
788. Letters from Minas Mar

---Delta, Embassy of Minas Mar---

Leana rubbed her face tiredly, as she lowered the letter from Cade. Since most of the executive members had run off to the Holy Land, Leana, Mary, and Jane were left alone with the management of Minas Mar as a district.

At least Seth had left most of the golems for them, so they could deal with any crisis along the Tree Route. Vlad was also doing a good job as an administrator in Little Sigma. Cade's letter brought much information that helped to explain some of the things that had happened so far, but it also brought a new worry.

Y-City was not just wantonly killing civilians, they actively turned them into brainless super soldiers while rearing a caste of powerful players at the same time. The final outcome fit Leana's suspicions, but Cade had not found any evidence in that regard, yet.

The princess heaved a heavy sigh. She was angry but she also knew that they couldn't make a move in their current position, making her even angrier and frustrated. Maybe Seth would have made a different decision, but in their current state, Leana doubted that they could take the war to Y-City to save those people.

Contrary, they had to prepare for the case when they attacked. Everything in the letter made the attack on Agra sound like it was only a mild beginning. Would the Tree Stations be able to face thousands of these things? Leana couldn't know.

Thinking about what to do, she dug up a different letter. It was a personal letter from Vlad, different from the usual report pertaining to the status of Little Sigma. It had come a few days ago and the three ladies had still been debating how to react.

Vlad reported to them, that he received a group of guests who called themselves envoys of the Muir Empire. It was the maritime empire that had laid waste to beta and big parts of Ypselon. As people of Ypselon, Mary's and Jane's apprehension on the matter was understandable.

Leana didn't expect a different response from the other Lords, as most of them were originally from a place hit by the empire. Most prominently Evee, who had every right to wish for revenge on the mermen.

The princess on the other hand had not the same apprehension. Chrona and the Muir empire followed the same god, albeit their doctrines differed. They were not enemies to her. Facing the current situation in Y-City, maybe it was worth making more friends on Urth, even if they originally did not originate here.

She could only try to persuade the other two for now and make contact. If things went well, she could only hope that the Lords originally from Y-City would be able to differentiate the actions of a past regime from the current one. The governor, Adam, being originally someone from Beta might help.

Thinking of ways to strengthen Minas Mar as a district, Leana remembered another thing that could help them. It was just that she would need to ask a heavy favor from Hardwig.

"I can only hope Brother won't be too angry..:" she thought to herself as she started writing the letter.

---Two Days later---

"Princess, Lords, I'm happy to be given this chance," a massive woman could be seen on the screen, bowing to the three ladies sitting in front of a big communication orb.

She was massive, with mountains of muscles, but without losing her feminine shape, as not just her muscles deserved superlative adjectives. Overall, her figure was...imposing to say the least.

"Governor Adam of the Muir Empire chose me and my party to seek help in the effort to rebuild Beta as a place where the people of Urth can live in peace again."

The side-cut with bangs gave her an adventurous look, more fitting a warrior than an envoy. Her speech and mannerism were a little clumsy but genuine. The three had enough experience with people to know that this woman was a no schemer, maybe even a pushover.

"I have heard and seen a lot during our travel along the Tree Route to Little Sigma and came to believe Minas Mar would be the best trade partner to ask for help," she continued to explain her matter.

To sum it up, the Muir Empire in Beta wanted to employ the people and skills of Little Sigma to reclaim at least a part of Beta and repair the local infrastructure as well as to help install barriers and other fortifications.

"So, you are asking us to help you create a bridgehead for a force that has already proven to have... aggressive tendencies?" Jane asked grimly.

"I'm sure Governor Adam would also be open to talking about a connection to the Tree Route. We would appreciate one or two of those giant trees in Beta. Would you still worry then?" she asked innocently, offering to technically place nuclear warheads in the middle of their territory as a safety measure.

Jane, Mary, and Leana stared at her surprised. Of course, the trees were not omnipotent, but even the fresh seedling was comparable to a lv.90 giant raid boss. Once they fed themselves and grew, they would be even stronger. If they really fell out with Minas Mar, the amount of power it would take to get rid of the trees was terrifying.

"Are you saying this in the full knowledge of what these trees are capable of?" Leana asked her doubtfully.

"Oh yes, I'm counting on their power. Please believe me, and Adam, if I say that we would welcome it if you destroy the forces of the Muir Empire if they ever try to invade past the borders of Beta,2 she answered with a bright smile.

"And what do you offer in exchange?" Mary asked intrigued.

She saw the worth in the offer. It wasn't just rebuilding beta and setting up a new settlement for people outside the reach of The Scene. After Leana had shared the information from Y-City, a potential ally like the Muir Empire became much more attractive.

Apart from reinforcements, there was also the potential trade potential with a force apart from the Chrona Empire. The more trading partners they had, the more prosperous Minas Mar could become. There was a lot to gain as the lifeline between the districts.

The three were convinced to look at the proposition positively and they started discussing the alliance in earnest. At this point, however, Beth stepped out and other members of the envoy party talked about the business side of things.

---Chrona Palace, a little later---

Hardwig was scratching his head wildly as he mumbled to himself.

"Really, Leana, what are you doing? Not just the blessing of the system is one thing but this..."

With a big sigh, he put down the letter from his sister and thought about it for a long hard while. He would have simply said no if it was just Leana's request, but the information she shared made it a difficult decision. He stood at a crossing whether he would pull out now, or support Minas Mar in Urth.

He finally stood up and walked to Chrona's imperial administration. This was the place that organized the administrative tasks that needed the direct input of the imperial family.

"Your Highness?" the clerk asked, seeing Hardwig visit so late in the day.

"Show me all emigration requests from Keväti Kuinen.

"There is only one, your highness," the clerk said after a moment of looking it up.

"Grant it." the prince said, after a cursory look to make sure it was the right one.

"Ah!" "Is there a problem? I'm granting it with my authority as an aspirant to the throne."

"I'm sorry, your highness. That's not what it is. This request has already been granted a couple of days ago," the clerk explained.

Someone already got ahead of him? But who? It only took a moment for Hardwig to see who gave the permission.

"Seems like father also made his choice..." he mumbled before leaving the administration.

Although Chrona preached neutrality to local conflicts, even they acted when things got out of hand. Even if it was only in the shadows.