
Chapter 3

I probably exaggerated the situation as nothing interesting happened for a few days.

There had been a few hollow sightings where Ishida had dealt with the spirits before Ichigo and Rukia could even get to the scene which seemed to be causing some stress to them.

It was actually kind of funny.

But things were about to change today since I could see Ishida standing on stairs talking down to Ichigo. Something about 'greatness of Quincy' or how he's 'better' than Ichigo and how much he 'sucked' as a Shinigami.

I was ready to bet my entire meal that he was just trying to act cool.

It took all of my self control to not shoot the bait in his hand. Using something like that in a spiritually rich place like Karakura, he was lucky that only one Gillian had appeared in canon. But in the end I simply didn't care that much about the people in the town to stop the shit show he was about to start, not to mention this would be a good opportunity to get some exercise in. So I let the bespectacled idiot crush the bait and watched as the hollows descended upon the living world.

Wonder why Soul Society didn't send anyone with shit like this going on? Aizen maybe? It might be a part of that weirdo's plan but if you ask the right person, the sunrise could be a part of Aizen's plan.

Getting off the track…

I ran toward the direction Ishida didn't and as Ichigo was following that idiot, that meant I wouldn't need to deal with either of them.

I brought out a small cross and poured power into it, transforming it into a handgun.

Never really understood why one would go for bow and arrow in a fantasy setting. Guess it made sense in the past where the only longe range battle method was either by throwing or a bow. But for some reason most Quincies still used bows for some reason. If the power is gonna send many projectiles at once, why use a weapon that would require not hands.

So, I was quite happy that my weapon took the shape of an actual firearm and with that happiness, I started shooting any hollow in my sight.

Best of all, I could see the light particles of all hollows that I killed going into my shadow and feel a slight amount of increase in my own energy pool. Theoretically I could go against hollows of these level for days without tiring out even in my current state.

Somebody was more than likely that I was cleaning up the pests but I just couldn't bring myself to care. I really shouldn't have written that battle maniac thing, only a week and I was bored out of my mind but now I was having a good time. Hell, I was having fun! Had a half mind trying out my gravity and hollow powers but logic finally won and I decided against it.

Sure I was doing just as fine as in Cain's memories but if I fucked with a power like gravity, then people would die. And hollows were out too since no way Aizen wasn't watching this from Soul Society or some other shady hideout he had with a cup of tea in hand. I had no intention to reveal such a card yet.

As I was going after the latest hollow that got into my vision, I realized that I had somehow returned to school where a tentacle hollow with students attacking a Tatsuki and Inoue whom had a orange triangle in front of them…

Figures that the girl with the biggest chest in the school would attract the one hollow that looked like a hentai reject.

/Tatsuki POV\

The fuck was going on?!

Everything started normal, just cleaning some broken glass in front of the karate dojo with her friend Orihime and her friend's pervert Chizuru. Then Orihime started to act weird, Chizuru got a wound on her shoulder, Chizuru tried to CHOKE Orihime(which was weird as fuck) while saying that she wasn't doing it and then other students with blood on their shoulders and white eyes appeared and attacked her and Orihime.

And now there was a hentai reject with white mask attacking them and Orihime had a Gai at orange triangle that protected them.

So yeah, the fuck was going on?

She had tried to defend Orihime but then Chizuru had attacked he with tears which created an opening for the other students to gang on her. She could barely stand, oh scratch that cause she fell down and now couldn't even get up.

All the while the hentai reject was making weird noises and making the students assault them while she couldn't even stand.

She hated it. It was a new feeling for her but she hated it. The feeling of being weak. The closest thing was when Ichigo's mother, beautiful Masaki-san, had died and she didn't know how to help Ichigo.

But this was worse, far worse. Her best friend was getting attacked and the only thing protecting her was some triangle while she couldn't do anything. It sucked, it was shit.

She tried to stand up again, she had to help Orihime somehow, she had to help her friend!

And then the students dropped.

All of them collapsed to the floor with only one guy standing, a guy that wasn't even there a moment ago.

"Cain." She said weakly, the new transfer student was here, he also had a gun. Fuck, he didn't mistake the students to be assaulting her and kill them right. Sure they were assaulting her but it was the fault of the hentai reject over there, looking incredibly pissed.

"How dare you?! HoW dArE yOu?! HOW DARE YOU!" The tentacle thing screamed out towards Cain.

"I was having such fun watching their faces go into despair! YOU RUINED IT! YOU WILL…" it couldn't say anything else as Cain took one look at the thing and shot it in the mask. A decision Tatsuki supported wholeheartedly.

"Man, they just let anyone out of Hueco Mundo these days. That was one creepy bug." Cain said as he walked towards them and put a hand on her chest, something she couldn't even complain about since everything hurt too much but she could see Orihime flailing her arms around with a massive blush on her face.

The she felt better, the blood on her torso remained but she could feel that the wound was no longer there, not to mention she could feel her arm go back to normal. Her wounds were healed.

"How?" But before she could continue Cain raised his hand and she couldn't help but quiet down.

"I know both of you have many questions but right now I'm a bit busy. So please stay here for at least an hour before going home, tomorrow I will answer all of your questions after the school, is that okay?" He asked and Tatsuki nodded her head before even thinking, making the transfer student smile.

"See ya!" And then he disappeared.

/POV Returned\

Though I had acted very very cool, healing her wound had been super difficult.

A bastardized version of Ransotengai, a high class Quincy technique that allowed one to control their own limbs with spiritual ribbons. I had used it as inspiration and used very thin spirit ribbons to cover her injuries and connected them to her energies, causing her wounds to heal. Something actually easy for her since the technique affected her soul which affects her body. If she was a soul with those injuries, healing her would have been much harder, if not out of my abilities.

Tatsuki's spiritual power had been higher than I had expected though. She was able to see the hollow even though in canon she could not. Not to mention the energy in her was the reason my treatment had worked that quickly. She had potential.

But that wasn't important now, students had been attacked and almost killed by an hollow even after Ishida's 'Quincy Supremacy' speech and I wasn't happy with it, so I changed my mind about my course of action.

I was gonna beat that glassed bastard's stupidity out of him.