
Shinō Academy (1)

Sereitei was the total opposite of Rukongai: clean roads made out of what looked like concrete, big and elegant houses that covered a hole block, and large walls that protected the property.

The people were wearing elegant clothes and proper shoes.

Shinigami were around every corner, and even some were in groups, making crime nonexistent.

The more we walked to the center, we could see a massive white wall.

"The Sereitei is divided by layers, and the limits of each are divided by those large walls that you all see." Our guide gave us a tour of the place called Sereitei.

"The Shinō Academy, or as the Rukongai people call it, the Shinigami Academy, is located in the first layer".(Guide)

Nobody was making any noise trying to absorb as much information as possible.

"The Academy has an entrance test; this test is to decide in which class you will be part of, and if you fail, don't worry; you can try again next year." (Guide)

{Wait, really!?, sh*t, I didn't remember that}

It took us 3 hours to walk to reach the Shinigami Academy.

"Welcome to the Shinō Academy"(Guide)

In front of us was a multiple-story building with architecture similar to that of Seireitei; it had wooden rooftops and white walls.

"This way, please"(Guide)

As soon as we enter the academy grounds, what looks like a Shinigami but with different colors greets us.

"Hello everyone, I'm a teacher at this academy; my name is Taneguchi Ikura, and I'm also an examiner."

When everyone heard that, they got tense, me included.

"Relax, come this way."

She guided us into an open space where various people wearing the same uniform as her were there.

"Now my fellow teacher here will handle some tickets; on those tickets there's a number, and this number will be yours until the rest of the test."

The man on her right side began to give us the tickets.


"Thank you"



{Let's see which number I got. 36. This is going to take a while}

"Now we are going to begin calling all of you by number, so pay attention."

"Number 1!!" One of the teachers in front of us yelled.


"Come here!!" 

"Y..yes sir.." Like a robot toy, the man walked towards the teacher.

(Sigh.) "Rookies," I heard one of the teachers say.

{I probably will be that nervous if I don't watch the show}

Like that, each of us was getting called to one of the examiners in front of us.

The weird thing was that the ones getting called got back on line after a while.

30 minutes later...

"Number 36" 

"Here." Hearing my name, I walked to the examiner on the far right.

"Hmm...how old are you?" The examiner asked with a bit of apprehension.

"I'm eight years old," I immediately answered.

"Here, grab this with both hands." He handed me some sort of artifact that had a screen and two handles at the sides.

"Ok." I grab it.

*Beep* *Beep* *Ting*

"Let me see it." He extended his hand.

"Here." I handed him the artifact without looking at it.

"Oh, High-Grade, good, you can go form back at the line."

"Thank you." I made a little bow, then I left.

I went back to the line with the others.

2 hours later...

"Ok, all the participants have been measured, so we are going to proceed to the next phase. Come with me." (Ikura)

We follow her into a building that has many classrooms.

"The next phase will be knowledge, so we are going to divide all of you into groups of 30 people per class room. Please, teachers." (Ikura)

Many teachers began to call the numbers on our tickets, so we knew that wherever you were called, that's your class room.

"Number 15, 27, 36...."

{Ok, I'm going into the last class room}

When I went into the class room, I chose one of the front seats.

In this life, I was a nerd, something that in my last life I bullied. Now it was my time to get bullied, but that never happened; all of them were good kids.

{How are my parents and my sister?}

Those thoughts slipped by constantly.

{Maybe I'm still in denial about my death; who knows}

"Ok, class, settle down, good. I'm also a teacher and examiner in this academy. My name is Takemura Sohei. Let's start with this by looking below your desks. There you will find a test and a pencil. You all have 2 hours to answer the questions on that test, and the time starts now."

Everyone began to look at their desk, and they began to answer the test, me included.

{What!?, math?, history?, is this a test for a Shinigami Academy or a university}

Although this life I tried to be a good student and an exemplary child, in my last life I was a school dropout, so nothing academic was on my mind, only the 3 years of school in this life.

2 hours later...

"Ok, stop, time up, everyone."


"Very well, now the next test will be outside this building, so in an orderly manner, exit the building and form a line."

We all stood up, and we began to exit one by one into the exit where others were already there.

"Good job, now follow me" (Ikura)

We now followed her into a massive space outside the building that had a race track, weights, wooden sword racks, and even some obstacle courses.

"Now the final test will be physical," she said as she walked into the race track.

"We'll begin with running 30 laps...go!!." She didn't say anything else.

I didn't hesitate, and I went into the track to run, and others took the hint as well because I wasn't alone.

*Huff* *huff*

The first lap was easy, but something wasn't right.

*huff* *huff* *huff*

By the sixth lap, I knew something was off my energy; it feels as if I'm getting sucked dry.


Another person dropped; this is the twentieth.

*Huff* huff* *huff* *hah* *hah*

When I finally reached the fifteenth lap, my legs didn't respond to me anymore.

{Sh*t, I'm going to pass out. Why? is not that big}

Indeed, the race track wasn't so big for me to pass out for only fifteen laps; something was up.


I passed out...


The next morning...

{Ugh, ouch, my legs, my body, my soul, f**k, it hurts so much}

"Hmm?" I was in an unknown room; there was only a bed, a desk, and a bookshelf.

"What's this?" On top of the desk, a note was there.

[Congratulations Number 36, you passed. After you wake up, please direct yourself into the supplies management department for your uniform and necessities.]

[Atte. Taneguchi Ikura]

[P.D., your class is class #2].