
Chapter 1: Heaven's Will

In the harsh, cruel world, it is true that there is always a bigger fish. However, once at the peak, such principles are easily forgotten or neglected. Power gives people pride and arrogance.

Luo used to be just an everyday person with no special power or status; however, through hard work, he managed to reach the top, or so he thought. Through hard work, he managed to attain such great power that he believed he was number one under Heaven. He believed that no one would be able to stop him.

He established a massive school with enough might to threaten any nation in the world, with dozens of powerful masters and teachers under his command; his school was said to be an impenetrable fortress.

One day, he was walking in his garden. He had just finished a long lecture, and then suddenly, he heard a strange voice which echoed through his head over and over again.

"Found you!"

As soon as the echoes ceased, a powerful explosion occurred at the entrance of his massive territory. He quickly turned his attention to where the explosion happened and was about to rush over there, but it was too late. A woman he couldn't recognise stood before him.

"Luo, I am afraid that your rein ends now. YOu have been given a new task by Heaven, and I am the adjudicator to make sure that you..."

The woman started talking as soon as Luo looked at her. However, he was not one to listen to her. With one great punch, he saw her sliding back into his garden. Seeing how he knocked back the woman, he was about to rush towards the explosion, but the woman quickly jumped up as if nothing had happened.

"It would be unwise to underestimate us. You possess great power and knowledge; however, you have a new duty! And your life in this world ends now!"

At that moment, before Luo could have done anything, the woman appeared behind him, and his head fell off. The woman then looked at Luo's rolling head.

"You were one hell of a beast, Luo, but Heaven deemed that your place is somewhere else! You are the very first being who managed to alter its own fate. You should be thankful; not even us adjudicators can do that! Taken from your original world, you have achieved great feats, but it's time to go home!"

The woman vanished nearly instantly, leaving Luo's body standing and his head on the ground to be found by his man.

However, just as it was stated, he had another purpose. Though he was killed in this world, his soul was stripped of his body and was transported. 

He didn't know for how long he was unable to do anything, as he felt as if he was just floating in the void before he was finally able to open his eyes. He was lying in a comfortable bed, and above him was a white roof. 

He was beyond shocked; his hands were trembling as he slowly raised them above his head to look at them. They were quite slim compared to what he used to have. With trembling legs, he stood up and looked around the room he found himself in.

For some unknown reason, the room felt so similar, but he couldn't remember why. he had a large desk with a chair and a wardrobe by the wall. Also, he had a massive carpet on the ground. 

He slowly made his way over to the desk, driven by some inner power and sat down. On the desk, he found many documents and one item that he was unconsciously searching for. A small mirror. He quickly grabbed it as soon as he noticed it and looked at it.

From the mirror, a pale and weak young man looked back at him. He had long shoulders, long black hair and blue eyes. With shaking hands, he touched the mirror and then his face. His eyes filled with tears as he slowly realised what was going on.

"Am I back home?! After many years of harsh events? Just as I finally reached the peak after so many hard years?" He clenched his hand and put the mirror back down. "No, that was only a test, a trial... Now I know how to train; it will not take five years to understand the basics of cultivation... I already have the required knowledge... I just need to practice! And live my life with my dear family whom I had been away for so long..."

Luo was taken away at the age of fifteen; although time originally didn't flow while he was away, he lived for many years alone in that harsh world. Due to the skills he had learned, ageing was not hindering him; as a result, he lost count of how many had passed by while he was away. 

He was certain that time flowed differently here because his body had long been buried if the same amount of years had passed by here. He felt that he had just woken up from a terrible and long nightmare.

Luo stood up from the table and looked out his window, which was located next to his bed. Just as he remembered, the street next to his house was just as empty in the morning.

He then looked back at his wardrobe and nodded. He had decided that he was going to go for a walk as soon as he was dressed, which he did in a matter of seconds. The clothes he had were nothing compared to what he was used to wearing in his previous world. As soon as he was dressed, he grabbed his bag and phone and once again looked out the window.

He took a deep breath and then opened his window. Taking in the fresh, cold air of the morning was quite refreshing for him. For a brief moment, he stayed like that, but then he jumped out. Fortunately, he lived on the first floor and managed to land perfectly. And as if nothing had happened, he started walking.

"Watch out, Karakkura Town. I, Kurosaki Luo, have returned, and I will once again rise to power!"