
bleach: the all powerful demon

this story is a remake of my reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities i hope you all enjoy

jexishere · Komik
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3 Chs


there was one person i wanted above all else and it was rukia kuchiki and i had a plan to get her first i created a mansion within hueco mundo for myself and my servants with babylon tower that didn't take long then i began to train my four subordinates who were immensely loyal to me after receiving their power and i was correct they did have access to the gates of babylon i also learned that the goddess was nice enough to grant me all of the divine drag-rides not just bahamut which would give my subordinates another boost in power when i taught them how to use it i had also taught my girls breathing techniques to make them even more powerful

then i decided to begin the wait soifon was also on my list of people to gain and i had a means of gaining her loyalty

"tier" i called

"yes my lord" she said kneeling before me i found it amusing how they instantly responded to my call

"there will be two captains that enter the human world captain urahara and captain yoruichi i want you to capture the latter the former is to be left alone" i said she saluted me

"will she be another servant my lord" tier asked

"no she is nothing but a bargaining chip for another who will join us" i said she nodded in understanding

"use tiamat it will make your life easier" i said she nodded in understanding

"go" i said and she vanished in a sonido

"sun" i called after tier left

"you called my lord" sun asked

"i want you to watch someone for me take the other two with you and tell them this is a recon mission i don't want you showing our hand yet" i said

"who are we watching my lord" sun asked

"ichigo kurosaki when he is born watch him closely he is important to our plans or more accurately what's inside him" i said she nodded and left as well

"so your preparing there two partner" ddraig asked

"indeed i am" i said

"good it saves us work down the rode" asuramaru said i nodded this was true now i needed to wait

"indeed it does" i said

"seems like your having fun with your scheming kit" kurama said

"maybe i am i do like when things go my way" i said

i sonido'd to koga kuchiki's prison drew yamato and released his zanpakuto muramasa before using the imperial arms murasame to kill him he would have been annoying otherwise

"hello muramasa" i said and he kneeled before me

"it is good to be of service master" he said i smirked as we returned to my manor in hueco mundo

"you will remain here and not leave this manor until it is time for you to attack the gotei thirteen no one is to die when you attack either this is strictly a training session clear" i said

"yes of course master" he said

"good" i said

a few days later tier returned with an unconscious yoruichi i smirked

"perfect" i said

i waited two months before calling for sun and the rest to return

"i want you to ask captain soifon to come here if she attacks you do not attack back and simply contact me and i will come in person but tell her i can give her revenge against the one who abandoned her and only confront her when she is completely alone i do not wish to alert the gotei thirteen of my presence quite yet" i said sun nodded and she apacci and rose left immediately

two days later they returned with soifon in tow i had of course put yoruichi in a cell

"hello soifon welcome to my abode" i said

"your servants said i could have my revenge against her where is she" soifon snarled her hand on the hilt of her zanpakuto making my girls and muramasa get defense

"all in good time did you think i would give her to you free did you" i asked she stared at me what do you want" she asked i gestured for her to sit

"first off introductions are in order i know you but you don't know me for now you may call me V" i said my servants knew of my identity of course i told them when they proved themselves loyal and i told them what i was

"you know who i am" she said i nodded

"now we can get to business i am willing to hand yoruichi over to you and grant you a boost in power that will make sure you are so far above her she won't catch up and i will give you information that all of the gotei 13 would give their lives to learn" i said

"go on" she said

"in return i want you to become my subordinate you are one of only two shinigami that interest me" i said

"give me the information and i will consider it" she said i scoffed

"do not play me for a fool if i were to give you everything now you would hand it to the gotei thirteen and then tell them about me and they would try to kill me thinking i am some threat first i need some assurances you won't rat me out so here's the deal i will give you two thirds of my bargain yoruichi herself and the power boost and i will even throw in a piece of information that will probably make you hate yoruichi even more and after you have proven yourself loyal i will tell you everything" i said she sat there in thought for a good while

"agreed" she said i smirked pulled out the vial and handed it to her

"drink this then and be forewarned you will fall unconscious so your body can get used to your new found power" i said she nodded pulled the cork out of the vial and drank it soon falling unconscious a few hours later she awoke

"i feel incredible" she said

"i am sure you will need to keep your newfound abilities hidden also the power boost was just part of what i will be giving you techniques that will make yoruichi's shunko look like a joke but again prove yourself first" i said she nodded it was fair i nodded towards muramasa who brought yoruichi's unconscious body to soifon

"now for the information urahara kisuke wasn't the traitor and i know who is" i said she was shocked when she heard those words

"the person is currently a captain of the gotei thirteen so be very careful who to trust as not even those who appear to perfect are" i said giving her a huge hint that she probably will never get