
Chap 3- Smallest Hopper

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ ๐Ÿ‘- ๐’๐ฆ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ:






{ ๐‡๐ฎ๐ž๐œ๐จ ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ง๐๐จ }


Cutting a large portion of the sea of sand apart, a large deadly beam of Cero is shot from what seems to be a small Rabbit with large fangs by its face's sides.

Red-slitted eyes watching and following the one she has been fighting for what felt like days, as he jumps out of the way and slides on the sand while turning to her side. The Cero misses the white panther and goes in a straight line dooming any Hollows that weren't smart enough to think fast.

Snarling as he finally gets a space to breathe once more, Grimmjow huffs in place while his eyes are half closed, seeing the Rabbit's, Mirko, own chest rise happily as she too was tired after this prolonged battle.

' My Reiryoku is low again .... How long have we been fighting..... Have lost count of how many Hollows I had to eat to replenish my energy..... Assjow seems to be doing the same so we can keep going..... Not gonna lie.....' - " Huff..... ๐‘ต๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“ ๐’‡๐’†๐’๐’• ๐’Ž๐’๐’“๐’† ๐’‚๐’๐’Š๐’—๐’†...."

Hopping from one leg to the other she kicked the sand to her left quickly, sending her flying towards her right, going for a large five-meter reddish body of a normal-looking slim Hollow with the only striking feature being its white mask, it was probably one one of those who were taken out in the middle of their battles.

It was still twitching around, providing her enough that it was still alive, and as she dashed close to his chest, her mouth was already open wide, and with one large sound of teeth clanking together, she started to devour him.

The one being left there watching the small one jump away lets out a dry chuckle before he strolled to another side, at the Cero she blasted earlier direction, his eyes scanning around as he followed the deep crater left on the sand, and further away in its trail the body of a Menos Grande.

The large creature that was as tall as a building, now lay on its side with his long-nosed mask that had red markings of lines, his red eyes still faintly glowing as the Menos tried to move.

Although it didn't seem he would go anywhere any time soon, a large portion of his body was missing. His regeneration was already kicking up a notch, leaving the panther that was approaching to let out a dry loud chuckle.

Grimmjow walked forward limping slightly, he got to witness firsthand what multiple kicks to your ribcage region does to someone, and all the moves he did get in would be intercepted by that Rabbit's strange ability, that the more they fought, the more she seemed to get a hang out of it.

Until at some point, he was able to take her in a trap, slicing towards her with one of his paws, just to rapidly change it for the other, slicing across her chest and sending Mirko sky diving in a direct line backward.

To his annoyance once more sparkles were shot everywhere once his claw made contact, but he couldn't complain, it was the best fun he ever had since those that called him 'King' weaklings gave up on their path to evolve.

Around this time was when he saw her energy was so low that normally a Hollow would just give up, but the small thing got up, yelling at him how that didn't hurt that much.....

He accepted the challenge, making it so that to lose, one would need to accept their defeat. It was interesting, it was captivating.... It was Exciting.

Emotions were few for a Hollow if none at all.

So he enjoyed this moment, finding a hard-to-kill and strange-minded Small Rabbit.

He brought an Adjunchas with his mouth and dropped it in front of her after seeing her state, saying for her to eat, get back to full strength. He wouldn't accept it until one of them gave in completely.

And so, that was when they started this seemingly endless battle.

Getting back to our current situation, Grimmjow finally reaches the downed Menos, who saw the white panther right in front of him, and in a last-ditch to try and preserve itself dispatched its jaw slightly, and instantly in front of his mask a Cero started to be formed.

" Heh... Trying even on your deathbed.... Would call you courageous, but you'll be my food right now, need to slice that smug midget until she stays down."- Not giving the Menos even a chance to attack, Grimmjow bites his neck, and twisting his head around like a predator rips a part of it.

Munching into it and feeling his energies already coming back, the Menos lets a strange roar for a second as the panther devours him to regain his Reiryoku, feeling the one opposite to him already ending her own meal.

And jumping around for a second, she stays by a hill while facing Grimmjow, her res slits burning with the want of more as she had used her time to hop around and eat any others she found, her eating speed was quite something as Grimmjow noticed.

Never getting his eyes away, he ate that Menos, and any others that were still around, the Rabbit even pointing her paw to show him some at times while laughing to herself.

It was a simple deal, he would get back his full strength, and they would start once more. A dance that was entertaining for both. But, the Rabbit did seem to win over the big cat, her techniques were developing still, she was still a 'Young' Hollow after all, and Grimmjow was already way more experienced.

