
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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998 Chs


"So what's the situation here, and your current state too." Under Rinnegan's deterrence, Ash was able to find out if the other side was lying, especially this woman who panicked when she encountered something.

"Hu ~" withdrew her imposing-manner in Ash, and the girl in kimono immediately sighed in relief. The feeling of being suppressed was really too uncomfortable, and Ninetales was also relaxed a lot. Just now she was also spiritually stretched taut.

"Who the hell are you!" Said Ash, looking at some help helpless woman in kimono. She was the first time she saw someone who could detect her and Ninetales.

"My name is Yu Konoha Zhi, a person from Kanto Region. It looks like it has been here for at least 1000 years. Presumably you do n't know what Region or Region is." The situation in the altar, Ash has already mastered it, at least Some relics found last time.

Obviously, for the remains on the surface to be kept undetected for 1000 years, it really shocked Ash, and the previous white fog did not look like it was generated naturally.

"Region and so on, I am indeed not quite clear. My name is Luo Ke. I was 1300 years ago, and this Ninetales is also my Pokémon. There are many reasons for this."

"More than 1000 years ago, this was originally the site of our Havila tribe, and I was Princess of the Havila tribe. Once again, when I went out with Ninetales, who had no evolution at the time, I found a gem."

"The one placed at the intersection seems to have been taken away by you. Originally it was nothing, but when I took the gem back to the tribe, the gem suddenly burst into white rays of light."

"And I, enveloped by rays of light, became like this after waking up. The soul left the body, and others could not see me. Only Vulpix, which was also irradiated by rays of light, could see my existence. . "

"My death made the tribe people think that the gem I brought back was the item of the deity, and I would die because I violated the dignity of the deity. My father put my body to commemorate me. In the Crystal Coffin behind you. "

Luo Ke slowly revealed her life to Ash. For more than 1000 years, Luo Ke was the first time to talk to humans. Normally, only Ninetales was with her. If Ninetales ran out to play without permission, she also Ash and Sabrina will not be encountered.

"You wait." After that, Ash's Rinnegan suddenly disappeared, and then transformed into Sharingan. A space-time vortex appeared centered on Sharingan, and then Sabrina's silhouette appeared in front of Ninetales and Luo Ke.

"It turns out that this is the case. So, Luo Ke Young Lady is not a ghost?" After listening to Ash about the general events, Sabrina also got a general understanding of the altar. The reason why Sabrina was released from a different space is also a province. He will have to explain it again later.

The opposite Luo Ke was shocked by Ash's ability. Ash's ability is more than 100 times stronger than that of Havila Clan's Psychic.

"Go on, what's the matter with the corpse in this altar, you Havila will not use human life, as top grade."

Ash has many doubts about these sacrifices, because these corpse have almost no traces of Struggle, as if they knew they were going to die.

"No no no, we Havila will not do this. We believe in Spiritual God. We will never do such a cruel thing. In fact, the main reason for the problem is still on the gem."

"I don't know what the gem is. The rays of light will be released almost every few years. As long as the people who are exposed to the rays of light, like me, the soul and the flesh will be separated."

"But unlike me, those who are like me, they disappear after the soul leaves the flesh, and I can stay in this Human World. As this kind of thing happens more and more times, my father thinks Our Havila may have been cursed by Spiritual God."

"People who died are probably for the Punishment of our Havila, in order to calm the Rage of Spiritual God, I father built an altar for gems, which is what you see now."

"In order to show sincerity, many of us in the Havila family are willing to contribute their lives and come to the forgiveness of the spirit. Among them, including my father, my father passed the position of the Clan Leader to my big brother. Like other people, self-discipline is in this altar. "

Speaking here, Luo Ke's eyes seemed very sad. The cause of the whole thing was because she was playing with the soul gems she picked up at that time, so it would cause this situation for the Havila.

"Then later." Since these people are willing to make sacrifices, Ash can't control it. Who is more superstitious than the ancients, but this World does have a god, like Ho-Oh and so on .

"Later, as you can see, I was the only one left, and the Havila saw the role of their altar not at all, so they took the remaining clansman, closed the altar, and then Away from other places."

Luo Ke somewhat helpless said that in the past 1000 years, only Ninetales has accompanied her, otherwise, she would really be crazy, and she did not know the reason. She could not leave Ninetales too far away, so before Only so nervously looking for Ninetales.

"So that's how it is, I think, the reason why your soul has not disappeared, it must be Ninetales Help your relationship. According to what you said, the people irradiated by the rays of light, besides you, even Ninetales are among them . "

"Ninetales must have been mutated so that your soul can exist in Human World." Looked at the Ninetales with the huge Spiritual Force, the 3 tomees in Ash Sharingan were turned.

"Is it Ninetales? No wonder I feel like I can't leave Ninetales too far away." After hearing Ash's words, Luo Ke was also nod, as if agreeing with what Ash said.