
Black Thread (CPN)

A cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? What kind of fate brings them together or will this fate drive them apart; be it kind and benevolent or dark and malicious, and what does destiny have in story for them?

Vasyl_Park · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs

A Friend

I chatted with Ni'enw for a little while more.

"Well I must get going, I have wake early in the morning."

"I see, well then sleep well."

I left and went back to my room to sleep. Morning came quickly, I got up and quickly prepared the Dark One's meal.

After taking the Dark One her meal, I went about my day cleaning the castle. The day seemed to pass by quickly

I felt anxious.

I wanted to talk with Nienw again.

It had been so long since I had someone to talk with. I had felt so excited.

After the day had ended I rushed out to the garden only to fin he was not there.

I waited in the garden admiring the beauty of the plants.

"Do you know what it is these plants are used for?"

I turned around to see Nienw standing behind me.

"No I don't."

"They're these plants are all used in magic, these in particular are special they are called the Mannaola tree. These trees draw in miasma a pollutant caused by magic, and release Mana the source and fuel of magic."

"I see," I smiled at Ni'enw, just enjoying his company.