So fighting with someone like him for so long has pushed her growth, as so did she do the same with Grimmjow, who had already started wondering if any Adjunchas around could give him a challenge, wondering if a Vasto Lorde would do so.

But it seems Santa heard his wishes, dropping something small but deadly on him.

Hours pass by as he finds that what the Rabbit left for him wasn't enough, groaning he looks at the culprit as she chills on top of a tall quartz tree staring at the eternal moon that illuminated the place.

Mirko changed her sitting position and location countless times to kill time as the panther fills himself up, there were a lot of normal Hollows laying around after their battles, but now it seems the reward of the side effects was finally emptied.

Jumping around to get closer, he arrives at the trunk of the white tree, as the Rabbit seems to go stare up, her white and black parts being lit up by the silver shine of the moon.

And a small hole under her chest, close to her stomach can be seen also better.

As the cat was going to break the tree in half for her to fall to her forehead with a smug grin, he hesitate, hearing the one above.

" Hey, Grimmjow.... Do you think we can ascend to Vasto Lordes? I mean, I am sure I can....*looks down*.... But you big cat? Have been here way longer than me, didn't you?"- The words she choose, hits him home.

And with a loud snarl, he brings his paw up, and with a swift motion, cuts the tree in half, forcing Mirko to hop back with a flip and land in front of him, looking directly into his eyes before turning jumping back and starting to hop away.

" You midget.... Getting pretty damn full yourself after a few draws aren't ya?"- Standing there, he frowns.

Jumping one last time, the Rabbit turns around, a prideful aura around her now, a comic scene given her small size for a Hollow.-" Then let's get you back to one hundred and continue, ya probably gonna lose next time, this last one was almost mine after all."

Kicking up, she hopped right and left as soon as she touched her strong legs down, making her acceleration increase as she got further away.

Snarling as his canines clenched firmly together the Panther dashed after her.

" YA DUMB FUCK OF A BUNNY!!! THIS TIME I'M GOING TO CUT YOU IN HALF!!!!"- Raising sand behind him he rushed after the one who was already pretty far away, and incredibly still going strong.

Seeing the beast coming behind her as she spun around while hopping, Mirko lets out a full-out burst of laughter, after all this wasn't an ordinary Rabbit, she could do everything one could, ๐’ƒ๐’–๐’• ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’“.

That means that as she choose to fully touch one of her back strong paws on the ground and use everything she had to spring forward, she basically became a missile.


" TOO SLOW!!!! PussyJow!!!!!"

Shouting at the top of her lungs as she explodes away, leaving a large pillar of gray sand where she dug her paw a second before.

And a very, very irritated Panther -" GRRRR!!!! I AM GONNA MAKE A SOUP OUT OF YOU!!! FRICKING RABBIT!!!!!!"- His spiritual energy peaks as he starts to speed up.

Such shenanigans were strange for the everyday Hollows. The two found a feeling they shared, and how they spiked the other's inner feeling of wanting to fight, not for the kill or eat. Simply for the excitement.

No one would interrupt them when they were one against the other, it was a true battle of pride, and as they did with one another, they respect the other's battles.

After all, both saw working in groups as a weakness and that strange dislike towards the same thing did connect them in the end. Those who choose to follow the rules they had of pride, they would follow along.

As for those who came in as weaklings who had to band together to face others, they had the pleasure the kill them by themselves. They didn't count as teaming, as they were just killing and eating some Hollows they killed themselves, not the other.

Never interrupting the other's fight. Only taking new ones by themselves.

Mirko strangely never touched those with super low quantities of Reiryoku or Reiatsu, Grimmjow seemed to also follow the example by his own will. They would just normally humiliate them with some words and walk away, but if they choose to try and fight them. Death was always waiting for them.

A Strange way of thinking that worked, Rabbit and Panther had their mouths full while fighting, never stopping shouting or insulting the others around them, or even themselves.

Rogue Hollows who were in groups started seeing them as an even bigger threat, even if they weren't trying to work together, every one of their battles would somehow be moved to a close hideout, killing even more of those groups.

They were uncontrollable, fighting every chance they got, and marking their names in Hueco Mundo as two great powerhouses, two strangely small powerhouses for Adjunchas.

A Rabbit who could hop around fast enough to kick multiple Adjunchas in the jaw and get away from a normal Cero laughing, as long as her legs touched the ground, she would hop. And that hop would be the end of many.

And her supposed rival, many didn't know their relationship as they were always seen fighting with massive Ceros being flung left and right from their location.

