
Blackening! I , Naruto , The collection king

**NOTICE : 1 ) ENGLISH is not my native language so there might be some problems with grammar and writing style . I am learning lessons to write with more proficiency , atleast it will take a while . Reborn in the Ninja world as the the child of prophecy , Naruto Uzumaki. Looking at the cheap daddy , make himself the container for the Nine-tails. He almost didn't greeted seven generation of ancestors. After all , being an otaku in his last life he clearly knows how tragic the life of Naruto is . he had a feeling of being pitted by god . Fortunately his gold finger arrived, make him breath a sigh of relief [ ding ! collection system is online , whether to bind it host?? ] Naruto : yes Years later , during the 4th Great ninja war . Madara loot at the hord of tailed beasts and a man with unusual eyes . " in front of this man i really can't, dance" kaguya : " fuck, this is scarier than ostusuki " Naruto : from today i am the god of ninja world , who agrees and who opposes? ................................... TAGS : Harem | Invincible Protagonist | System | World hopping | Revenge | Dark

Saltedfish_me · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

019 Sarutobi family Heir

Nearly End of year

It's been a snowy day.

"All get ready for the arrival of the Cloud Shinobi Village peace treaty representatives ."

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the order with a serious face.

Recently, negotiating peace with Cloud Shinobi is the biggest thing in Konoha Village, and everything must make way for it.

He felt the pressure.

In today's Konoha Village, there is no strong person present to maintain the stability of the village. Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya went out , Tsunade never returned, and the head of the five dignified Ninja villages has fallen into the weakest ranks .

At least to the outsiders , he is the hokage with most troubles to deal with it

In any case, there can be no changes in the negotiation.

"Hiruzen, there is one thing, don't ignore it, the Hyuga family is contacting Jinchūriki."

When everyone left, in the corner of the office, a man with a white bandage on his head and a gloomy face walked out.

"I know about this. It's just the contact between children. It doesn't matter. Don't care." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"It's better to warn the Hyuga family, Nine Tails Jinchūriki. It's better for these big families to avoid suspicion. If you can, it's best not to contact them."

The bandaged man's voice was cold and his tone was cold.

"Danzo, I've decided on this matter, you don't need to meddle with my business."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Shimura Danzō a cold look and said decisively.

Thinking of what happened to Naruto not long ago, it was hard for Sarutobi Hiruzen to imagine what would happen if there was not a 2nd person to send warmth to him.

Troublesome , but not too much.

"Hiruzen, this is just a suggestion, I hope you don't regret it."

Shimura Danzō snorted coldly, turned around and left, reckless.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a long time. Curling his lips he spoke

"Hyuga's house, maybe it's time for some advice "


At the Konoha market , a group of Cloud Shinobi ninjas appeared, all with bronze skin, looking at the arrogant guy.

They swaggered into Konoha.

Facing the Konoha Village residents who were watching the lively along the street, Cloud Shinobi ninja pointed, laughed from time to time, and his eyes were full of contempt.

That kind of condescending domineering meaning, even the ignorant person can feel it.

"Hey, kid over there, come here for me."

Naruto stopped for a moment realising the fish had taken bait but pretending to be ignorant he moved in their direction.

An anbu freeze at the rooftop , did they recognise Nine-tails jinchuriki.... No, it should be his disguise as Hyuga Hinata that attracted them over here .

Their eyes, so greedy, seemed to want to swallow 'Hinata' in one bite.

Really ?? Speak of the devil and the devil will come . We just thought about Cloud shinobi and Nine-tails conflict and here a new scenario emerged without giving us time to react.

While 'Hinata' moved towards the Clouds Shinobi ninjas , a strong surge of anger was accumulating in Naruto's heart . He can tolerate anyone beating him or scolding , But if you want to touch the people around me then you are courting death . And I still have many accounts to settle with Cloud Shinobi Village . Whether it's hurting Kushina or My wife Hinata , AB ( Ai and Bee ) brothers your arrear repayment starts today.

The following Clouds Shinobi Ninja was looking at the show with some excitement.

Isn't it the Byakugan we have come for . And you will get one just by entering the village. Is our Luck so Good ?? . After this mission, we should apply for some vacation to Lord Raikage , also an extra bonus can't be missed .

While Clouds Shinobi ninjas were busy in fantasies of their own . Naruto has already arrived in front of their leading Jonin . Compared to the person with at least 1.85m , Naruto looks like a mere ant that can be crushed whenever he wants . However the momentum released just by Naruto's standing there alone made Everyone gasped for some breath.

' Is this a 3 year old child , not some Jonin you sent to make a joke of us . ' A cloud shinobi thought

" Little Devil , do you want to die ??"

"I can ask you the same "

Before some anbu can reach for Naruto's rescue , a single sentence makes the whole market silent . And the speaker is none other than Naruto himself.

Suddenly , the leading Jonin reached out for Naruto's collar and lifted him up in the air .

" Dare to say it again??"

Naruto wasn't even a little bit frightened in the face of the furious expression of the opponent but giving a sneer he further spoke .

