
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

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19 Chs

Chapter 3

Anna had reached Tokyo and met up with her friend's mother. She was a middle aged woman with black hair and had a serious air around her. Her name was Koyomi Inzazuka. She was one of the rare true blood Quincies like Anna.

"You must be Anna." Koyomi said as she measured Anna from top to bottom.

"First of all let me thank you for helping my daughter in her time of need. Without your help she would have died in the in secret war." She said as she bowed towards Anna.


The said war took place 5 years before. It was a small scale war that took place in the US where the west bind nearly slaughtered the Quincies. In the west the relationship of the Quincies with the other species wasn't good. Koyomi's daughter Kimiko was there to to attend a secret meeting of the Quincies in the human world but there was a traitor, who had informed the West Bind about it.

The West Bind attacked them and nearly killed everyone present in the meeting. Kimiko was nearly killed by one of the sabres but Anna saved her life. After that both became good friends and helped one another from time to time.

During that time Michael and Anna fell in love with one another. And then Anna gave birth to their child after two years after. This was not acceptable for pure blooded Quincies in the US as they were more traditional and fantical and were harsh towards anyone who broke certain rules. They were especially more haresh towards those pure blooded Quincies who formed relationship with Non-Quincies or Mixed-blooded ones.

So if such relationship were found out, then the partner of the Quincies were killed and in case they had offsprings, they too were executed.

Michael was a being known as fullbringer and his relationship with Anna was exposed to those pure blooded Quincies. At that time Anna was pregnant and was nearing the delivary date.

So Michael and Anna both decided to ask help from Kimiko. As a good friend she gave her full support and helped them escape the country. She also contacted her mother and told about their situation. Koyomi had more flexible views compared to other Quincies so she readily decided to help them.


"Is that your son?" Koyomi looked at the baby Anna was carrying.

"Can I.... hold him?" She asked. Koyomi once had a son who was killed by shinigamis during a incident. She loved her son very much so his death was a big blow to her.

Anna noticing the longing look in her eyes, let Koyomi hold her son. At this time he was sleeping due to exhaustion and excitement.

"He is really cute." Koyomi said as she held him. Anna nodded her proudly when she heard her.

"What is his name?" Koyomi asked.

"Uhm, Its Zack.... Let's call him Zack." With everything going on she didn't have a time to think of a name for her son. So she decided it in spot. Maybe it was fate or something else, our protagonist got the same name as his previous life.

"I don't know what it means, but it sounds good." Koyomi nodded her head.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" This time Anna asked seriously. She and her baby boy has reached Japan safely but now she needed a new identity and place so that she could bring Zack up properly.

"Yes, I have talked to a friend of mine. She said that they can help you set up a new identity here as you are one of us. Although I would have yo say that you shouldn't mention the origin of the father of your child." Koyomi stated seriously.

Listening to this Anna flinched and asked, "Is that person like those Quincies from where I come from?!"

"Oh no dear, although their perception might be a bit old fashioned but they are not that harsh and they won't persecute you. It's just as a precaution." Koyomi said while laughing

After that the two discussed various things as they slowly reached Koyomi's home.

"By the who is this friend of yours and how can she help us." Anna asked.

"Her Name is Izumi Ishida from the Ishida household, a pure blooded quincy families in Japan. They live in Karakura town a place not very far away." Koyomi said.

" So when will be visiting them?" Anna asked. She really wanted to sort everything out so that she can bring up son properly.

"Hum we will visit them in a day or two. You should rest as you had to travel such a long distance and that also facing so many dangers. Your body needs rest." Koyomi stated sternly. Anna nodded her without saying anything as she was escorted to one of the guest rooms.

At this time Zack has been listening to their conversation quietly. He knew that he was in a fucked up world where a person could die in both body and soul. There were crazy monsters called hollows who preyed on the souls of humans, soul reapers or shinigamis who were responsible for maintaining the regulation of the souls, humans with special kind of powers know as fullbringers and finally his kind, the quincies. Among these races, the Quincies and hollows were the most persecuted ones as one devoured the souls of others and the other could eradicate the hollows thus dis-balancing the world.

And Zack was a quincy an endangered species who had a tyrant as their ruler/creator.

'In this fucked up world I have been reincarnated as a quincy. Huh that fucker Yhwach would be after me once he knows of my existence. Hell the shinigamis will also keep a close eye on me. Damn it!' His baby face scrunched up due to this terrible thought.

He then looked at the side and saw his mother's beautiful face near him as she embraced him while sleeping.

He silently looked at his new mother's sleeping face for sometimes.

"Well whatever. I have been given another chance at life and I am not going to waste it. I will become stronger and protect my mother and if those aashole shinigamis, quincies and hollows try to harm us then I am going to slaughter them all.' He resolutely thought.


Well here is the third chapter. I am sorry that there is no action at this moment because I need to establish the various characters properly so that everything is in line with the main story without breaking the flow.

Next MC will be quite a beast as he is a resolute fellow who will go to any lengths to protect his loved ones.