Killing many of those who were curious enough to want a piece of such strong Hollows. And after so fighting for so long, filling themselves so much.

They would finally see something new, as a strange intelligent Hollow was planning their possible fates after so long, he had tried to send in multiple occasions the ones under him to try and contract these two.

Promising everything, from constant fillings to protection..... a Vasto Lorde called, Baraggan.

Wishing for their power like many others, but the duo just laughed at his antics as they just finished one of their battles.

These scouts who had to give the message thought that getting them at their lowest was the best option, after all, their spiritual powers were so low....

That was quickly fixed by the Rabbit biting a piece of the scout to regain some energy and blasting them to oblivion with a Cero, which she and Grimmjow got absurdly better over time at using it.

All that while the same cat gave the scout a disgusted look, the Hollow waited for them to be weakened to try his luck, it left something bitter in his mouth that someone would use such a cowardly way.

As for their Ceros, Repeatedly using something over the course of what would be countless years would obviously improve drastically.

They managed to compress it even more, opting for less range and area of destruction, but the power behind it was to be feared if the Cero hits.

Creating even a Variation of their own that others didn't see yet, only being experiments they tried doing when Mirko saw some strange Ceros once as a non-humanoid Hollow fired it towards her with his feet/paws.

They got curious, or better explained. Mirko did so, and started spending a lot of time trying to work on something.

While Grimmjow would be eating, he noticed her doing something as he passed by her one day. Unlikely many Hollow thought, they would spend long periods away from one another, most likely eating or just lazing around while eating, well, they had to continue doing so, after all, neither wanted to regress.

And even if it was super unstable, she was able to pull it off, seeing another technique that he didn't know, he asked how she did it without even noticing he lowered his guard seeing the strange unique way to use Cero.

Unlike her technique to take hits using her focus on her Reiryoku at one point of her body, this one was something she wasn't too secretive about. The first one was something she held close to her, the technique that would save her if needed.

Grimmjow became somewhat of her 'friend', or acquaintance over the course of time, but they still considered each other only rivals, the one who could give the other the best fight they could wish in this dead place.

Today was also one of those days.

The two were fighting once again after meeting at their usual spot, the first area they met and fought became their area, a red zone for those who were smart, and a perfect location to find them.

" OI!!! Rabbit! What's your short ass looking at! Focus on the battle you!"- Dashing from his position a couple of meters in front of Mirko, he quickly arrived in front of her, ready to slash with his paw already high.

The Hollow Bunny seeing he wouldn't give her a chill jumped up just enough to be at the same level as his head, spinning mid-air with a back kick to his chest area that sent him sliding across the sand.

Not putting much strength in the move, she gave him a quick look before tugging her head in a direction where strangely a lot of gray dust was being lifted, but even if it was still relatively far away. But they could still feel what was being hidden by it.

" First of all again, I am not short, just compacted, and second of all..... What the actual hell is that Reiastu....."- Sweating, if that was even possible for a Hollow, she trembled slightly feeling the multitude of powers closing in, and one topping every single one of them.

Grimmjow finally understood what she was talking about as his attention was fully towards that large curtain of dust, his blue eyes widened, not believing someone like that would come at them personally, but it only resulted in one second as the next he let out a burst of loud laughter as he stepped closer to Mirko.

" The King seems to have finally exited his paper throne, he's that guy I told ya about a long ago, the one who likes to play Kingdom.... But I am sure that after all this time... I might be able to claim hi-... Rabbit?"

Looking at his side where she was a second before, now he only sees small holes in the sand where her paw where located before.

Blinking twice now confused his jaw dropped seeing multiple small pillars of sand being risen across the desert, he already admitted it to her. Mirko's speed and acceleration were much higher than a normal Hollow, he could keep up, but there were times she wouldn't stop raising her acceleration.

He had put it as one of the possible special abilities Hollows had sometimes, unlike that one that she could negate damage, this one was more instinctual. -' Maybe even the Rabbit herself doesn't know about it... Wait- WHY I'M WASTING TIME HERE??!?'


Also dashing forward as he raised a large quantity of sand where he stood before, he run at the best of his capabilities, seeing how Mirko's laugh echoed as she finally arrived in front of that large curtain of dust, breaking into it while already spinning and kicking something she didn't even see.

Hearing a grunt she took it as a clean hit and started to hop on any ground her paws could touch. Hopping around while kicking at random as all she could see was dust and a multitude of glowing eyes. And as she kicked around, something caught her attention for a second, but she had to get her attention to what was in front of her right now as the main problem....

