(AN: I decided to post until tomorrow before, posting Irregularly)
The next day Errol can be seen riding a car toward the school. He watched as students wearing the same uniform as they walk in the same direction as the car goes.
He also wears the same uniform that his grandpa prepared long ago, but he also wears a black jacket after his uniform. Just his past habit of not liking to expose much of his skin from the past so he always wear long sleeve when going out. Even under the hot sun.
He couldn't help but sigh feeling tired already, as he felt his life will be wasted in the school. He took a deep breath before slapping his cheeks.
"Come on Errol just do it for your grandpa"
He encouraged himself before walking towards the gate, he was just walking normally until someone bumped into him that push him a bit.
"Sorry! I am in a hurry" It was a guy who said that with his face full of exhaustion, he apologized first before running away again.
Errol just looked at the guy before ignoring what happened as it was not a big deal or anything. He looks at his surroundings as he walks and couldn't help but admire the beauty of the sakura trees around.
It somehow gave him the feeling of being fresh and relaxed, he began to walk on a board where the list of classes, to see which class he belongs to. He searches for a moment before finding himself in class 1 of 1st Year.
He attended the opening ceremony of the school and found another reason why he hate's school.
It was the boring speeches that lasted for half an hour or more and yet people didn't even understand what they say as their words just past from one ear to another.
They just had a lot of pleasantries that it's annoying, Errol can't help but have thought to shout 'Just get to the point already' though he held it in as he still has his shame.
After it finished he began to look for his classroom. He asks some seniors around for directions to his classroom.
He began to walk in the school hallway watching the numbers of each room.
"Let's see...1-1...1-1... ah there it is"
Errol begin to walk to the door and heard some chatter inside, he opened the door to see that it was already half full. He attracted attention when he opened the door, with most of them coming from girls, as his years of nonstop training has given him quite a lot of charm.
He felt uncomfortable with the stares from people around, as he is used to being ignored back in the past when he was in school.
He decided to just try to ignore it and found a seat at the back, he thought of taking the protagonist's seat just for fun, but he was unlucky as there is someone already sitting there.
Errol just found another seat at the back before sitting, he thought that he will just wait in silence until the class starts, that was until some students came to him.
"Hello, what is your name..."
"I am..."
Errol felt overwhelmed by their enthusiasm to befriend him, he didn't know what to do in this situation and just awkwardly try to answer them. Their talks never stopped and he was really getting irritated that was until he was saved by the bell.
They began to disperse not before saying some things, Errol never thought that one day he would be this popular on his first day, as he still retains his previous life looks. Not that he looked bad in the past it's just that he wasn't taking care of himself so he looks average which people can ignore.
But now due to several factors such as his training himself, a healthy diet, and proper hygiene, his past charm that was hidden like a rough diamond is now shining and attracting attention.
In short, he is handsome, but not to the point girls just open their legs for him.
A woman entered the room and walk to the center, she began to write her name on the board before introducing herself.
"Ok, I introduced myself now it's your turn, let's start...from...here" The teacher pointed at the student on the furthest left side of the front. The student stands up and introduces himself.
"Hello, everyone..."
"I am...."
"Allow me to introduce myself I am-arrgh I bite my tongue!"
One by one student began to introduce themselves and one student just in front of Errol's desk attracted his attention.
It's a bespectacled teenager of average height and slender build. He has straight, chin-length black hair framing both sides of his face, and is fair-skinned with blue eyes. The teen stands up and introduces himself.
"I am Uryu Ishida, I like archery and sewing things"
People clap at him while some boys have a mocking look at his like of sewing. Uryu didn't pay attention to them and returned to his seat.
Errol didn't expect him to be classmates with Ryuken's son and one of the main cast of this world. Uryu might have felt his stare as he turns around and look at him and nodded as a greeting which Errol reciprocate.
The class introduction continued, and Errol his attention again to their classmates until it was finally Errol's turn. He stands from his seat and took a deep breath.
Errol look in front of him, and saw that all eyes are on him, Errol confidently looks forward as he rehearsed his introduction in his mind a lot before he said it.
"Hello, I am Errol Belladonna"
Everyone waited for what's the next thing he will say before they saw him return to his sit and look to his side like saying 'Your turn'.
'Eh, that's it?' This is what is going on in everyone's head. Most of the boys thought he was arrogant, while the girls thought he was cool and mysterious.
But in the mind of Errol.
'I got nervous and forgot my words
The last students finally finished their introduction and the class proceeded, with their next teacher.
Errol already expected it but he still can't help but sigh, most of the things that the school teach is a waste of time as he already learned them. Due to the other nature of his New Order, which is about how much information he knows can lower the cost of the Order.
Time move forward and it was now lunchtime, and people began to approach their friends from their previous school and also befriend others in the class.
Some students try to go towards Errol to befriend him since he looks like the popular kind of guy, but when they look at his seat he was already gone. Nobody in the classroom noticed when he disappeared except for one.
Uryu Ishida looks at the empty seat of his classmates before glancing at the open window.