
Blessed By Arceus: Travelling Worlds with Pokemon

Just a tip: Don't play Pokemon Go while walking. By the way, this is a light-hearted fic and a wish-fulfillment so don't get serious about it. Be warned in advance about Cliche events.

HaremIsLife69 · Komik
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27 Chs

Chapter: 3 - Hall of Origins 3/3

Arceus revealed a slight shock expression because she did not expect Deejay to agree immediately. Still, she knows why Deejay is like this. He is tired of working as an artist and wanted a new and peaceful life. For him, playing Pokemon Go was peaceful.

"So... I take it that you agree wholeheartedly about this?" She asked for the last time, her voice conveying hope and a little smile on her pretty face.

Smiling back, Deejay nodded his head and replied "I agree with no problems but I really need something to back me up, right? So what should I do?"

Gratified by his reply, Arceus told him to kneel again and he did. She moved her small hand with golden claws, placing it on Deejay's temple. A few seconds later, Arceus started to mumble with Deejay not understanding every word she spouts out.

Neon colors covered his body, and Deejay was surprised because these colors we're very familiar to him. It was the color of each type a Pokemon has from red, green, blue until fairy type to the dragon. The process took almost half an hour until Arceus finally stopped and calmly opened her eyes.

"Have you felt it?" She asked with her melodic yet cute voice.

Deejay was still consuming the power that entered his body. Different colors glowing out like a visible aura that can be clearly seen once emitted.

"I really wanted to give you more but your body can endure it, yet. The more you are getting stronger, the powerful you will be, obviously. Don't worry about that because I will give you two gifts before you leave here."

Not saying anything, he nodded his head.

"Okay, so. First is I have three helpers that will help you in your mission. You can freely call or withdraw them like those Pokeball but for you its different. You will just have to think about what you wanted to do."

Arceus snapped her finger and three spheres of light started to get larger until it finally materialized. A bright light flashes that area for a moment and then, three Pokemon dropped on the ground that causes a minor impact.

"Garchomp, Metagross, and Komm-O. Meet your new master."

Then, all of them obeyed there creator and floated in front of Deejay. They lowered their head and greeted him by voicing out their species.

"Do you recognize them Deejay?" Arceus proudly asked.

Those three she called are the three strongest Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon. Specially Garchomp with higher stats for almost every game Deejay has played but that was not the reason why he is surprised.

"Why are they mega evolved already? And all are shiny? Though Kommo-O doesn't have a mega evolution, a variant type for their species is already very promising." Deejay started to mutter in a low voice while looking at them in a surprised expression.

Placing her hand on his shoulder, Arceus whispered through his ears "Did you feel something growing inside of you?"

This made Deejay got out from his trance, her hot breath, and cute seductive voice really made him feel something growing but that is what not Arceus was talking about.

"You pervert..." She said with a smug face.

Deejay is a man that never get blushed when encountering or even compliment by women but this... Arceus was different.

Tilting her head, Arceus's smug face vanished as she clearly hears Deejay mumbling. "She's legal. I'm not a lolicon."

"It's not that you idiot... What I mean is, do you feel your power growing?"

"You should have told me that earlier! I'm a teenager you know and I get attracted to poke-- I mean girls doing that to me." He answered back.

"You're not good at lying". She said deadpan and continued. "Anyhow, your power is growing, right?"

Deejay closed his eyes and nodded his head "Yes, the moment you told them that I will be their new owner."

"About that, I will tell you this. The more you get stronger, the stronger they also will become and that is not all of it. The three fo them can defeat you easily but now they can't because their strength will also be yours. Give and take."

Deejay was happy by what she told, it made him excited that if they train together and at the same time, their power will increase very fast. Heck, even he will just sleep and the three of the train? His power will still increase. But he's not that kind of guy, there's a reason why Arceus chose him as her champion.

"Also, the second one is a very powerful space orb Deejay. An easy term of it is you can call it the Pokemon World. No humans and other species in there, all are Pokemon. You can also freely enter and exit. Defeating some Pokemon will also get you stronger. But my advice to you will be this. Have you ever thought about why I didn't let my legendary children accompany you?"

She was right, Deejay wondered about it. It will be easy for his journey if the strongest legendary are with him, so he bobbed his head and asked. "Yes. Why not them?"

"I already introduce you to them and all of them wanted to accompany you but first they want to test you by defeating them in a battle. You must first start fighting the least powerful of my children and capture them to increase your strength slowly."

Arceus raised her hand and a transparent screen appeared. "Don't fight Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina yet okay? Start with my cuties like Manaphy."

"I understand Arceus." He pondered for a second then agreed.

[To Be Continued]