
Bleach: Quincy's Emperor

"I don't like conflicts... Well then, let me hear your reports in the name of PEACE." Tracy, the son of Yhwach, the Progenitor and Emperor of the Quincy. Following his father's death, he ascended to the throne that his father had left behind, leaving him alone to lead their race to the top of the food chain. A Bleach/ Anime, Manga, Novel & Manhwa Crossover Fanfiction.

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As I stepped out of my private quarters, I was met by a wide, spacious hallway surrounded by massive pillars. After a brief period of contemplation, I snapped my finger.


Three hooded figures emerged out of nowhere right in front of me, their features concealed by their hooded cloaks, but that doesn't matter since I know exactly who these guys are.

"This is our final conference before heading to the surface world. You must participate since you three will accompany me into the human world." I looked at each of them one by one, waiting for their response.

"Yes, your Majesty."



Hearing the last response made my head hurt a little. 'You don't have to yell, you know.'

"Ahem. It's good to see you guys enthusiastic, but we need to get going since we're running a bit late."

Following our brief talk, we headed to the Conference Hall, where the meeting would take place. I'm quite sure I'm the only one who they were waiting for the meeting to commence.

'I can't help it; sleeping is so soothing, especially after being so busy for the previous few months. Even with this body, sleep is still necessary for rejuvenation.'

When we arrived at the conference hall's massive entrance door, my usual lighthearted and serene expression had switched to one of emotionlessness. This is what I look when I'm at 'work'. I only display the other part of myself to those I am close to, such as the Royal Guards, who have been at my side since I was a child. There's no need to put on a show for them.

This look was effective when I first applied it after being crowned. As a newly appointed emperor at the time, I realized that my cute face would not help me rule the empire, so I chose to display the other side of my persona to make it easier for me to lead people.

"Open the door."



After my Royal guards entered, I followed suit, walking slowly towards the round table where the higher-ranking individuals were seated. Approaching at my personal throne, I didn't wait for them to rise up and greet me as it was a waste of time, since I was already late, a simple greeting wouldn't help this conference anyhow.

"Well then, let us begin this conference, FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE."

After personally initiating the conference's commencement. I sat down and turned to face everyone, even those on the sidelines, before stating,

"You've probably heard of it... no, I'm sure you're well aware of it; it's been six months since I announced it after all. The Wandenreich, The Quincy will now take the first step in laying the foundation for a New World."

Turning my attention to the left, where a group of middle-aged looking men and women were seated. I narrowed and sharpened my eyes slightly, instilling a tinge of terror in them.

"During those six months, I know some of you, particularly veterans, did not agree with my approach. The reason? Because I'm not as heinous as my father? Because I don't enjoy killing innocents like him? I know you're cold-blooded murderers groomed by my father, but guess what? I don't care a single bit about your displeasure."

The veterans' eyes widened when they heard those remarks. Not because they were condemned, but because they did not believe their conduct would draw His Majesty's attention. They are aware of the implications of defying his directives, so they understood from the beginning that they could only express their sentiments indirectly and not act on them.

After shifting his eyes away from them. Tracy's body relaxed as he leaned back on the throne, his legs crossed.

"Let me be clear about this. My father's goal and mine are somewhat similar in that they are both about 'peace,' but my method will be different since I do not want to emulate his crappy idea of creating a world without fear of death. I want to build my own utopia where there is little to no conflict and where all beings are subject to my authority. What's the use of constructing an empire if I'm the only one left alive?"

"Anyway, my rambling is getting out of hand, and we're deviating from the topic, so I'll end it here."

Tapping the table to catch the attention of the others, I motioned to the Chief of Intelligence Bureau, Firenda, to bring out the 'lighthouse'.

For those who are curious, the lighthouse I'm referring to is the empire's primary mode of communication. Since my dad's passing and after me being appointed as the Emperor, I've concentrated my attention on Research & Development rather than the army. Lighthouse is one of their creations, and it is the most convenient means for us to interact with one another.

These Lighthouses are the primary devices used by the Intelligence Bureau and Research Institute for gathering information and doing sophisticated calculations or computation. These Lighthouses takes the form of light-emitting cubes.

