
Chapter 2: Orange Hair

Early in the morning, Luo just walked around the town. His memories came out every once in a while as he walked around the familiar area. He had a wide smile on his face while he was walking.

While on his relaxing stroll, Luo bought a small wooden sword from a store. It was a bit small for him, but it was usable. The reason he bought it was simple. In his previous world, he had learned how to make so-called artefacts, which could seem like ordinary items, such as a wooden sword, but could be lethal.

Though he was still just a human being with no power to create an artefact, he was just ready to start his path. He slowly made his way to a remote part of the town, next to a river, where he sat down.

He looked at his palm, which he quickly closed into a fist and looked around. It was still early in the morning. He could hear the light sounds generated by the weak breeze.

"Last time, it took me years to comprehend how it works and to establish my foundation, but now... I will make it in a day; I will even make my artefact today!"

He mumbled as he closed his eyes. It seemed that in a few meters' radius around him, the wind stopped, and he gained a slight blueish aura around his whole body. Time passed at a great time; however, he was greatly astonished.

The energy density in the world seemed to be denser than it was in the previous world; as a result, his speed was greatly increased. After a few hours, a sudden burst of weak energy erupted from him in the form of a blue glow.

He could feel that his vision had improved, and he was able to feel the surrounding environment to some degree without even looking. Now that he has managed to take his first step, he feels the changing energies in the area.

"Something is different... Something is not normal with my body... It is almost as if it was not entirely human. I can feel a better connection to the Qi in the world than ever..." He quickly shook his head and opened his eyes. "Well, it is at least something beneficial."

He mumbled as he grabbed the wooden sword next to him and pulled it closer. Though he was still weak, he was now able to manipulate Qi to some basic extent; as a result, he was determined to turn the toy into a real weapon, a Qi Sword, to be more precise.

"I have reached the first stage of the first realm under such a short span of time, so maybe I could reach the second realm by morning if everything goes this quickly."

Each cultivation realm was divided into three stages, which indicated the proficiency of the user as well as how powerful they were. Each realm focused on different aspects of his being. The very first realm, for example, focused on strengthening his body and purifying it.

As Luo grabbed the blade from all around the surrounding few meters, it started absorbing some kind of blue energy; this process grew faster and faster, and soon, the toy sword's edge gained a blueish glow, but it only lasted for a brief moment. As soon as its edge turned blue, the absorption ceased, and Luo smiled.

"I am going to go home today late... After so many years, I will finally meet with my family again, but establishing my foundation comes first so that I can protect them should any problem arise!"

He sighed as he placed his weapon next to him. For a brief moment, he looked at the bright sky and then once again closed his eyes. As he once again started meditating, time started moving at an unbelievable speed. 

Another sudden burst of energy erupted from him, but this time, it was a bit more powerful gust of wind, and then he opened his eyes. It was already dark. 

"I never would have thought that I would ever be able to finish the first realm in a single day and purify my body to this degree..."

He mumbled as he pushed himself up. He slowly inhaled the fresh, cold air, and then, with slow steps, he began his way back to his home. As he walked, he heard strange noises from the distance, but being his usual self, he didn't care. He was not the hero type. He would only protect those who were close to him.

Although the sounds he was hearing grew louder and louder with each step. He only sighed and kept walking, completely ignoring whatever was going on. However, as he was walking, he suddenly felt a strange presence, and soon, from one of the corners, a massive monster was running towards him.

The monster had a massive mouth which was bleeding greatly, and one of its teeth was missing. It was running towards him at great speed, and as he looked at the beast, he understood that he was the target in the situation.

"Come back here! I am not done with you!"

A strange but familiar voice echoed from behind the monster. Luo couldn't recognise the voice at first, but then it hit him like a train.


He mumbled and instantly dashed to the side with ease because the monster slammed its large hand at him. However, without hesitation, he used the chance to run up on the monster's massive arm, and with one clean slash, he cut it into two.

As soon as the monster was cut into two, it turned into black smoke and vanished without any trace. Luo only sighed and was about to walk forward, but suddenly, he heard a shout. As he raised his head, what he saw surprised him greatly.

An orange-haired guy dressed in some sort of strange, unfamiliar black dress stopped not far from him. The man was carrying a short girl dressed in white dress on his shoulder, and in his other hand, the man held a massive blade. He must have been running as he was breathing heavily. 



The two shouted at the same time.