" I can dare to do what i want , My grandpa is Hokage "

The onlookers were stunned by Naruto's claim , is there any illegitimate child of Lord Hokage in the Hyuga family... Doesn't seem so. Then, who are the origins of this child bold enough to provoke others in the name of Hokage . Unlike others , Cloud Shinobi Ninja's faces were in bliss.

'Hiruzen's grandchild , it will be a great merit if we caught him alive '

All of a sudden , a slender yet strong hand caught the leading Jonin's wrist . The later wanted to get free out of it but found himself incapable of moving his body . It wasn't because he was weak but there was a strong blood thirst spreading around his body .. After mustering some courage he looked at the owner of this hand.

It was an anbu with a cat mask covering his face . His hairs are white in colour and only one of his eyes is shining from the little holes in the mask but it was more than enough to make other shuddered.. Too cold , How many people you need to kill to achieve this level of deadly aura .

Unconsciously , Cloud shinobi Jonin let go of the little figures in his hands . Naruto who has fallen over to the ground gave a resentful look to the 'saviour'.

" Forget about him , The purpose is already achieved"

After cleaning his buttocks with his little hands , Naruto left the scene .

Kakashi has just returned to the village after completing an A level task but in the way to reporting in Hokage office, he encounter a child being bullied by another shinobi village. Surprisingly , the child was brave enough to oppose an enemy far stronger than himself. Maybe another hotheads like 'Obito' but for some unknown reasons , his body moves on its own to prevent any potential harm to the little child . and he ended up being dragged in this mess .In the end , he was left looking at the leaving back of 'hyuga' child with some reminscence. It seems a little familiar,. but like who.....

Soon Hiruzen arrived at the scene and after a round of apologies to Cloud shinobi , they left for the banquet venue . Many Jonin including Kakashi shook their heads , it seems Today konoha can't live in an upright manner or at least till this guy is alive..

Kakashi suddenly regrets his failure of

assassinating him , it would be better if he has succeed, as for the worst case scenario he will be executed but atleast his so many comrades haven't to die , least their sacrifices are humiliated by this old dog. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world .


At night, the welcome banquet was very lively.

It was a new day, the status of the peace talks became clearer, and the atmosphere in Konoha Village became more and more relaxed, obviously looking forward to this rare covenant.

Peace, away from war.

This is the dream of countless people.

Nobody wants war.

The people of Konoha Village rejoiced and waited eagerly for this imminent peace.

"Okay, the conditions have been negotiated. Just wait for the official signing tomorrow, and peace will come. Konoha, you can also take a good rest."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stretched, showing a look of relief.

"Hiruzen, you've made too many concessions. You've lost your power and humiliated the country. Those muscleheads of Cloud Shinobi don't know how to laugh at Konoha behind my back."

Shimura Danzō glared at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a kind of hatred for iron.

"Danzo, you have to know that the current Konoha really can't stand the toss. If the stalemate continues, our village will continue to be weak, and the sooner there is peace, the sooner we can be stable."

"You're too naive, Hiruzen. The muscleheads of Cloud Shinobi don't look like they want peace. Who knows what they'll do."

Shimura Danzō frowned and strode away.

As Konoha's Darkness, he had already smelled something wrong. But he is also powerless against the handles Hiruzen has caught over from him . Leaving him no choice to but wait for an opportunity to strike when the iron is hot .

" Tomorrow is Hinata's birthday, i guess I sent the gift a little early" Naruto said while sitting on the rooftop of his home .


Meanwhile ,

Sarutobi Clan land

A black figure appeared on the walls of outer walls and silently sneaked into Hiruzen's mansion.

" Young mistress is kidnapped !!!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from Hiruzen's house.

In an instant, countless people were awakened, and the lights came on everywhere.

Shiranosuke ( Hiruzen's eldest son ) looked over, his eyes were split open, and he was furious.

He saw that His wife was motionless, pinched to waist by a man in black, as if she had lost all of her vitality.

"Damn bastard!"

His body was swept away earlier than instinct.

In an instant, he appeared in front of the man in black, and a ninjutsu with 5 elements property was thrown at him.

( Idk what to call it )

"Damn it, Konoha Shinobi?"

The man in black swears, and makes some hand prints for countering it with another jutsu.

However, the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly. because of carrying a hostages alongside him, he can't bring out the full potential of his powers with a single handed mudra .

A multi coloured beam of light slowly shone in the centre of konoha


Blood flew out.

The man in black lost one of his hands in order to protect his life but the hostages had already fallen over the grounds.

Shiranosuke's body flickered, as if teleporting, and appeared in front of the man in black in the blink of an eye, his fists still fierce and unstoppable.

The man in black tried his best to parry, with one arm across his chest.

*Boom *Boom

In an unstoppable rage , he kept beating the hell out of the man in black . A lot of bones in the person's body were broken and even his chest cavity sank a lot . With his eyes popped out , his body fell over to the ground and died , but nobody noticed a silver light flickering in his eye sockets as he closed them for eternity.


Next day ,

A single piece of news shakes the beliefs of the entire konoha .

Sarutobi family's young master has died from a premature birth ....