
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · perkotaan
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47 Chs


Bella's Pov

Suicide shouldn't be counted as a sin, because sometimes it could come in handy sometimes...I mean how am I gonna start explaining to God that I fell in love, kissed, married, had sex and got a baby for my brother? how?

At this point, suicide is just the best option, because I don't know what to do.

I've been avoiding everyone lately, kept my distance, put my phone on airplane mode, I haven't even seen my daughter in weeks.

Last time I heard she's staying with Suzie.

I'm trying to imagine what exactly I did to deserve all this bad luck and all. I've been a good girl all my Life.

You know the quote, bad things always happens to good people? well don't you think it's evident in me too?

All I ever wanted was happiness, peace of mind, love, and a happy family, now what's all this I'm getting?

I don't want to believe Grey is my brother, I've heard all the investigations report, I've heard Mrs Benson's side of the story, I've heard Mr Hampton's side of the story, I've heard it all, but the DNA results, how can all 32 of them be wrong.

Mrs Benson said it's impossible for us to be siblings. She said she's very certain that Grey is a year older than me so it's impossible for us to be twins.

Mr Hampton, although he's not in the best mood with Grey still confirmed the story Mrs Benson said that Grey was found on an isolated island, newly born and it was impossible for us to be siblings.

I asked about the possibility of us being twins when Grey is a white and I'm black. They said it's very possible and that there are situations like that, plus, my original father is a white man and it's possible he took his Gene while I took my mom's own.

I want to believe these stories, I want to believe these theories, I honestly want to, but God the tests, science lies too?

But then what if it's true? what if all the evidences aren't accurate and it's true in the end? what will be my fate? what will be our fate? how will we tell Anastasia when she grows older than her parents were long lost siblings? how?

What about us? how are we going to split ways? Grey is someone that I have completely submitted my entire life to, my heart ,my soul, my body, everything, how will I move on from him? This is why I'm having suicidal thoughts.

But I can't, I just can't bring myself to think of killing myself, who will take care of my baby? who? and Grey? how will he take the news when he hears I'm dead? He'll definitely kill himself too and render our baby an orphan.

And then what if after I'm dead it's discovered that we aren't actually siblings? My death will just be in vain.

So fate just decided to bring us together from two different worlds just to destroy us?

Really? it was it's plan all along?

Just to bring me to the light and suddenly crush me into thick darkness?!!

I give up already, I'm not fighting again.

I needed some air, I can't keep staying in this hotel all day.

I checked the time and it was few minutes past 8pm.

Grey always told me not to go out at night alone, but right now I don't really care what happens,I just need to breath.

I got out of the hotel and started walking to no where in particular, just moving myself to wherever my legs lead.

I finally found myself at KFC.

I sighed, this was were we had our first real date.

Why does everything reminds me of him?

Then my tummy rumbled and I remembered that I haven't been eating lately, I can't keep starving myself, I had to eat something.

I walked into the restaurant using my hoodie to cover my face a little.

There weren't much people in the place so I just walked up to the counter, I was about to take my order when someone called my name behind me.

I groaned a little, thinking it was one of my fans that noticed me or whatever,. but I was wrong.

I turned around and my face beamed in a pleasant surprise.

"Timothy?" I asked surprised.

"Yes I knew it, oh my God Bella how are you?" he asked walking over to me and pulled me in for a short hug.

"I'm fine, perfectly fine, how are you?" yes, I had to lie, it's not like I had a choice.

"I'm alright, God it's been ages, where have you been? how long is it now? 10 years?" he asked smiling.

"I guess so, what are you doing here in San Diego? I thought we moved permanently to Australia?" I asked.

"Well yeah I did, but my sister's wedding is in a week so I have to attend it, plus I get to run away from work for a while, might be around for a month or two" he explained.

"Still lazy as always, you haven't changed" I teased.

He laughed ," Looked at you now, you're all grown up and all" he said.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I said and we laughed.

"We should get sometime to talk and all, maybe like a coffee date or something" he said.

"I like the sound of that" I said and dug into my purse and handed him my card.

"Just call me when you're ready" I said.

He stared at the card and read through it.

"Ouuu, Mrs huh? look who got married" he teased.

I faked a laugh.

If only he knows that I might just be married to my brother, if only.

" Well, I have a daughter too" I added.

" My gosh, you don't even look it, modeling really is your thing" he complimented.

We talked a little and parted ways.

That was Timothy, my ex boyfriend.

No wait, first boyfriend

Our. relationship was smooth, until he had to move because of work, he was a really nice guy....and from the looks of things, he still is.

I ordered my food, eat and left.


Some days after, Timothy called and we settled for a date and venue.

There was a new coffee shop that just opened and that was where we chose to meet.

We started talking about life and work and all that.

"So, tell me about your love life after we broke up" he said.

I groaned, " No, please you first, mine is long and complicated, trust me , we might spend the whole day here." I said.

He chuckled a little.

"Well there isn't much to say, I'll just summarize it.

Uhh, well let me just say that Uhm, girls weren't really meant for me.

I noticed that I wasn't really attracted to women and all, I thought maybe I was still attached to you and all that... maybe I haven't gotten over you and all, but I guess I was wrong.

I just never felt this spark or anything when I was with women so my relationships didn't really turn out well.

And then until this day I went to this party and drank myself to stupor because I had a rough day at work, a lot of issues here and there and all that.

Then I met this guy, we talked...I didn't even realize I was ranting to him about how fucked up my life is and all. He actually listened, he paid attention to me, gave me some advice and all.... uhhhhh...then things happened I don't know but we kissed...there was that spark... that... you know that feeling I've been craving for and all...I actually felt something that night.

