
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

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"Last time you two guys ran, this time it was not so easy to run, at least you have to leave a Present on you." Looked the gin frown thought, Ash laughed, and then jumped forward, steady Landed on Ground.

"Don't move." Volt and suddenly pointed at Ash with seeing Ash's movement.

"Hey hey hey, this is a police line, don't you mess with it, and you think this thing can kill me with a pistol?" Volt plus made Ash smile, and I don't know that Volt plus is the undercover of the police. .

"Clang, don't." Suddenly, something dropped from the cuff of Gin, and Ash looked at it as Shiny.

"Peng!" With the explosion of Shiny bombs, the whole wine cellar suddenly was shrouded by a dazzling rays of light, and Volt plus was wearing sunglasses, so not at all was affected, but the gin did not bring Sunglasses, so Volt Jia immediately grabbed the gin and moved towards the cellar and left.

"Don't dare to take out this kind of rubbish." Shiny bullets are indeed very useful for average person, but for Ash, farts are not.

Sharingan's super clear Clear Sight Ability may indeed be affected by Shiny bombs, but don't forget, Ash has a sense ability, and now the distance between three people is less than 50 meters, so the small movements of gin and Volt naturally can' t hide him s eyes.

"Something to keep if you want to go, otherwise it would be too rude."

"Kamui." After that, Ash's three-tomoe quickly spun up, and Volt Ka who was leaving with the gin on his back only felt that there was an irresistible force behind him pulling him.

At the same time, Qin Jiu also felt the power from behind, and he felt his right hand seemed to be separated from his body.

"Broken!" As Ash screamed, a space-time vortex appeared on the shoulder of the right arm of the wine, and then began to twist, finally forcibly breaking the right arm of the wine directly.

"En !!!!" As the position where the right arm was connected to the shoulder was completely separated, the gin was suddenly groaned and finally disappeared in Ash's sight.

"Hmph, without your right arm, I'm afraid your status in the organization has come to an end, I hope to see you next time, and have the opportunity to leave a little Present on you." Looked back at Gin and Volt plus, Ash The corner of the mouth is slightly laughed.

Immediately, Ash took Conan to find aptx4869, a medicine based on undead gems, before leaving here.

When Conan arrived here after reasoning about the case, he only saw a right arm and a dead murderer.

"Hateful, it's still a step late." Looking at the messy cellar, Conan knew he was a step late.

"This trace is." In order to find new clues, Conan came to Pisk's corpse and checked it. Suddenly identified the murderer when he saw the chain mark on Pisk's neck.

"Is that Ash's guy doing it." Conan is not surprised that Ash will appear here. After all, the car that can find the gin is also a credit to Xiao Ai, so Xiao Ai will naturally tell Ash.

In the end, Conan deliberately led the police here. Under the unsuccessful inspection, the police directly identified Ash as the murderer and announced it to the outside world.

The police probably accidentally Shinigami knew that the murderer who was killing this time was Pisk, so he arrived here to kill the murderer directly. After all, this is not one or two times, and the police are used to it.

People from the outside clapped and shouted, and Ash got rid of the harm for the society, but what made the police more shocked was that there was an arm at the scene, but no one who matched this arm was found, no matter how they investigated. Less than.

At this time, in a used-up warehouse in Tokyo, Volt Kao walked into a derelict house in the warehouse.

"Brother, the situation is not good. Now the police are on the street. If you go out directly in your current situation, you will definitely be found." Volt plus opened the corner of the curtain from the window of the abandoned house and looked at the street Said after the situation.

Because the police determined that the murderer of Pisk was Ash, a large number of policemen would naturally be dispatched to patrol the streets, even if they knew they could not be found, but they had to act in front of the crowd.

"Hateful, Shinigami this guy." Feeling the pain on the broken wound of his right arm, the gin wine was sweating all over his face, and he could bear it until now. The gin wine is also worthy-of the first killer in the killer world.

"Brother, even if we go back to the organization, in your current situation, I'm afraid Boss will." Looking at the look of gin, Volt plus asked with some worry. Needless to say, the gin also knows what Volt plus wants to express.

In a black clothed organization, people who have no value will be killed, just like Piske, even if gin has made a lot of credit for the black clothed organization, but no value is worthless.

This gin is very clear. Perhaps because of the help of his Help black clothed organization, his Boss will not be so quick, and he will even find a way to help him. But if there is really no way, then his Boss will definitely give up. Yourself.

Volt Jiaya is indeed loyal. He entered the organization at the same time as gin. Although his strength not at all reached the level of gin because of talent, but because of the relationship of gin, he became gin. Little brother.

In the organization, it can be regarded as having a head and a face. The guy who knows the relationship in the black clothed organization is tangled and complicated, so he specially trained Volt and the younger brother of this center to help him do things.

"Go help me with that guy and tell him that I agreed to the operation." After hearing Volt Jia's words, Qin Jiu suddenly remembered an operation that a crazy Professor in the organization had proposed to him not long ago. He was rejected at the time.

Volt plus suddenly heard the words of gin, suddenly shocked complexion greatly changed