


I am in California right now living my life like any other person earning a living and doing my best to stay away from the limelight for the time being. I have traveled to a lot of places in my life my family was always moving from one place to another this is also one of the reason why I don't have many friends except for one . Whenever I wanted to know the cause my parents were able to find a very reasonable excuse to put an end to my question , until now I haven't gotten an answer and now I am never going to get one but one thing that I have gathered till now is that they didn't want to come to California for some reasons and as stubborn as I am I have decided to come here to find out more about my past and doing exactly the same thing my mother has warned me, sticking my nose where I shouldn't. I have made myself comfortable in here having a job , few new friends and doing my little research about my family but there is nothing as if they didn't even exits so I can't be too obvious while doing this and also I have to keep my friends away from this mess because this is dangerous . I have experienced some of the life taking incidents in this mission of mine but I have also gained some trust worthy allies .This is the shady secret of my life I am not what people think of me I am so much more and dangerous and merciless but in the day time i am just a normal girl who lives a boring life .


In evening when I came back from work

I was treated way to well by Grace. This happen often when she wants something from me.

Your coffee is in your room. She said and so is your dress for tonight

What dress? I asked.

No! We are not going out again. Today is our movie night and I just want to sit back and relax.

But I have promised Allison and Janet we will come I can't back out now (other two best friends ). She said by making puppy eyes face.

Your eyes won't work on me honey. And no we are not going, I am picking out a movie and you are going to make yourself comfortable. Go get some popcorn.

Its weekend and nobody is allowed to stay at home during weekend night.

Still not convincing. I said

Okay enough go and get ready or else I am dragging you in your pajamas.

Okay, okay I am going no need to get angry.

I changed myself into that dress and holy god that dress was so sexy and expensive. She must have chosen that dress on purpose. She wants me to have some fun in life and wants me to fall in love. And this is the only thing that I am running from feelings and emotions they are so complicated.

You ready? She shouted

Almost just coming. I replied. Let her wait a little


As we went in we were soon joined by the girls. And just like that the party begins we talk, drink and dance and than again talk this scenario went on until we were joined by few lads. And after that the real party begin drinks after drinks along with lots of dancing until we lost the track of time . And soon enough my three girls left with the three boys leaving me alone with the one of them

As they left we also stopped drinking and went out to have some fresh air.

Wanna go somewhere more peaceful? He said .

Sure. I replied

Never seen you before here. He said

I don't come here often not my thing.

What is your thing then.

Nothing much. Just want to enjoy my night all by myself but my friends have different plans for me and it is difficult for me to say no to them so here I am.

What about you? You don't look like some party kind of guy. I asked

Naa, just here to handle some business today but I am glad I came. He said with a hint of a smile on his face

We soon stopped at the park it was empty no one was there because it was 2 in the morning. We talked in general and surely he was flirting his way out at every possible moment he got. Our sweet little conversation was interrupted by a phone call. As he went forward to pick it up I got my chance to look at him without looking like a creep.

He was tall dark and masculine his hair was messy which was giving him a sexy look his black shirt was perfectly hung around his muscles....

Ugh what happened to me why am I fantasizing over a man I need to stop myself and fast.(A girl can't date but surely can watch)

Come let me drop you home I am sorry I have to cut our date short but I have to go.

Was it a date?I said while teasing him

It can be if you want to he said by giving out a prefect smirk from his lips

A friendly one like getting to know one another I said while getting up and it's ok I can find my way. You can go it seems like an emergency

Now now then how can I call myself gentleman ever again if I let you go on your own. My car is parked at the club we have to walk back there .

Okay let's go then I said.

In thirty minutes I was back at my apartment .

Goodbye. It was nice meeting you.

It's not a goodbye he corrected we are going to see each other a lot and I owe you a date too I guess.

Next weekend if you are free? He said

Ummm let's see I said

I know you will change your mind he said and can I have your number .

That's how my weekend ended and my life became more complicated than before....