I just knew it...I knew things had changed.

I mean I use to get those feelings when I was younger but... when I told my mom about it, she almost killed me" we laughed, he continued.

"And then next day I woke up wanting to see that guy again, I searched everywhere in the world for him, didn't see him and all...then I finally saw him but...He was already married to this woman or whatever..."

"Geez, that's heart breaking" I said.

"Trust me, it took a while before I got over him, but ever since then I know that I'm not meant for women" he finished.

"That's okay, oh I have a really close friend of mine that's gay, he's pretty cute, you could find him handy" I teased wiggling my brows.

He chuckled, "So, back to you"he said taking a sip of his coffee and relaxing back on his seat.

I sighed," Where do I even start from" I said.

"Start from somewhere" he said grinning.

I took a deep breath in and out and began.

"Okay so remember Jacob? my personal body guard that time? the one I told you that he had potentials in him?" I asked.

He paused to think for a while and remembered..

"Well yeah funny story but, we dated. Yeah after I brought him to the spot light and made him a super model, we started dating ... some months after I figured out he was cheating on me...and constantly ...one day I walked in on him with a girl on my bed and he wasn't even remorseful about it...he said I didn't deserve him neither did I deserve his love...well...that's how that story ended.

Then some years later my step dad said he was planning for me to get married to one of his rich friends son"...

"Wait, they still do that stuffs till now? arranged marriage seriously?" Tim asked.

"Same question I asked but he said I owe him my life and all since he made me what I am and all... and I didn't look ungrateful like Jacob so...I accepted.

He didn't like me at all, he even asked me to turn him down on the wedding day and all...but knowing fully well that my step dad would kill me, I disagreed.

Believe me the first few months of the relationship was hell, like freaken hell..I tried and struggled to make the marriage work and all ...it was pointless because he wasn't interested...then things started changing and I'll just call it a miracle when I say he started changing and...things actually started working out..."

"Wait like, is this the present guy you're married to or another person?" he asked.

"Same guy I'm presently married to" I said laughing.

"No fucken way" he said laughing.

"So, things got bad after some months when we went to visit his parents, and his dad told me the marriage was a contract and was just for money and that it ends in a year. I felt stupid and used and all and blah blah blah, we went apart for a while, he kept on apologising and begging me that he doesn't want the marriage to end and all that. I just I don't know, I just thought okay finally I'm gonna accept it and all when he made our relationship known to the world and all, and the apologies and everything. I was like okay I'm gonna take him back and make this marriage work, that was when I don't know what happened but I drowned in a pool again"

His hand flew to his mouth.

"Seriously? but you're not supposed to...oh my God you almost died?" he asked.

I nodded , "I was surprised I woke up to see myself alive and all, that's when I was told that my husband was the person that saved my life and all ...then we got back together and just when things started going perfect, my mother died"

"My God, I'm so sorry" he said.

"Thanks, then it took me a long period to actually get over my mother, trust me it wasn't easy, I was shitty as hell...then we finally had our daughter" I said.

"So wait, what's this guy's name again?" he asked.

"Hampton, Grey Hampton" I said.

Timothy's eyes grew with shock.

"No fucken way, you're married to Grey Hampton?? as in the owner of San airline??!! " he asked shocked.

I shrugged, " I guess so"

"So what the fuck are you doing here?? like why aren't you surrounded by body guards and all" he asked surprised.

I giggled, " Sometimes, I need some fresh air, beside, he said he was security guards everywhere in the state watching me in case of any trouble" I replied.

"Billionaire stuffs" Timothy teased.

Then, the door opened and guess who walked in??


He looked so surprised to see me.

"Bella fuck where have you been? you're freaking everyone out?" he asked as he walked to my table.

"You're stalking me aren't you?" I said smirking.

"What? of course not..I just came here to grab coffee" he said defensive.

I scoffed , " I'm fine Martins, just needed some space, that's all" I said.

"Well try and at least pick up your phone sometimes... please" he said.

I sighed, " Okay, I'll call him today" I said.

He smiled a little and his eyes left mine to Timothy.

"Oh uhm, Martins this is Timothy, my ex boyfriend, Timothy this is Martins, remember I told you I had a gay friend right? well this is him, he's my husband's best friend" I explained.

Timothy suddenly started smirking.

Martins still stared at me confused.

"He's gay" I told martins.

He suddenly loosed up and they started talking...no wait... flirting!!

Oh my God you needed to see Martins flirting like a pro, it was so cute.

I wiggled my brows at him from time to time, he would blush and return his gaze back to Timothy.

To cut this long story short, They exchanged numbers.

"Alright, I guess I'll call you later, I have to get back to work.... Bella don't forget to call him" Martins said, and went to get his coffee.

Timothy kept staring at him, smiling.

When he was done getting the coffee, he winked at Timothy before he left the door.

Timothy finally returned his gaze back to me blushing.

"Yeah, you were right, he's damn cute" Timothy said grinning.

"I told you" I said laughing as Timothy still turned back to see if Martins was there, still blushing.

We talked a little and called it a day.


Hey, so we haven't talked in a while, so this is the part two of Black whiskey and it's called the Darker shades of Whiskey.

In this book, we might divert a little from Bella and Grey and talk a little and Suzie and Martins, I mean won't you like to know a little about them and all?

Yeah but we're still gonna talk about Bella and Grey.

Also, what do you think about the whole DNA test thing and them being siblings, do you think it's true? and if it's true, what's the date of Bella, Grey and their baby girl Anastasia?

Let's talk.