All the way back from all those multiple eyes that she saw inside the dust, was an even deadlier and fiercer looking shone, it wasn't one of these eyes that she thought to be, because it spun in a swirl motion to a single point.... As she was still in the air when she noticed something, all the Hollow eyes that she saw around glowing moved away from her....

Like they all were trying to get away from something or make way for it...

" Where are all the weaklings going.... Also... that one-"

" ๐‘ช๐’†๐’“๐’...."

Her instincts screamed at those words were uttered by a voice that seemed to see her as nothing but an insect, no, her instincts cried in pain at her as she moved her eyes to the only glow she was seeing now, the brightest.

That was getting bigger and bigger... But it wasn't getting bigger.

"OH- FUC- !!!!!"

A Cero, not a normal everyday one.

๐‘จ ๐‘ฝ๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’ ๐‘ณ๐’๐’“๐’…๐’†'s ๐‘ช๐’†๐’“๐’.

The red scarlet glow of it was right in front of Mirko, seeing the attack so close she had to act fast, and turning her back to it and curling forward in a ball to protect her mask she used every piece of Reiryoku she had to protect her back.

It was a second of silence.


That soon was broken by a terrifying sound that obliterated everything in its path.

A humongous red wave of power dispersed the dust that was raised from those uncountable Hollows, engulfing a certain someone, and missing the panther by a strand of hair... But still, even when he jumped to his side to dodge he still grunted as his arm was partially burned by the attack.

It quickly healed after a few seconds as it only grazed his white skin, but for only a touch to do so much, he frowned thinking if his small battle junkie partner was also caught in that blast....

Now that the dust was settled, Grimmjow's eyes which were already cautious, showed great surprise, the sheer quantity of Hollows that he saw a few hundred meters away from him wasn't a joke.

Menos and Adjuchas who each had different patterns and masks, and all the way back, his skeletal finger pointing at the location he just saw that Cero that potentially killed his rival.

" Grrrr.... Barragan... So this is what a Vasto Lorde is capable of.... Ehehe.... INTERESTING!!! I WILL EAT YOU IN THE RABBIT'S PLACE AS A TRIBUTE!!!!"

Not waiting furthermore, he ran forward, those hundred of Hollows that stood by the side now moving forward to make a wall, ready to end the panther as he roared to life.







The Cero earlier was something she never expected to receive.... Grimmjow's ones weren't that deadly, she could defend against them using her technique, still not having a name for it yet.

" Vas...to...Lor...de... He...h...."- The large sand trench that formed in the desert from the Vasto Lorde Cero earlier stretched for kilometers.

And at the end of it, laying on the ground, with her back, front paws, and a leg missing, was the Rabbit.

Her eyes glowed their red so faintly. Her energy was beyond empty. She couldn't move, now nothing more than a corpse in the state she was found.

A question of time until one devours her.

She didn't want that, what was left of her mind from when she was still human wanted to hold what she still had, but she couldn't.

Her body was mostly destroyed, she still was there because she was able to protect her mask, but in the process used everything she had to protect it.

" Uuuh..... N...o..... I will..... the cat..... gonna laugh at me...."- Speaking without a pattern she was left there.

For some hours as all the way close to the army of Hollows, Grimmjow reaped and tore them apart, eating and fighting. His size made him able to maneuver around like the beast he was.

Only the ones close to his size were able to somewhat do something, but he still ate so many, they couldn't compare to the panther and died quickly.

* ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž๐Œ!! *

Jumping back away from a large stomp from a five-meter tall Adunchas, he run around him at high speeds and jumped up from his side, slicing a large part of his mask as the Hollow shrieked in pain, and using his shoulder as a platform, jumping towards another one of similar size who was preparing a Cero.

" Think you can scare me!!! Let's see!!!!!"- Opening his mouth and forming one of his own, way faster than the other Hollow, and shooting it.

Obliterating its head while dropped down once more, already having quickly dodged a spike of white feet from an Adjunchas, going back and forth while he dodged the same.

Getting enough of it after a minute, he roared and jumped while dodging another sharp stomp. Stretching his front right paw back, a swirl of red energy quickly forming around it, and surrounding his claws.

"๐‚๐ž๐ซ๐จ: ๐๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐š!!!"- Shouting loudly he drove his paw forward, sending large red cuts in crescent moon shapes flying towards the one who was trying to stomp him down, as well as any other who was in its range.

Cracking a laugh seeing how many fell in pieces with their masks broken.

That enthusiasm is broken when he feels something to his side.