Firenda, who was also sporting a solemn face, recognized my motion and promptly pulled out a large white cube. She directed it to float in the center of the Round table.


It vibrated briefly before displaying a picture of an imperial seal, which has a dragon in a circle around it. This seal, of course, is not ours. It is owned by an empire on the Surface world. They are the one we'll be seizing in a few weeks.

"Discuss the present state of this empire, Firenda. Is there any movement that may hinder ours? Also, please provide us with a quick explanation of them so that no one forgets, It will also serve as a refresher lesson for the others."

"Yes, your Majesty."

She responded immediately, her former joking and constantly furious expression gone.

Before beginning her report, Firenda summoned several additional lighthouses and positioned them all about the conference hall so that those in the rear could see it clearly.

"The Empire, also known as Lichtreich. Those who lived during this time period will recall that His Majesty, Yhwach was the founder of the empire displayed in the image in front of you. So, rather than conquering, it is preferable to say that we taking it back, because it was ours to begin with."

"Greedy humans took over the empire after we fled into the shadows. Since the other Quincy who opted to remain in the human realm liked a quiet lifestyle, they did not bother to participate in the chaos in order to take a bite out of the wealth."

"The Empire—"

She went on to give a few more information about it. from their history, harsh culture, military, administration, and relationships with neighboring kingdoms Everything that everyone needs to know is covered.

After her brief explanation, she went on to address his Majesty's concern about if there are any unexpected movements in the empire that may disrupt their plans.

"About that, there is a movement in this regard. However, your Majesty, it is not the empire that is moving."

Tracy's ears perked up. Who is moving if not the empire? Is there anyone else out there who wants to swallow this rotten empire to themselves?


Firenda didn't waste any time in responding to his question.

"It's the Revolutionary Army."

The Revolutionary Army is a large rebel force that opposes the Empire's rule. At least three of their imperial generals are known to have deserted to the army. The exact number of their soldiers is unclear at this time. And based on Intelligence Bureau their hideout is currently located someplace in the Empire's southern lands.

Hearing those words, Tracy fell into contemplation.

'This Revolutionary army moving isn't a problem at all. It is not interfering with any of our military planning. Furthermore, because they are the 'good guys,' they will reduce civilian casualties while thoroughly annihilating loyalists. However, if these insurgents attack first, we risk losing the faith of the populace. We may appear to be an opportunist preparing an assault when the empire is in upheaval, which is not desirable because we need to establish a solid foothold in the surface world.'

That is an undesirable image for us. We must appear to the populace as some kind 'Messiah'. Getting them out of the clutches of the empire's corrupt regime.

Looking around at the others sitting at the table with me, I gave them the look that said, 'If you have an idea to propose right now, speak up.'

After getting the message from my glance, several of them paused for a moment before one of them stood up. It was Hans von Zettour, the Commander of Aerial Mages.

This man has a great and outstanding mindset and set of beliefs. He is astute, analytical, and well-versed in both strategy and combat operations. He is devoted to his fatherland, always keeping the best soldiers and determining the best option for the Empire.

Tracy gave him a curious glance. "Proceed."

"Then, your Majesty—"

He didn't waste any time in explaining his thoughts on the current situation. To summarize what he said, he is suggesting that we should either eliminate them or cooperate with the Revolutionary Army. But the latter is quite problematic, he says, since these individuals already defected once, and it won't take them long to defect again if they find our ruling isn't to their liking, which will be catastrophic for our reputation.

'I am really concerned about the image and reputation. Earning these citizens' 'trust' will make it simpler for me to manipulate them to my liking without too many consequences.'

An empire that relies solely on military might will not last long. And I've already seen it firsthand with my father. No matter how powerful an empire is, if the inner workings are weak, it will crumble to dust sooner or later.

"So the only option is to exterminate them along with the empire's nobles and officials, huh." Tracy accidentally blurted such words out of his lips while deep in contemplation, which they obviously heard.

Though It would be a waste, to abandon them just like that. I'd rather choose the safe route since this is the most important step to take. If the initial step fails, the entire plan will be crumpled and discarded.

