
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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There was only Ash in Sharon's heart, ignoring the gaze of the men nearby. From Beach, he walked into the sea, and then turned over and dived into the sea.

When she dived into the sea, Sharon habitually held her breath, but she suddenly found that the surrounding water seemed to have no resistance, and her actions also felt very flexible. To probe sexually without holding her breath, Sharon even found that she could Breathe in water.

"It's amazing, you can breathe in the sea." As if discovering something interesting, Sharon was like a mermaid, swimming in the sea wantonly, faster than a small fish.

At this time, somewhere in the United States, the Boss of the black clothed organization was flies into a rage, because he never thought that the gin would betray himself at this time.

He also knows that gin does not trust 100% of himself, but didn't expect to betray the opportunity. At this time, what makes him Rage is that gin does threaten him with the secret of longevity.

He was understood the thing that was killed by Shinigami a few days ago, but the wine was resurrected. If he was told by someone he absolutely trusted, he was really unbelievable.

In Ireland, there was a person named Ireland who was sent by Boss behind the scenes, but in the previous action, this person did not all appear at the scene.

"Old man, this matter is up to you. You must find out the secret of the resurrection of gin wine. By the way, investigate what gin wine hides in the island of God." After the anger, Boss was behind the scene to an elderly man behind him He said that although Boss called it an old man behind the scenes, it looks like 5 6 10 years old.

The sharp eyes revealed that this person had climbed out of the pile of dead bodies, and there was no hint of emotion in it, but it was the most trusted person in the behind-the-scenes boss and the strongest strength in the black clothed organization except behind-the-scenes boss.

"Unders." The old man nod too and turned to leave, and behind the scenes Boss also seemed to be used to the old man's attitude.

"Gin wine, I can cultivate you, I can destroy you, as long as there is a person who can live for me." After the old man left, Boss's eyes murmured in the eyes behind the scenes.

In the sea, Sharon quickly dived into the deep sea like a mermaid. Treasure hunters with oxygen equipment saw Sharon dived into the deep sea without taking anything, suddenly looked shocked Sharon's back.

You should know that the deeper the seabed, the greater the water pressure. The ordinary person cannot bear the water pressure at all. Fortunately, the location of the found deep-sea palace is not very deep.


"Ash, there are a lot of people underneath." When Sharon dived into the deep sea about 50 meters, he finally found the found deep-sea palace, but there were still many treasure hunters around.

There are at least more than 50 people. These all are real treasure hunters. Unlike the above, almost everyone is experienced and has discovered the existence of big treasures.

On the contrary, these treasure hunters are also killing without blinking an eye. They did not do much to kill their companions and kill people for the treasure. At least in Ash 's eyes, these people have black spirits, which means that these people are not kind-hearted.

"Delete everything." After that, Chakra, which controls within-the-body, transmits to Sharon's within-the-body, and Sharon also feels the abnormality of the body, and at the same time, the body subconscious reacts.

"Water-Style 1000 sharks." I saw Sharon's hands seal in both hands, and the surrounding sea Instant Water began to condense into sharks. There are as many as 1000 sharks. The scene is extremely spectacular.

"what is that!"

"Shark ~ shark, run quickly."


"Why are there so many sharks here."

Nearby treasure hunters saw thousands of sharks rushing in, suddenly each and everyone 's complexion greatly changed, constantly moving towards the deep-sea palace, and now going upstream basically is courting death, the speed of humans in the sea is comparable to sharks , Let alone count as many as 1000.

"Kap." It's a pity that not everyone is lucky. The speed of the count of 1000 sharks is difficult to escape, not to mention that these sharks are not real, but Ninjutsu.

Ninjutsu, which was specifically used for killing, was less than a moment. Except for Sharon, all the treasure hunters outside the deep-sea palace were all eaten up by the sharks. The scarlet blood was floating in the sea, attracting several real sharks .

Seeing that the troublesome people were killed, Sharon also moved towards the Deep Sea Palace. Without knowing where the gin is, the Deep Sea Palace is the only clue.

"Pu ~" After entering the Deep Sea Palace, Sharon walked into an artificially dug tunnel, where not at all was submerged by seawater, and it looked very dry, but it had footprints. It is estimated that it was just a fish that escaped the net also escaped here.

Because it borrowed Sharon 's body as a medium, many of Ash 's Bloodline inheritance was unable to use, but Ninjutsu was able to, such as sense and God 's Eye could not be used to use unless he forced it regardless of Sharon 's life. Use the technique of turning the elephant.

"It seems that many people have come here first." Looked at the footprints of disordered and in a mess. Sharon wrinkled frowned. They came to find gin. Too many people may make gin. Be more vigilant.

"Relax, these treasure hunters are completely unthreatening to gin, won't alarm him, and we can't be sure whether gin is really here, so let's take a look at it first."

"That seems to be the case." Sharon twisted her soaked shirt and walked deep into the passage.

"By the way, who is the treasure in this palace? Have you investigated it before?" Bored and idle, Ash suddenly asked that the deep sea palace was obviously built in a long time, at least for a few hundred years.

A few hundred years ago, the sea may not have been submerged here. Even today, it has not been submerged too deep by the sea, but no one has discovered it until it was revealed when the island of God was developed.