
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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"Everyone, welcome to the triennial Water Type Pokémon celebration, Whirl Islands competition, the Trainers who live in the Whirl Islands with the Water Type Pokémon, since ancient times, are all hailed as the braves of the sea."

"According to legend, the brave man of the sea will be blessed by the soul of the sea. Please take all your strength to enjoy the game." In the VIP seat, Maya held a magic wand and made a conference declaration.

"Is the soul of the sea, this is the name of that scepter?" The blue gem on the top of the Mayan scepter gave Ash a very strange power, as if it could control the sea, but unfortunately this power seemed to be in a deep sleep, No response to Ash's Spiritual Force.

After the opening ceremony, the game officially started. Ash's first Rival was a Trainer from Whirl Islands.

"Now it is the last game in Zone A. Two players are invited." Before the quarterfinals, they were all divided into divisions, and Ash was divided into Zone A. This is also the last game.

"This time, the player's name is very big. First of all, I have Kanto's strongest Champion, Yu Konoha Zhi player. Everyone knows that the solver of the previous Divine Beast incident is the Ash player."

"And his Rival is the runner-up of Whirl Islands in the previous time, the player in the city." With the introduction of the narrator, Ash's identity caused cheers from the audience. The previous Region live broadcast and the scene of the confrontation between Ash and Divine Beast , But very intense.

Moreover, the Lokia is still the Guardian of Whirl Islands until now, but unfortunately in the current Whirl Islands, few people know the existence of Lokia, and only some clans passed on from generation to generation can know this matter.

"Sure enough, I thought that the person who saw the participant's profile before was having the same given name and family name. Didn't expect that he will come to participate in this competition. Is it also Mystic Water?"

At this time, Lorelei, who had already advanced, showed a gentle smile in the game of Ash in the player area, and beside her, there were also other area advancers.

"Didn't expect Rival turned out to be Champion, it really made me blood boiling, go on, Kingdra." Ash looked across from Duri, said enthusiastically, and took out his Trump Card little Pokemon, Kingdra.

"Is the level of Pseudo-Emperor really wasteful, blue crocodile, just go up." Looked at Kingdra opposite, Ash found that it was only the level of Pseudo-Emperor, and felt a little waste of Kingdra's talent.

"Duri players use the dragon Kingdra, and Ash chose to use the blue crocodile. What kind of game will the 2nd place bring us?" As Ash and Pokémon from Duri appeared, the commentator again Said the atmosphere.

"Is this your Kanto's strongest Champion, really young?" In the player area, Pony Yuji Mi came to Lorelei and said.

Pawnee, an ice attribute Emperor of one of the Hoenn Region Elite Four.

Siebold, Water Type Emperor, one of the Kalos Region Elite Four.

There is also Anda Tia, one of Chengdu Region Elite Four's ice attribute Emperor.

The purpose of these Emperors coming here to participate in the Whirl Islands competition is the Mystic Water with mysterious power. Almost all Trainer dedicated to Water Type Pokémon know that Whirl Islands has the strongest Mystic Water handed down from generation to generation.

It can be said that among the rare items such as Mystic Water, the Mystic Water passed down by Whirl Islands is the strongest, which is also the only purpose for them to come to participate in this game.

"You don't underestimate him, even if it is Divine Beast, there is no benefit in front of him." After hearing Siebold's words, Lorelei said aloud.


"Kingdra, use Hydro Pump." As soon as he came up, Kingdra used one of the great moves of Water Type Ability. I saw Kingdra spraying a powerful Hydro Pump with a formable power from a muzzle-like mouth, moved towards Ash's blue crocodile. Attack away.

"Water Wall." The blue crocodile stood on the Levitate board on the sea surface. Suddenly, a water wall suddenly rose in front of him, blocking the front of the blue crocodile.


The Hydro Pump hit the water wall, but was blocked by the flow rate of the water wall. It may not be broken at all.

"It's amazing, Ash player's blue crocodile, using Ability that we have never seen before, resisted one of the Water Type great move Hydro Pumps."

Looked at the attack and defense on both sides, the commentator immediately broadcast live, the audience were cheering for a while.

The blue crocodile 's Water Wall made several Emperor in the player area silent, all of them were stunned, especially Hoenn 's Pawnee and Kalos 'Siebold, their Region, far away from Kanto, the previous things, Ash's affair was also heard from them, but it was not at all.

It is estimated that only Alliance and Champion can know the strength of Ash. Although these Emperor can also be used, they may think that Ash is too young, not at all.

"How is that, this is the purpose of you wanting the Region to compete in advance." Several Emperor silently next to looked, Lorelei said proudly. Now Kanto, the strength ranking in each Region, is definitely in the top few. Bit.

The second purpose of this region competition is also to create the strength of each region, especially the Sinnoh Region. It is also necessary to win the region competition in order to restore the reputation, because Ito Makoto 's power trip in Kanto Alliance 's move, and finally Hit by Ash, now Sinnoh, many people have chosen to leave.

"I really can't mention my interest at all, blue crocodile, let's finish." Facing the Pseudo-Emperor strength player, Ash's disappointment flashed through, and he thought he could meet those Top Notch first. Emperor players, didn't expect so bad luck.

After saying something to the blue crocodile, Ash turned around and left the referee and the commentator a little bit puzzled, but the next moment, the blue crocodile's movement, let them understood Ash why they left the field.