
Chapter 27

"Stop there, Ryoka!" Another Shinigami yelled as they ran towards me with their blade raised. "Gah!" And then another Shinigami fell to the ground as my fist met their face.

Honestly, I knew that most Shinigami were not actually that impressive; especially those who were below fifth seat level, but the rate they were going down wasn't even funny anymore. It was just sad.

"I'll be taking my leave now." I said with a sigh at no one in particular, mostly because everyone around me were now unconscious.

I had made a mistake when choosing a squad barrack as my first target of attack, it was when all the lieutenants and captains were away. Though that might be for the better since I definitely couldn't defeat Aizen as I was now but it also means that I didn't get to bully Hinamori. That could have been real fun, even with the threat of a giant ice dragon trying to kill me later for doing something like that.

Didn't matter anyway, there was a plan and for it to work I needed to keep causing havoc. The easiest way to do that would have been to just release some of my hollows, I had a practical army of them in my shadow, but hollows invading Seireitei was not the same as bunch of brats invading it; it would definitely get the attention of old man genocide. Meaning I had to cause havoc the old fashioned way, which would let me keep Hollow Manipulation as a hidden card in my sleeve too.

I couldn't think anything further about how to cause havoc as I suddenly had to duck in order to not get my head cut off.

"Huh, you guys really can hide your presence." I said with an almost impressed look on my face as I looked at the small gathering of ninjas before me. Not Naruto ninjas though, no these looked far closer to what a traditional ninja would look like with their black garbs that covered every inch of their bodies except their eyes; with which they were glaring at me as they held their swords. "It really is dangerous to let one's guard down, especially in a place that has their own assassin squads." I said as I scratched the side of my head before I blurred towards the ninjas and defeated them with a combination of punches and slashes.

Rather disappointing, they hadn't been any stronger than the random Shinigamis I had been beating up before them. Guess that could be considered impressive since they weren't meant to actually fight people, they were meant to sneak up on people and slice their necks.

Oh well, at least I had gotten my cue on not to let my guard down so I guess they could be considered useful.

"To think that a group of the Onmitsukidō could be defeated in span of a few seconds." A familiar voice came from above. "The standards really has fallen since the last time I was here."

"Now, don't be so harsh on them." I chided Yoruichi with a mock stern expression. "It is entirely possible that you think that they were better before because of nostalgia clouding your judgement. They very well could have been just as sucky when you were here last time."

"I'll slash you."

"I'm sure you will." I laughed at the threat before turning serious as I looked at the downed form of the Soul Society assassins. This could actually be a problem.

"Yoruichi, sorry to ask this but can you find the group with Orihime?"

"Hmm? I could, but is there a reason?" The cat tilted her head at me with curious eyes and I sighed.

"I hadn't thought that Onmitsukidō would actually come at us, deeming a few ryouka below their notice or some similar pride bullshit Shinigamis are well known for."

"That's kinda racist but not entirely incorrect. But you were wrong about it anyway."

"I was, and for a group of assassins the first target would either be the strongest member or the healer of the group." I said with a frown, genuinely concerned. "Orihime doesn't really have fighting instincts like the rest of us, which makes her the weakest member of our group but her healing powers also make her the most valuable member as well. It would be better if she had some extra protection."

I could only guess that Yoruichi had been the one to deal with spirit ninjas in the original timeline if they had tried to attack the team but taking that kind of risk wasn't something that I liked.

"Sure, I'll keep an eye on her and the others. What will you do now?"

"I will do as my plan needs me to do, cause more havoc." I said with a shrug and turned around to leave. Now, what was the fastest way to get to a captain that was not strong enough to whoop my ass?

"Any message you want me to relay to the others? Some sort of advice you think they might need?"

"Nah, I'm sure they have everything under control."


What the fuck were they watching?

"Luh-luh, luh-luh, luh! Luh-luh, luh-luh, luh! Lucky!" No, seriously. Tatsuki had thought that she was getting used to the whole strangeness of the spirits, what with her introduction being a porn tentacle reject trying to kill her through controlling the bodies of her fellow students, but a bald man just dancing on his toes while singing definitely wasn't normal; right? It wasn't just her, right?!

"Inoue-san, please stop clapping." Good news, it wasn't just her. Bad news, they already had lost Orihime.


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