
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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998 Chs


"How could there be such a beast."

"It's really rubbish, this kind of person can live in this world."

"Go to hell, garbage, scum."

Yulong Zhi's words aroused the bloodiness of the audience, especially women. Anyone who wanted to be discarded after being played by a man, suddenly started scolding, even if he was pointed at the gun, he could not appease their anger.

"Hateful, that idiot." Seeing the scene gradually getting out of control, Giovanni scolded. In this case, he was still trying to anger Ash. Isn't this courting death?

"I hope that when we meet, you can still have the courage now." Ash said quietly to Yulong Zhi, but looking at the expressionless face, it was clear that Ash was already extremely angry.

"What!" Ash's words had just finished. Suddenly made Giovanni and Yulong Zhi feel bad, but thinking about the hostages in the hands of himself and the others, presumably Ash had no chance to resist.

But when they thought this way, Yulong Zhi had an accident there. I saw a blue rays of light covering them instantly, and a silhouette also appeared where Delia and the others were.

"Mewtwo!" Giovanni suddenly shouted in shock when he saw the silhouette. 1000 counts and 10000 counts. He even forgot the most important place, which is Pokémon of Ash Mirage Island, which is the gathering place of Divine Beast. what.

"Ash, give it to me here, this guy's life, I will leave it to you." Mewtwo, a Gravity field, will be out of Team Rocket people other than Yulong Zhi, instantly pressed into meatloaf, many people watched All started to vomit.

Yulong Zhi has been completely shrouded in fear. Just thinking of Ash's previous sight has already made him almost pissing in the pants.

After seeing that Yulong Zhi had captured his loved one before, Ash had secretly used scroll to send a message to Mewtwo and asked him to rescue him. With Mewtwo's current strength, it must be no problem.

"Ah ~ don't let him die, otherwise he will be too cheap." Ash inserted his left hand into his hair room, covering his left eye, very said in a tranquil voice, but everyone familiar with Ash knows, Ash's heart , Has been filled by Rage.


"Zi zi."

With Ash's words finished, Mewtwo directly destroyed the broadcast facilities, and Icirrus appeared again on the big screen. Obviously, the next scene must be cruel.

"xiu! xiu! xiu!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

When the atmosphere of the whole meeting place was extremely cold, suddenly 3 rockets flew to the sky explosion of the meeting place, Ash looked up, a stern smile appeared on Ash's expression.

These three missiles were launched by Gary and the others, and they were also secret codes agreed with Ash. After they were transferred out by Ash, they had already sent people to transfer half of the people in Chengdu Region to other places.

It has been a few hours from now to now. I have to say that several Great Clan influences are indeed very efficient. Of course, everyone can be transferred out at once, most of them All were arranged on the ship moved towards the sea.

"Pikachu, you go inside Poké Ball first, don't worry, it won't make you endure too long." Ash said to Pikachu when the signal appeared.

"Pickup ~" After hearing Ash's words, Pikachu also knew that his Master must be in a bad mood now, so he obediently entered a Poké Ball around his waist.

"State 2." With no worries, Ash's expression appeared on his face. This was the first time he used State 2's ability.

I saw Ash whole body covered by Black's flame tattoo, suddenly bulging behind, and then a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared, one black one white, and his eyes were also the right writing round, the left reincarnation, and the people who watched were panic.

"Attack! Attack!" Seeing what Ash looked like, Giovanni knew that things weren't good, suddenly issued an attack order, this time was not a cracking joke, but he had seen the strength of Ash.

"da da da!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

After hearing Giovanni's orders, all Team Rocket members began to attack Ash, and all the bullets and shells hit them.

"Susanoo." Faced with the attack, Ash roared, a huge amount of energy, instantly shrouded Ash, and slowly lifted Ash with him.

It didn't stop until the height of five hundred meters, and the energy of red slowly condensed into a giant, but it disappeared and reorganized from time to time, and it looked a little unstable.

"It's so big."

"Let's run away."

After seeing the size of Susanoo, the auditorium suddenly rioted. At this time, everyone had only one idea in mind, that is, escape.

"Sure!" Ash right hand clenched his fist and completely took control of Susanoo unstable Chakra. Suddenly, Susanoo gradually condensed into a Samurai similar to the Heavenly Dog of the fog, holding a giant knife.

And Ash is in the red gem on Susanoo's forehead, looking down at Giovanni and the others of the looked Ground.

"How could this be the case." Giovanni has been completely taken over by the huge Susanoo. He didn't expect Ash to have such a strong Ability. Susanoo in the past was at most eventy-eighty meters, but how can I say now? five hundred meters or more.

"Giovanni, feel it well, my anger." Just as Giovanni and the others were quelled, Ash suddenly roared, Susanoo instantly pulled his knife and swept across the ground.

"Not good." Seeing Susanoo's movements, Giovanni suddenly secretly thought was not good, but even if he ran away now, it would certainly be faster than Susanoo.

"Alakazam, use Teleport." At this time, Proton suddenly threw a Poké Ball, then grabbed Giovanni, and let Alakazam use Teleport to take 2 people away.


Alakazam with Proton and Giovanni disappeared instantly, and Susanoo's Totsuka no Tsurugi also crossed Ground at this time.