
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

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52 Chs

Chapter 21 - Meeting

Whatever I do from now is for my own enjoyment and if those who dislike my decision can leave and read another fanfic.


My eyes opened to see a white void vastly different from the empty black void that I am used to. Normally I would feel distressed to be awoken in such a plane but living in one of the marvel universes made me numb to many strange things. 

This definitely is not some sort of dream as it feels too real to be fake and I'm an expert in knowing what's real and what is not.

"You're quite in the nose."

A voice came from behind me, finding a scene of a kind looking old man with features that were perfect for his age with long thick white beard and hair writing something in an old leather book sitting on a tree that was just any tree but had shimmering silhouettes that form a tree. 

"Let me guess, you're One above all or manifestation of him at least." 

He turned to look at me stopping his scribbles into the book before bursting into laughter. 

"Hahaha indeed I am. It's been quite some time since you've arrived in this part of the Omniverse."

Omniverse? Shouldn't it be multiverse? Also why can't I make out his features unlike how it presented itself in the comics. I mean I've known about him and seen but never in an in depth detail. 


In that moment his features change into a delicate and beautiful blonde woman that took me by surprise then change into a change once again into a blonde young boy. 

"...you're special."

"Aiyah…don't tell me I have some background that I forgot and now needed to recover?"

'He' didn't say anything, merely smiled at me. That was enough to tell me I am indeed something that meets the eye. Though, it meant there were more ways for me to get stronger and reach heights higher than before.

"Of course, you don't need to rush. There is still time for that but I called you here for another reason."

The One Above All stood up placing the book beside him that soon vanished changing the scenery into a pavilion and both of us were sitting for a cup of coffee.

"Why did you appear now?"

I asked since normally this kind of scenario, the random omnipotent being would show themselves and give them wishes.

"Indeed why did I show myself now? Well let's just say things got out of hand."

'He' pondered for a moment then said. 


'He' asked, showing some sugar cubes and I merely shook my heads. 

"Well, suit yourself."

'He' poured some into the cup while I just looked at it then to him feeling a bit suspicious of the situation.

"You shouldn't be alarmed when you know full well what I'm capable of."

Indeed, I am not a fool challenging an entity that stood above all, hence the name. I merely scoffed, crossing my arms and said.

"Hah, you said I'm special which means I have something you don't."

'He' raised his brow amused by my words, taking another sip of his drink and said.

"Indeed, I'm merely an idea and thoughts that mold what is given to me. I neither destroy you nor create you and I'm not lying that you are your own."

His words seem sincere and could not determine if there are any lies in them. I don't even know if I have free reign in my will. There's nothing I could do but listen to what he wanted to discuss. 

"Good you are willing to listen and even if I tell you countless times that I don't have control over your life, you won't believe me."

"An Omnipotent entity with power above all is nothing to take lightly."

"Indeed, but you know the feeling of knowing everything and controlling everything yet still give individual free will. This is no different but mine is just at a larger scale."

I can't refute his words and gave up for now taking the coffee to calm my nerves. It was then I noticed that I was actually feeling stressed?

"What did you do to me?"

"Calm down, I have done nothing to you but your power is merely at scale that is far too insignificant in this plane. As you are now won't last against the enemies that had scattered across the multiverse that put the world in chaos."


I exclaimed, curious what kind of entity does One Above All consider its enemy. It nodded to me taking another sip of his cup.

"I'll get to that, as I was saying I cannot interfere that often and use agents to do my task in order to give balance to this Multiverse."

He held out his hand and soon a shimmering golden ball encased in geometric shape. 

"This is Astral Regulator, a powerful artifact, more powerful than the Infinity stones, that I created to keep the different universes of the Marvel Multiverse from clashing into each other. The Regulator of each universe is stored in a highly protected place where most beings would immediately die."

Interesting, an object more powerful than infinity stones? If it is a regulator then it means it can reshape any word once wielded.

"I am willing to give this to you that would enable you to survive a trip between another Multiverse outside of the Cosmo of Marvel. This artifact can absorb other cosmic entities, even myself included."

Huh? Seriously? Whoever gains that power would have likely destroyed the whole Marvel multiverse. 


"I know you well and trust that you won't abuse it. You need to gather as much power as you can and escape this multiverse, afterwards defeat the variables scattered in the other multiverse."

"Wait, couldn't you just bring me to that place since you brought me here or rather use your immense power to erase them?"

He shook his head and said.

"I cannot or rather will not. I've already said that I cannot interfere more than I should."

