
Chapter 7

I got into my next class

" Yo Jack, over here!" John said

I walked over and sat down

"How are you John?" I asked

"Good "He said "you?"

" good"I said back

Then the bell rang and The teacher walked in

"Hello class I'm new to this school my name is Mrs.Copperhieden and we just moved here from Finland About two months ago, I have two sons named George and Tom, I also have a daughter named Samantha,George and Tom are both in eleventh grade and Samantha is in tenth , now I will call out you name From the attendance and I want you to tell me about your self"

"Oh my god I'm friends with Tom and my girlfriend is is younger sister Holy balls ok trying not to cuss" I said

" What the Fuck" John says

Whoops well cat's out of the bag

"Please Don't tell Jessy" I said

" ok but you will" he said back

"Ok" was all I could say but in my mind I was thinking Of Fuck why didn't tom tell me or did Tom not know he had a sister

Ok the last one has to be crazy but maybe true I saw Samantha for eight years here so clearly he didn't know because maybe her dad had custody of her and moved here or they could have adapted her too

Then the teacher called on me

"Hi I'm Jack Smith I'm 16 years old my birthday is January eighth" I said

" Thank you Jack Smitf" She said

Ok I heard her say Smitf oh well guess I kinda see where tom gets it from ok I'm not nice but I'm not mean either and then the bell rang and I left the class with John at my heals