can't help but smile, he was very much the same at his age, even now he felt confined to the castle and longed for the sea but such was the life of a lord "I've decided to accept your request, you've wanted to go on your voyage since you learned to sail a boat, and you will"

Jace's eyes lit up in excitement but before he could get too excited "But I will be joining you, you no doubt wish to go somewhere dangerous so I would be remiss to allow you to go alone"

Jace sighed but at the end of the day he did not do this for reputation, he knew if his grandfather came it wouldn't be the first voyage of Jacaerys Velaryon but the tenth of Corlys Velaryon "Very well Grandfather, I only need three ships, for this voyage anymore would be unnecessary"

Coryls nods his head "And where shall we be sailing these three ships?"

Jace laughs "If I told you that then you'd be an accomplice and you'd deal with grandmother and my mother's wrath when we came back"

Coryls laughs "Very wise then, speaking of whom you should visit your family before we leave"

Jace nods and then bows before leaving the Great Hall.


Flying across the sea and to the isle of Dragonstone Jace is once again awed by the large castle with towers shaped like dragons, he hoped he'd be able to see more Valyrian architecture at some point during his voyage. Vermax lands down in the courtyard of the castle, Jace jumps down and heads inside responding to the greetings of the guards.

Jace as soon as he enters the painted table room is set upon by his younger brother, he laughs as he grabs Lucaeys with An arm and lifts him into a hug "Jace!" He says excited to see his older brother visiting them. 

His mother looks up from whatever work she was doing and smiles, she did not often see her firstborn so it warmed her heart whenever he visited "You are growing, you're gonna be taller than father if you keep it up" he said to his brother as he set him down "Luke go and get father" he whispers as the little lad hurries off.

He walks to his mother, pushes her down back into her seat and starts to massage her shoulders, he did this whenever he could tell she was worried "It's good to see you mother, tell me what ails you" he says softly to her as she closes her eyes relaxing into his grip.

Rhaenyra smiles "It is nothing to concern yourself over Jace, just seems that bad news is the only type I seem to receive these days"

Jace just stands behind her listening as he digs his fingers into her shoulders "I wish I could've ended it all with a betrothal of you to Helaena but the Queen seems adamant to make it difficult"

Jace felt his chest tighten slightly, he missed Helaena more than he cared to admit even if they were separated while they were young "Keep trying to make peace, the alternative is too awful to speak of" he said as he kissed her cheek.

He then sits on the painted table in front of her "I am going to be leaving with grandfather on a voyage soon, I imagine I will be gone for a while"

Rhaenyra finds her smile disappear "Where will you be going?" She asks with a raised eyebrow, she knew Coryls was infamous for going to the most dangerous places and she would burn Driftmark to the ground if he dared take her son to Assahi by-the-shadow.

Jace smiles "Volantis, I've always wanted to see the architecture as it's very Valyrian," he says convincingly.

Rhaenyra nods and breathes out a sigh of relief "I'm glad you came to visit me before you left" she said as she pulled him into a hug tightly squeezing him, Jace hugged her back his head going into the crook of her neck.

'I'm sorry for lying to you mother but if I have to do this, Valyria calls to me I can feel it' he thinks to himself as he hugs his mother for what could be the last time.

After hugging her he smiles before leaving, going to see his father before he heads out, he can't look at his mother's face as he knows it'll weaken his resolve

'If I look back I am lost'

And so on 119 AC at only 10 name days, Jace heads on his first expedition to Valyria only with his dragon and three ships.

(AN: New Fic, will be based on a dance of dragons if that's not obvious, Jace is a true born and he's a bit older than in canon but apart from that things stay relatively the same with the exception of Daemon being exiled for taking Rhaenyras virginity, since she married a bit earlier it never happened and he ended up following canon and marrying laenor after his wife died. I'm trying to make the timeline simple as to not have to complicate matters but yeah, things will diverge in the Dance and before then. How? No idea but I'll get to it. Atm Jace is only a kid so he'll want to have his adventures and shit. Atm harem ideas are open, Helaena will be in it, but apart from that it's open. Also this fic is gonna be a bit shorter than my others averaging around 4000-5000 words per chapter which I discovered is basically an average game of thrones chapter so not too bad. But it's also cause I have like 6 fics now that I'm writing though only supporters know about the spider man one which is too rough for the public 😂

If ya like my work consider supporting me.