The One Above All stood up gesturing for me to follow and I looked at the pond below as he proceeded to feed the fish with something. 

"You have no goal nor ambition. I am willing to give you a little push for the benefit of the Omniverse and yourself."

He said, indeed I am just living the life since most work is done by my clone. Though, I also wanted to explore the universe but don't know where to start since it's like traversing an endless sea.

"Then what is it that you want me to do besides what you said?"

"Reach the peak of this reality then you transgress outside of this multiverse. Afterwards, defeat any irregularity that has brought imbalance to that multiverse."

"Who are these irregularities?"

I asked while the One above all turned to me and said.

"Someone had orchestrated a game where 100 reincarnator were chosen and given wishes in order to make the perfect vessel. This causes the barrier of each multiverse to slowly crumble and deformed."


"Yes, fortunately it only occured recently and would allow them to transgress other realities after a few years since I'm trying my best to block them."

"How come you are being held back when you're One Above All?"

It literally is like dividing infinity and zero that result in complete nonsense. The One above all merely chuckles from my statement.

"Foolish child, everytime I manifest only a fragment of my true might is formed. As I've told you from the beginning, I have just thoughts and ideas. Regardless you should only kill those who abuse their power to their own debauchery but it would be ideal to befriend those who only want peace or leave them be or even turned them into your subordinate."

It got me thinking about the enjoyment of fighting them and somehow a feeling in my heart was awakening. The desire for great battle. I've been far too selfless that I haven't done a single thing that I truly want beside women I guess.

He smiled when I smirked since I've been eager to find out what kind of people I'll be fighting.

"Good now that you're on board. There's a few things you should know, find Chthon and devour his essence to become the Scarlet king then find all the Infinity stones, afterwards find all other cosmic entities before absorbing a piece of their power."

I was already planning to but since those entities are more true abstract creatures made me unable to absorb them even The Phoenix showed me that I am unable to completely absorb something that has strong will and is complex in its creation.

"This will allow you to still retain some extra dimensional magic power after you arrive in those multiverses. Of course because you're out of this multiverse you won't be able to completely use any cosmic power but your Yaldabaoth remains including the mutant powers."

"Wait what? Are you seriously going to nerf me?"

"No, it is just the systematic function that I've made throughout the Omniverse. These rules define those multiverses and if it is taken to another then chaos ensues. You can still use it but at a smaller scale. This is why I want you to acquire some of the cosmic entities' power since it would at least influence those worlds. In a way, you are absorbing the power of Law. Not to mention it prevents those multiverses from collapsing." 

I see it won't be as easy in the marvel world but still able to influence those realities with the power I've absorbed. Though, it's a bit frustrating that I can't have an easy road but it just makes things more fun.

"This also will protect you and reality from collapsing. The regulator also enables you to absorb those Reincarnators' power and add them to your own since most of them are protected by that person."


He stopped for a moment and said in a serious tone. 

"I cannot tell you because even its name can call upon that person. Let's just call that person….The One True Devil."

"Ain't that an edgy name."

"It is just a fitting title. Regardless, you still have a lot of time until then. I will only summon you when you're ready and it's fine to bring someone with you but you have to find a way to bring them, like letting them stay inside your pocket dimension."

I nodded since that's what I'm planning anyway. 

"Wait won't they also need some sort of way to be protected?"

"No, once you bring them with you then it would be fine."

"Then I'm up for the task. I was also planning on exploring anyway, this is just a bonus."

He laughed at my words pleased by the answer I've given him. 

"Then take this and I shall let Raphael tell you the rest of the task you are given."

I nodded before the One Above All sent the regulator into me that seemed to cleanse my whole existence turning my flesh into something vastly different than it previously had.  

The immense power pouring into me was overwhelming that I could feel everything and nothing all at onces. In the tiniest speck to the largest scale that is the multiverse reach the boundary of all laws in the cosmos. 

[ You have acquired the Astral Regulator. ]

[ Description: An immensely powerful artifact that separates the universe from colliding with each other. 

– Has the ability to absorb anything and turn it into themselves. ]

Yet those moments were cut short when I witnessed change and flashes of memories came into my mind as I was able to gain more about who Yaldabaoth truly was. 

A saw a man who looked just like me surrounded by numerous women as he sat on a throne. The regulator soon reshaped itself into a halo on top of my head rather than its geocentric shape forming an infinite loop in the front. 

'Is this the future or the past? Jeez there is too much shit going on all at once but this is just too small. How powerful was Yaldabaoth!?'

