
Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

# blacksmith # forging In a parallel world, everyone awakened to weapon talents. They used divine weapons to battle against ferocious creatures. Hence, the Forgemaster job class was born and was held in high esteem. Wu Mo transmigrated to this world and became a student of the top academy, Divine Arms Academy. The end-of-semester practical exam was in three days. Students were required to forge a divine weapon on the spot. However, he was not prepared at all! Fortunately, he awakened a system which allowed him to see the blueprints of all mythical weapons. [Mjolnir] [Divine Bow of the Winter God] [Eternal Spear] [Shield of Zeus] … Since he was a blacksmith, he decided to create a hammer for himself first. On the day of the end-of-semester exam, the whole world was astonished! An examiner exclaimed, “We asked you to submit your assignment and you are submitting Mjolnir?”

Absolute World's Best Sword · Fantasi
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The Red Heart Province's Tank

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With Wu Mo around, blacksmiths like Gu Hongzhuo did not stand a chance.

As long as Wu Mo's two representative equipment were on stage, they would definitely crush everything from the other blacksmiths!

Right then, Bald Eagle and Lone Wolf were not the only ones who were looking forward to his performance.

The soldiers and leaders who knew Wu Mo felt their hearts beat faster when they saw him leave his seat.

Although they had already seen the power of his equipment, the feeling of novelty and power that made their blood boil were still fascinating!

"Mr. Wu Mo is about to go on stage!"

Chu Li saw Wu Mo walk into the waiting room, and his eyes immediately lit up while he was in his seat. He promptly turned his head and whispered to Bai Li.

"The good things in life are worth waiting for. I guess I didn't come in vain since I get to see Mr. Wu Mo's masterpiece one more time."