
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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998 Chs


"Hateful." Looked at the rules of the game written on the card. Hirohito Hidori suddenly hesitated because he couldn't see which of the five people was a good person, and even if he found that good person, other people had to think Way to rescue.

Not to mention, at least he is still a policeman, even more how he also saw the surveillance video in the upper left corner of the wood house. If he chooses to save none, although he can pass this level, but this time the prisoner can rely on The surveillance video this time pushed me to a dead end.

So no matter how much he saves next, at least he is going to save, otherwise the future days will be no better than now, and Kudo Yusaku on the other side is also entangled.

But it 's better than Ping Zang of the service department. He 's not a policeman, but a famous novelist. Even if he chooses one, he wo n't be saved. When the time comes, even if the surveillance video is exposed, the pressure will not be too great. After all, he is now a victim.

But if there is no one to save, his popularity may be greatly affected. Even writing a pen directly in the future is not impossible. More importantly, the police may not trouble him, but the public must be crazy. Spray him.

So this game seems to have a choice, but in fact, the two of them must choose to save. The only difference is that they can save a few, or how much they can pay to save the five people in front of them.

"It's only now possible to take a step and look around before taking the next. There is no possibility of looking back." After they entered the level of the wood house, the door of the wood house was already tightened. Unless create wins, otherwise Will open.

And if they want to escape this maze, now they only have the hope of continuing to go. Kudo Yusaku and the kimono department Hirazo are not yet clear. Their two actions are being monitored by Ash and their relatives.

There are various weapons in the place where the two sides are separated by glass, which means that the cost of saving people is definitely not light, at least people who do not have a certain consciousness can never do it.

"How about, do you guys want to gamble with me." In the monitoring wood house, Ash sat on the sofa, facing Conan and the service department Heiji and the others.

"Gamble? What bet?" Conan asked with some doubts when he heard the game proposed by Ash. The most important thing now is to find a way to rescue his father from the kimono department. There is no time to bet with Ash. .

"Just bet your father will save a few people. If I lose, they can leave the next level without breaking, and this time I will deal with everything properly, and there will be no video streaming."

"When the time comes, you don't have to worry about the two father's placement being affected. More importantly, when you leave, I will give you 200000000 million yen each."

"How about, this game is very good, of course, if you lose, you have to pay a certain price, after all, the game pays attention to fairness, I am right."

Ash said with a light face, he wanted to look at Conan's kimono department's self-confidence that he was crushed step by step by himself, and then shattered.

"What do you want." Ash's proposal really made Conan and the Ministry of Service very exciting, not because of the money, but because they had the opportunity to let them leave here now. Just watching the game just now knows how much Difficult, a careless person can die.

"Hand! The price you have to lose is to pay a hand." In Conan and the others' shocked eyes, Ash slowly raised his right hand and said.

"Just kidding, isn't it fair? The best thing in this game is you, you don't have to pay anything." Hearing the price Ash asked them to pay, Conan kimono department said suddenly Rage.

"I am the most advantageous?"

"Hey hey hey, you have to think about it. If I lose, you can just leave. Plus, when you leave, I will give you 200000000 million yen each."

"All of you add up to six, that's a full 6 6 million yen. Isn't this the price I paid?" Ash suddenly said funny when he saw Conan Kimono Rage's appearance.

"We don't want your money, this is all right."

"Yeah, we don't need your money."

After hearing Ash's words, Youzi and Jingbo Jinghua stood up and said, too, after all, their family seems not to lack money, at least on the surface.

"Oh, are you sure? I gave you a chance to restore your Perfection family."

"What!" Ash's words puzzled Conan and the others, and their relationship with Perfection had nothing to do with money.

"As I said before, you two's father has many lovers outside. Of course, you don't seem to believe me, but when you see these materials, I'm afraid I will believe it."

After talking, Ash took out a document bag from his arms, and then moved towards Conan and the others and threw it in the direction.

After receiving the file bag, Conan and the others suddenly opened, and dozens of photos and receipts fell from the file bag. Looking closely, wasn't the photo of Kudo Yusaku's kimono department.

"how come."

"Impossible." Seeing the content in the photo, Conan and the others suddenly didn't believe it, especially Xizi and Jingbo Jinghua, they were reluctant to believe that their husband would even feed a lover outside.

The women in the photo are not very beautiful, at least they are too far away from them. This is also a confidence that Ikebo Jinghua and Yukiko believe that their husbands will not steal food outside.

And what makes them more than that is that there are large amounts of debits in the file bag, all of which add up to a full amount of more than 500 million, which is converted to Renminbi to say less than 30,000,000.