I questioned before the scene changed as my eyes opened to look up at the ceiling turning to my side and saw Jean Grey still asleep. I move to fix her a bit and sighing to myself.

"There's so many things to prepare but those can wait. I'll just prepare a few people who can come with me. I'm not too sure if I can do this alone."

Acting a lone wolf won't be ideal even with my clones. Unlike people, clones can't give their opinions and help with the planning. 

Jean's eyes began to twitch then opened to reveal fiery gaze before returning into its normal state and looking at me tiling her head.

"Is something bothering you?"

She asked worriedly, receiving a nod from me.

"There is but trust me that I'll tell you everything but not now, okay?"

Jean heard my voice and nodded as she buried more into my body feeling her breast pressing itself into me. 

"Then let's sleep some more."

I looked to my side and it was still night time, deciding that it was better to relax. I soon slumber once more while thoughts went to the idea of tasting the regulator. 

'Raphael, when I absorb the cosmic entities can I give them to other individuals?'

[ Yes, they'll become those beings without their will. ]

I nodded since I planned on making individuals into those cosmic entities. As if I'm creating a pantheon of gods and goddesses. 

'Are those Reincarnators going to arrive in this verse?'

[ The answer is uncertain.. ]

I frowned but don't mind since I'll just get rid of them. For now strength and development of the Imperium is a priority.


It was still early morning, Jean remained asleep and as I went to test the Astral Regulator in my pocket dimension. The halo appeared where I felt nothing special as of yet but I took out the darkhold that was a piece of Chthon. 

There many ancient and powerful spells inscribed into the textbook yet I held my hand and instead felt it being absorbed into my body turning into my own. My body emanated a chaotic red burst of aura as the power of Chthon that connects into this world was completely severed while I knew where he was now. 

This is the power of the Scarlet with but now the title has changed and turned into the Scarlet king. The sound of the primal cries echoes through my space as it expands even further than before. 

[ Character Template: Scarlet King ]

The power I wield is beyond Galactus now even the infinity stone has no meaning to me now but I'll devour it to create my own. Even though I'm aware of One above All made me his agent doesn't mean I am exempt from living tribunal judgement.

I noticed how my wrist formed thick handcuffs with long broken chains. My power has truly reached a new height but it is underwhelming when it would be nothing when I head outside of this reality. Even still, I need to do this and at least I'll be powerful enough against any enemy in this world. 


After my date with Jean and spending some time with my daughters where Illyana often played with them and Kitty along with her friends joined us to play. It was fun but this day belongs to Wanda, who I visited in the Kamar Taj. It was a lot more complicated than just teleporting there. 

I had to blitz my way to the place where I needed to use some magical power to break into the place. When I did break in immediately cause the whole sanctum to panic and sorcerers rally up to subdue me.

"At ease, he's an ally."

Everyone turned to the voice and saw Doctor Strange, the sorcerer supreme with his iconic cloak hovering toward me as I just puffed a smoke for fun that made Stephen's eyes twitch.

"Can you find a better way to get inside than breaking in?"

"Then it wouldn't be as fun and grand."

He crumbled in annoyances while I just smirked at him remaining laid back despite being surrounded by sorcerers from all directions even if they weren't sorcerer supreme doesn't mean all of them should be underestimated. 

"I believe you're here to get Wanda?"

"Yes and No, there's something I want to discuss."

My tone turned serious, getting Strange attention since I rarely act this way if it wasn't. I may act laid back and uncaring at times but when it is something important then I don't like to joke around. 

"Very well, follow me so we can talk more privately."

I nodded, following him shifting space and bringing me to take a seat. 

"Now what is that you like to tell me?"

"Lower your mental barrier and let me send the information."

"No…just tell me."

"Alright, then. keep your secret."

He frowned in annoyances once more but I quickly said.

"Okay sorry, I'll cut to the case. I've found a child who's aptitude for magic is overwhelming that I believe she is suited to be your apprentice."

My words cause his brow to be intrigued by my statement.

"What is her name and age?"

"Illyana Rasputina, a sister of my friend and she's, I believe to be 6 years old."

"Too young but I'll keep her in mind until she reaches the right age to start."

"That's fine, I think it would be bad for her if we take her childhood." 

"Is there anything else?"

"Besides seeing where Wanda is."

He nodded shifting the space more and brought me where Wanda was chanting while memorizing as many magic spells. Her power was steadily growing but a part of her was still missing. 

"Guess who comes to visit!"