
Chapter 4

Gemma's POV

As Kensi left the room, I could see my two children peaking their heads around the doorway.

"Hey you two" I smiled as I patted the top of the bed beside me; motioning for them to come over to the bed where I was lying down.

Once seated we explained in simple terms that mommy was going to have to careful with her body as it was in a delicate position and that I was going to be doing less around the house for awhile.

Adrian and I decided that because there was still a significant risk of a miscarriage given my medical history, that we would wait to tell them until I was further along in my pregnancy.

If someone went wrong on this pregnancy I wouldn't want the children to be devastated by the loss. It would be hard enough dealing with our own grief, much less trying to help children understand the loss of a sibling.

I prayed that we were worried for no reason and that Sapphire and Jasper would get their little sibling that they had been wanting for more than two years.

"Mommy, are you sick?" Sapphire asked in concern, bordering on fear.

"No, mommy's not sick" I said at the same time Adrian said "no, mommy just needs extra rest right now".

I noticed Sapphire did not look convinced. Surprisingly Jasper did not say anything. But then I thought back to his question that sparked the whole incident leading up to the discovery of my pregnancy. I mentally noted to thank him later when I was far enough along to be "out of danger" of a miscarriage.

A knock at the door sounded just as Adrian and I finished talking to the children about the changes we would have to make.

"Enter" Adrian called out in his gruff and slightly gravelly voice.

"Lunch is ready" the white haired lady said as she entered my bedroom.

"Thank you Gwyn, we will be there shortly" I said, then she curtsied and left while holding one child in each hand. They were smiling up at her as they talked in an animated fashion.

My children clearly adored the older lady and judging from the loving smile that reached clear to her eyes, the feeling was mutual.

Adrian must have noticed my worry that I tried to conceal. He climbed into the bed beside me and pulled me gently into his arms.

"Everything is going to be ok." He reassured me. He stayed beside me, holding me, until I fell asleep. An act I very much appreciated since I was well aware that he was very busy.

The time he spent with us, his family, was a sacrifice of time he needed to spend in order to grow stronger.