
Chapter 4

/Ishida POV\

He might have bitten of a bit more than he could chew.

In his defense, the bait he used shouldn't have been able to call forth this many hollows. And it definitely shouldn't have been able to call forth the giant monstrosity, a Menos Grande as it was called by Kuchiki-san, in the sky.

It hadn't started off this bad. Sure there had been many hollows but he was able to deal with them quite easily, one shotting them even. Then the next one turned out to be stronger and needed several shots before dying. Some of them were even able to graze him with their attacks. But none of them had hurt as much as Kurosaki's kick. Or the fact that the delinquent had been right.

In his quest to prove his master right, he ended up discrediting his grandfather far better than any Shinigami could. If the elderly Quincy had still been alive then he would have been incredibly disappointed in his grandson, and he would be right to be so. The worst was that Kurosaki had realized that before he did. And now he had to take the orange head's help in dealing with hollows which was actually going well, Kurosaki was actually good at fighting them, guess he needed to be good at something.

Then of course a giant hollow had to appear. When he said giant he meant one tall enough to be a skyscraper. The fuck did they feed this thing?!

And then Kurosaki had the bright idea of trying to cut of the monster's feet cause he claimed that if he continued cutting like that the head would end up on the ground and he'd be able to slice the mask that way.

How on earth did an idiot like this end up the twenty third smartest student in their year?

After that he had realized that Kurosaki was letting out a ridiculous amount of spiritual energy from his blade without realizing which had given him a great idea.

"Oi, could it be that you're an idiot?" Kurosaki questioned as he let go of his sword that Ishida had tied to his head.

"Just shut up and put your hand on the sword!" Ishida yelled out at the VERY rude Shinigami that couldn't properly appreciate his genius.

By being in contact with the sword while Kurosaki held on to it, Ishida's bow and arrows got ridiculously big and that meant in a situation like this he could shoot off arrows powerful enough to destroy that giant hollow.

Though he probably should thank the man with the bucket hat as without his or his friend's help they definitely would have been swarmed by hollow, which would make it impossible for Ishida to prepare for his genius plan.

Doesn't matter now, he could thank the man if they lived through this. So with determination in his heart he raised his bow and got ready to shoot.

"My expectations were low but somehow you two still managed to disappoint me." A voice said from behind and distracted him from shooting and the surprise made Kurosaki let go of his sword, depriving him of extra firepower he had obtained.

There standing right next to them was the new transfer student. He looked genuinely bored, or bemused. Ishida wasn't sure which but he really didn't like his words, an opinion he unfortunately shared with Kurosaki.

"The hell, you got a problem?!" The orange headed Shinigami yelled out with a tick mark on his forehead, looking ready to jump at the transfer student with his fists since his sword was otherwise… occupied.

"You heard me." Cain snorted and brought out… a cross! A Quincy cross!

Before Ishida could even form a question, the cross took the shape of a handgun with a light and Cain pointed it towards the giant hollow.

It was ridiculous, Ishida had no idea why Cain's cross turned into a gun rather than a proper Quincy weapon but there was no way a shot from it could properly hurt the giant monster. A thought that was proven wrong right after.

The tip of the gun's barrel started to shine brightly and then rather than one, dozens of shots of spiritual power was released and each one of them cleanly went through the Menos' mask, causing it to start turning into light particles.

"That's how you deal with a Gillian." Cain snorted as he turned towards them. Ishida had no idea what a Gillian was but he definitely didn't like the glare that the transfer student was directing towards him.

"Now let's talk about you." And then the transfer student's boot crashed into his face.

/POV Returned\

Looking at the Ishida writhing on the ground with his hands on his face I had to admit.

That kick didn't feel as good as I had hoped.

This guy was naive, he was green. Probably had no idea what exactly he was doing other than he had to 'bring honor to Quincy race'. The idiot would have been good friends with Prince Zuko.

"Oi, the hell are you doing?!" And the incredible existence that is Kurosaki Ichigo. He was even greener than the idiot Quincy but at the very least he had a more solid idea about what he was doing. Sure 'paying back a debt' wasn't exactly a good reason to be a Shinigami but it was somewhat understandable. Not that it would save him from my ire.

"Shush you. I have been dealing with the outcome of the shit show you two started and he needs to understand the consequences of his actions." I said coldly to the substitute Shinigami who had, surprisingly, backed down.

I was aware that Urahara was watching from the sidelines while Rukia was trying to wrap her head around me destroying the Gillian with style rather than effort, I couldn't bring myself to care.

"Now, mr great Quincy-kun, you got any idea about the shit you pulled today?" I asked to the downed Ishida who had a quizzical look on his face.


"Of course you don't. Then let me tell you where I got from. I got here from our school, just after saving several students from getting eaten by a hollow that looked like it came out of a low budget monster porn video." I said as both Ishida's and Ichigo's eyes widened.

As I savored the look of horror on their faces and the extra serving of shame of Ishida's, I contemplated whether I should tell them about the other hollow that Chad has killed after it tried to eat a group of little children, which had Kurosaki Karin in it's ranks, but decided otherwise. Ishida was an idiot but he wasn't a bad guy actually, just the school would be enough to make him realize how much he had fucked up, bringing up that he had almost caused Ichigo's sister's death would not only be overkill but it would also sent Ichigo into a rage that I didn't want to deal with.

Though before I could continue talking, I was RUDELY interrupted.

"Hai hai, I believe this much excitement was enough for today." Urahara said as he waved his fan in front of his face, his signature hat obscuring his eyes from the view.

"And you are?" I asked a question that I already knew the answer of, but better not to let others know.

"Oh my, how rude of me. My name is Urahara Kisuke, I am a humble candy shop owner." The ex Shinigami captain said as he magically pulled out a lollipop out of nowhere and put it in his mouth.

And that's how I met one of the most eccentric geniuses in all anime verses.