His whole body stops moving, his eyes widen and his body shakes as a skeleton with a crown and royal purple clothes is now by his side, looking directly at him. Analyzing every inch of his body.

" ๐™„๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ.... ๐™Ž๐™ช๐™˜๐™ ๐™ช๐™จ๐™š ๐™ค๐™› ๐˜พ๐™š๐™ง๐™ค... ๐™Ž๐™–๐™ฎ ๐™‚๐™ง๐™ž๐™ข๐™ข๐™Ÿ๐™ค๐™ฌ, ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™จ๐™๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™—๐™š ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™›๐™›๐™š๐™ง, ๐™ค๐™ง ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ช๐™ฅ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™– ๐™›๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™.... ๐™…๐™ค๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™–๐™ง๐™ข๐™ฎ."

While being frozen in place at the spiritual pressure that was just by his side, Grimmjow grits his teeth.









{ ๐๐จ๐ฏ ๐Œ๐ข๐ซ๐ค๐จ }


Why here... And that was a dick move....

Couldn't see anything in the middle of that dust, and was just fighting some random Hollows.... So that's the power of a Vasto Lorde huh.

If I was able to move, probably would be hyped to try again, but it seems my regeneration is too slow... Do any good-willed Hollow friends want to jump in my mouth?

It would help a lot.... Heh, what I am saying, assholes in this place only care about themselves like me and PussyJow.....

Talking about him... I wonder how he's doing... Probably having his ass given to him....


.... Could have incapacitated me close by, could at least watch it as a last entertainment as I heal, seeing him be played like a cat....

Ahhh! I wanna watch it!

Ughhh!! Come on!!! ..... Even if I got up, how would I move now that I think about it....


Hearing something to my left, I can't help but shudder... a big guy just stepped close to my head....

An Adjunchas huh..... - 'Go away sir, I don't have the means to fight and eat you right now.....

So if you kindly- Eh- NO! Don't come closer!!'

At first, he just looked at me, letting what I thought to be a mocking laugh as he lowered his body.

" I am sure, Lord Barragan wouldn't mind me having the leftovers."

'Hey!! I am sure he's gonna mind! Get your dirty-eating mouth away from me!!! I WILL KICK YOU!!! DON'T TRY ME!!!'

Wiggling my body around with the bit of energy I got by resting, and now my legs and back that were half healed because my Reiryoku finally got to 'okay' levels.... I can wriggle around, okay level, because I need to focus on getting patched up.

That's why regeneration is a bitch, I normally don't myself support into it, as I don't need the heal if I don't plan to get hit, to begin with. I can zoom around and tank most fatal hits after all... Like I am still alive, after a Vasto Lorde Cero!... Kinda alive....

Feeling his breath close to my chest and sending shivers down my body, I try my best to move around.


Finally being able to put it all out with a loud shout in my tomboyish voice, I see the Hollow flinch for a second, laughing as I feel his teeth are dug slowly into my body.

Everything seems so slow....

The way I would have such a pathetic death, and couldn't evolve further. If I will die, I wanna make it count!



"Ugh!?-" - " ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž!!! ๐…๐”๐‚๐Š ๐˜๐Ž๐”!!! ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘!!!"

Using my up mask's long ears on the sand with a tug of my neck, I turn myself as he takes away a chunk out of me, it hurts like hell, but its enough to give me the last piece of will to use my leg that was still regeneration, just the nub of blackness to push him away from me.

" Ohoho! A tough little one-*๐•๐”๐”๐’๐‡!!*" - Grabbing my leg, to probably rip it apart, a beam of Cero that felt a lot like Barragan's one, but still in a small size completely blast the Hollow's upper body away.

Completely obliterating it.

Leaving me in a state of shock.... My head going one million at a second.... How the hell would I even struggle against something that can fire a Cero like that....

With my eyes still on the lower half of the Hollow who tried to eat me, I feel something picking me up, cautiously to not touch the open part of my body that still was healing, now even slower that last idiot ate what little I had recovered....

Strange.... and the even stranger one..... the one holding me up as tall as her face, a tall girl from how she is shaped ..... Her hands that held me up were armored, and on her face, a tiger mask with a glowing green eye...

A piece of it was broken, located on her left side, only showing her eyes and tan skin, red-slitted eyes, looking directly at me with what seemed to be pity..... That annoyed me.... But for now... I will take the help.... My situation wasn't exactly the best a second ago....

Seeing my visible annoyance she shook her head, giving me another... Strange look that I didn't quite catch what it meant...

"You did very well. Come, We'll help you."