Just as I was about to acknowledge Hans' proposal about how we would deal with the Revolutionary army, I heard a voice in my right side; it was my advisor, Jugram.

"Your Majesty, If I may." Jugram stood up and asked for my permission to speak.

Looking at him standing up, I'm intrigued what he's going to suggest; this guy is constantly thinking about fairness, whatever it is.

"Go on." I motioned for him to begin.

"Your Majesty, I believe we should give this revolutionary army a chance. They might be an useful asset as they already have a strong foothold in their respective territory. Killing them now is nothing but a loss; I will take full responsibility for this."

A chance? This is rather surprising. offering an unknown variable a chance to collaborate with us but, since this man is taking responsibility, should I accept it?

Without glancing at Jugram, I nonchalantly refuted his statement.

"I get your logic, Jugram, but I'm not concerned about their strength, influence or whatever. I'm concerned about the empire's image if something unexpected happens, if these humans cooperate with us."

'I need a compelling justification to allow them to even get near me; if your explanation is unacceptable, I will have no choice but to exterminate them.'

Jugram pondered for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.

"Your Majesty, I know you're being extra cautious because you don't want to end up like the late emperor, and I entirely understand that, but please try to remember what the empress told us when we were young. That's all."



Tracy gave Jugram a death stare as he watched him sit down as if nothing had happened.

'This is absurd. Using my mother's words to persuade me, does he really want to save those human that badly? or—'

Without averting my hostile glare from Jugram, I opened my mouth and spoke in a low voice, exacerbating the already tense mood within the conference chamber. "What are you planning?"

The two of us grew up together since my father adopted him, yet we just can't get along in these situations. Our points of view are vastly different, and we can't make a decision without offending one side.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for expressing this, but I feel we should be impartial as they are also fighting for their people. Killing them just because they have a minimal chance of undermining the image of the empire in your mind is unreasonable."


My lips twitched when I heard that word. This man is definitely getting on my nerves right now.

Both the audiences and the commanders are now staring at each other, unsure what to do. Should they intervene? Things are spiraling out of control. While some of them appreciate the notion of their emperor, others would want to give the Revolutionary Army a chance but have chosen not to say so.

"So you're telling me... to gamble my 300 years of preparation just for those nobodies? Is that what you're trying to say? Jugram."

Tracy caressed his silky golden hair as he stared intensely at the table, not at Jugram. The others can tell their emperor is upset merely by hearing the tone of his voice. Who wouldn't, right? After 300 years of preparation, his advisor just told him to give this defectors a chance, which is a huge gamble. It's the same as tossing all of your hard work away without seeing any results.


Jugram stared at Tracy out from the corner of his eyes, noticing the change in atmosphere surrounding him. They often bicker like this when it's possible, but this time he seems to have gone too far. But, he must do so in accordance with the final will and testament of the empress, her adoptive mother, before her passing.

"It's not like that, your Maj—" He was cut off before he could complete what he was about to say. His eyes widened in disbelief as he heard the words.

"A gamble? Alright, let's do it."

Everyone was taken aback and perplexed. Especially to Jugram, he who never backs down when they argue. He will go to any length to ensure that his decision is the final one. But now he agreed?

His next words, however, poured cold water on their heads.

"Isn't there supposed to be a wager in a gamble? How about your life, Jugram? Can you risk it on this gamble for those humans?"

Tracy eventually lifted his head and looked around, making everybody stiffen. His eyes became completely crimson and his pupils and irises split into three. Looking into his eyes directly made them feel very uneasy; it was a different level than when he stepped in the hall earlier.

Turning his head towards Jugram, he smiled and asked "Well then, since you want to save them so much, how about you bet your life in this game?"

Jugram's eyes trembled. He wasn't expecting this Tracy's response. He may appear to be flawless in the eyes of others, but, he is in turmoil on the inside. He's a man who simply obeys orders like a puppet.

Tracy, of course, noticed what occurred to Jugram, which caused him to scowl.

"This is the one thing I despise about you, Jugram. You're a bore."

