
Bleach: Shinigami in the Shadow

Disclaimer: All images and names belong to their respective owners. I do not own any that are used except my own OC. I am writing for first time and wanted to try an idea I was thinking of as I was looking through fanfics so I am going to give it my first try. I am new to this and don't mind opinions to help me out. Remember this will follow my story but will try keeping the original but with my twist. Story: Akio Kaminari was just finishing his last run on a raid in his favorite game when he heard a loud boom outside that made the lights flicker a bit. Next was a cracking sound of something breaking then a loud crash before his world went dark. It was all so fast he didn't know what happened. After a bit he saw light and then slowly he opened his eyes to see a beautiful woman with white hair and a ceiling he was unfamiliar with. Who is this woman and where was he....?

SilverWingx · Komik
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4 Chs

Crossed Over?!

Akio awoke the next day feeling better than before, now able to take time to think. His mom was not around when he awoke so he guessed she was busy doing something.

'Ok...so the woman is my new mom and I am a baby...' He thought getting his priorities listed and straight. '...So what now...?' Akio continued, trying to roll over and lay on his stomach, succeeding after a few attempts, almost falling off the bed and ending his new life already.

Panting heavily with how close he almost died again when he was slipping headfirst off bed, before calming down. After he quit playing around, he got serious and went over everything that had happened since died and was "reborn"? Thinking that may be it.

After a few minutes, he got bored, nothing helping at all with where he was and how it happened. Giving up with the lack of information to solve anything, he studied the room instead, his light blue eyes soon spotting a mirror on the wall that made him curious to find out how he looked at least. He had to crawl along bed, which was harder than he remembered it being, til he was in view of himself.

Akio gasped a bit, seeing a rather adorable baby with features that weren't bad, having beautiful big blue eyes and white hair that wasn't too long or too short. Stunned, he moved arms to make sure that it was him and not a prank, the mirror mimicing everything he did.

'OK so it is me...not too bad, might be handsome when I grow up.' He thought and looked around, noticing his mom wasn't back he began to pose a bit with hands on his face to look cool, unable to stand in this body as he wasn't developed but could sit up with some effort.

Getting into posing, he didn't notice Onari walking in and gasping just when he stretched his hand out and winked with one eye. Akio froze...clearly stunned when his mom walked in on the situation, embarrassed immensely while blushing a bit. At this moment he wanted to just die again...to forget he ever did this. Trying to think of something he remembered a good save and fact he was a baby, giggling and waving the outstretched arm to appear cute.

Onari giggled at the baby and walked over toward him, gently picking him up, holding a bottle for him. She had made the bottle to feed her new son, having not fed him yesterday before she had fallen asleep, the stress and everything had sapped her energy. Now renewed, she was more energetic.

Akio made a promise to himself never to do something like that again, his mentality having gotten away from him and this moment scarring him to be more careful. As he drank from his body, he was going to just act as a baby from this moment on, much to his remorse...

*Time Skip*

Akio got up out of his bed, stretching his body. It had been 6 years now since he came here, nothing really different from being normal. He assumed he was on Earth still in a place called Kagamino City. He had read books and stuff and nothing really stuck out that made him think otherwise.

Having finished stretching his body, he left his room and heading downstairs to where the smell of bacon permeated the house. His stomach growled as he reached the table, a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of him. Immediately he began to eat as he was hungry and excited about today.

Onari was humming as she cooked, happy and excited about enrolling her son in school for first time, having homeschooled him for a couple years. She was worried for him but as he grew older, her worries faded so she now had enough confidence to let her son go to a public school to further his education. Having seen her son read all those books, she knew he was smart, so she wanted to expand his horizons with knowledge and experience she can't give him from home.

After breakfast the two got ready and were on there way to the local school that wasn't far from home, Onari more comfortable with this than another town. Eventually the arrived at a school with a park in it for small kids. Children were playing and laughing, some kids not even attending the school here as it was only playground the had.

Onari saw Akio looking toward the kids and thinking he wanted to play, encouraged him to go. Akio snapped out of thoughts to his mother telling him to go have fun. Not wanting to look strange, he obliged and headed toward the other kids when a ball was kicked toward a girl with orange hair.

The girl was hit in head and fell over, prompting Akio to run over to the small girl. "Are you ok?" He asked toward her to which she nodded, Akio offering his hand. She grasped it and thanked him for helping, proceeding to laugh nervously.

"ORIHIME!" A voice yelled out and a black haired girl ran over in worry, looking at her friend, "Are you ok?!" The girl yelled a little loudly, seeming a bit energetic and domineering. Her gaze glared at Akio, accusing him of harming her friend.

'Orihime? Why does that sound familiar...' Akio was zoning out, ignoring the glare he got from the other girl. He was in deep thought when suddenly he saw something that made him widen his eyes in shock. In the distance, walking with a woman, was an orange haired boy that was grinning at his mom. Immediately he began to piece it all together, hoping he was wrong.

'Kagamino town... Hitsugaya... Orihime... if I am right then this girl should be...' Unable to not hold it in, he quickly asked the black girl what her name was, hoping she will say something else besides what he was thinking.

"Why should I tell you?! Shouldn't you introduce yourself first you brat!" The girl hostily yelled at him, still thinking he was at fault that her friend was hurt.

"Tatsuki, don't be mean, he was just helping me!" The other girl said in his defense but he didn't care, the moment he heard that name, everything clicked together. He was clearly in a world he was very familiar with before he had died and come here.

'I'm not on Earth...I am in Bleach...that means the boy I saw is Ichigo Kurosaki...' Akio deduced which in his book that wasn't good. In a decade at most everything from what he remembered would begin, Ichigo will awake and the Soul Society would come next for him, not to mention the Arrancars and worst of all...Aizen...

Akio immediately ignored the two kids and walked off, trying to avoid contact with them for now as closer he was with them, more chance he will be dragged into it. The girls were stunned the boy had walked off rather suddenly, Tatsuki screaming at him and Orihime worried but had to stop Tatsuki from beating up the kid.

'I need to try avoiding the main cast as best I can...also I need to know if I have Soul Reaper powers and quickly get strong before Aizen and Arrancar show up, it'll take a while but it won't be long enough. Also are all the fillers here too? If it is, I need to be able to protect myself...and my new life...' Akio decided while heading to him mom, determination now alight in his eyes.