Tracy rose from his seat and approached Jugram, grabbing his collar. His expression was terrible, as if he had witnessed the most repulsive thing in existence.

"You don't have an ambition, and you can't even make your own decision, hence you don't and will not understand how I feel, okay?—

—Let me enlighten you for a bit, Jugram. Life requires ambition, and the greater your ambition is, the greater the risk you will take. That's where the fun is. Then, Jugram, do you have any ambitions?"


"None, right?"


That's why you don't understand a thing.

Jugram remained deafeningly silent, not uttering a single word. While Tracy continued while still clutching the collar of his uniform.

"But, if there's a method to achieve my goal without taking any risks, who am I to say no? Isn't it right that less bloodshed is more preferable? And one more thing, I'm pretty sure mother urged you to save these foolish creatures. I really don't understand her generosity at all..."

"And you, why don't you think about it more before suggesting shits? I know you're fully aware that your suggestion is going to jeopardize these people's years of hard work for a complete stranger!"

While Tracy was uttering these words, he was pointing at the people sitting, ranging from commanders to common soldiers. After that, Tracy released Jugram's collar from his grasp, causing him to sit firmly back in his chair.

"I've been disappointed with you for a long time, Jugram. But, for the time being, I'll make a concession since I know you'll insist on saving them."

Tracy returned to his throne after delivering those words, then manifested a gigantic broadsword in front of him with a simple, horizontal slashing motion aiming at the ceiling. This broadsword's length is comparable to Tracy's own height. The sword's cross-guard is formed by two protrusions jutting out diagonally on either side, which, along with the handle, make a shape resembling the Wandenreich insignia.


A woman's yell could be heard throughout the hall shortly after Tracy manifested the broadsword. Looking around for the source of the noise, Firenda, who had been calmly watching before, finally intervened.

Because the situation was getting out of hand, she decided to intervene and put a stop to it now, as she always did. But as she was about to step forward, Tracy's royal guard stopped her and barred her path.

"We apologize, Lady Firenda, but you must remain where you are per His Majesty's order."


Looking at the three cloaked figures in front of her aggravates Firenda's already sour mood.

"Do you really believe the three of you are capable of stopping me?"

The leader of the royal guard, who stood in the middle, uncloaked his hood and pulled out a large black rifle, pointing it at Firenda's forehead in pointblank range.

"Even if we can't, we'll stop you as His Majesty's orders are absolute."

The royal guard's conduct triggered a chain reaction that affected both the commanders seated at the round table and their subordinates on the sidelines. They all stood up, clutching their weapons but not daring to draw them for fear of being killed on the spot.

While all of this was going on, the source of the problem was standing there with his sword aimed at Jugram's throat.

"I will accept your proposal about the revolutionary army in the human world, but only under one condition."

"What is it?"

After hearing his comments, Jugram's gaze became resolute. He had already given up on everything even before he was adopted by Yhwach and Tracy's mother. But hearing his mother's dream for the last time before she passed drove him to do everything he could to fulfill it and repay her for taking care of him when he had nothing.

"As I already stated, it is a gamble. You're gambling with your life. I'll give the revolutionary army 5 years, if they have harbored any ill will towards us, even if it's only a miniscule amount, I'll proceed and slaughter them without a second thought, yourself included.—

—Of course, assuming they pass the test after 5 years. I will sincerely evaluate each and every proposal you provide... What do you think? Do you agree?"

It didn't take long for Jugram to respond since he had already made up his mind that no matter how tough it was, he would fulfill it.

"I agree."

After hearing his reply, Tracy disintegrated the broadsword in his hands as he turned around to face the chaotic conference hall.


Hearing his yell, everyone, even his Royal guards, swiftly retracted their hands from their weapons.

He continued after noticing that everyone's attention was focused on him.

"Proceed the conference without me, and thoroughly review all preparations; I don't want another unknown variable to appear on top of this one. Understood?"


He beckoned his royal guards towards him as they headed towards the doorway going outside after concluding what he wanted to say. But, before they opened the door, he turned his head towards Jugram one final time and said,

"Keep this in mind, Jugram. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong... Remember, no matter how well-planned a strategy is, something bad will always happen."