
Black Rover

Kaito's new life proves to be far from ideal. He is constantly bullied by his own family, friends, and locals because of his new abilities. Determined to overcome his circumstances and bring justice to the world, Kaito forms an organization called The Black Catcher. Black Catcher becomes a collection of individuals with unique powers and backgrounds, all with the same goal - to free the world from the clutches of evil. With Kaito as their leader, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the darkness plaguing their kingdom, while simultaneously battling the demons within themselves. As Kaito's strength grew stronger, so did the opponents he faced. Corrupt royal nobles, power-hungry magicians, and shadowy organizations all stand in Black Catcher's way. With each battle, Kaito's resolve deepens, and his determination to protect the innocent becomes unwavering. Throughout their quest for justice, the members of the Black Catcher will face many challenges, make unexpected alliances, and discover the true meaning of friendship and sacrifice. As they get closer to their ultimate goal, Kaito and his colleagues will learn that sometimes, the line between hero and villain can blur. Black Rover is a thrilling light novel that explores themes of redemption, the power, and complexity of good and evil. Join Kaito and his allies as they navigate a world filled with danger, magic, and the shadows of their own past, in an effort to bring light to a dark kingdom. Author : MMM. Id

M_Sensei · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

the door knock was heard throughout the villa johan who opened the door, the door was open seen in front of johan there was a nurse UKs johan who realized this atmosphere was questioning the state of kaito.

"He's sober"

Hearing that johan immediately ran to the UKS room.


Kaito who looked at the window next to him saw a pink-haired girl sitting in a flower garden near UKS being surrounded by several girls kaito who saw him know what it means he immediately jumped out of the window, kaito who landed safely went straight to them

"Hey! what are you guys doing?"

The girls immediately looked back

"No more talking"

"why do girls cry?"

"we just fool her, you do not interfere deh" said the long red-haired girl

"don't bother him anymore."

one of the girls who was near the red-haired girl whispered something

"oh you child who has no mana, he step aside or you will receive the consequences" said the girl sarcastically

she flicked her finger and two boys suddenly appeared in front and behind kaito

"the children killed him."

the two of them approached kaito who felt the danger of preparing a square to defend himself he, one of the children hit him but kaito deflected the blow he retaliated with a punch in the stomach of the child, saw his friend at the hit he issued a fireball to kaito kaito who saw that reflex hit the fireball.

They were surprised that the fireball disappeared and not the burn marks on his hands but the energy was red and black the two men saw around kaito's body there was a creepy black aura not only the two men but also the girl who was behind them both also felt a terrible aura, they ran away from it

"You two are lucky this time" said the daughter

kaito, who was confused by this incident, approached the pink-haired girl, after approaching he saw the girl's face

pink haired

kaito is surprised because it is similar to his childhood friend Sophia

"Sophia! "


Flashback 4 years ago before the massacre

the boy who was swinging a wooden sword heard a cry for help he rushed to the sound source, after until he saw a crowd of 3 boys who were surrounding a pink-haired girl who was being bullied the black-haired boy went straight to the crowd

"Hey stop it! "cried the boy

One of the crowd looked back

"Hey kaito"

"What are you guys doing"

the child from the crowd gave the reason they were playing, kaito who didn't believe it went straight through the crowd and saw the crying girl

"What are you doing?" asked kaito

"we're just playing, Get Out of the way you people who don't have magic"

kaito who was enraged he hit one of the boys who bullied the girl, those who saw their friend in pain they started to gang up on kaito until they were battered who were satisfied immediately spat on kaito and left the place.

Kaito opened his eyes and he was asleep on the thigh of the girl kaito who realized it immediately stood up, the girl who saw kaito realized immediately thanked and apologized to kaito

"It's Okay, I'm Takahashi kaito."

"I'm sophia"

"sophia is a beautiful name."

sophia who heard the compliment smiled slightly, Kaito who was curious about sophia immediately asked where sophia lived sophia also told her the house while she and he told her she was not a citizen she was originally a noble from the capital, kaito who heard it was just normal kaito also asked what the nobility was doing until she stayed in the village sophia explained why she stayed in this village.

sophia's family, the Vendor family, is visiting the village because they want to meet her old friend, the village head, the vendor family will be in the village for about 1 year because there is work also done by sophia's father in his village.

kaito who understood kept asking why the child was bullying sophia, sophia also said it was her brother they often bother sophia because sophia was the one who caused their mother to die therefore all vendor families often ostracize, annoy, and humiliate sophia, kaito who saw sophia's very lonely eyes invited her to be sophia's friend who heard the crying kaito also wiped the girl's tears.

kaito invited her to play every day until she returned to the capital, sophia who before going to the capital immediately hugged and said goodbye to kaito.


"kaito, what are you doing here?"

kaito also answered what he experienced from the massacre in the village until he went to school here, after telling Kaito invited sophia to eat in the school cafeteria sophia agreed but before going kaito changed clothes from the patient's clothes into a school uniform, after changing clothes kaito pulled sophia's hand and went straight to the cafeteria, sophia who saw kaito holding her hand she smiled faintly.

They also arrived at the cafeteria many students who eat here kaito who saw the menu was surprised that the food here is cheap even though it is expensive and elite food, kaito also asked sophia what she would like to eat sophia answered she wanted whatever as long as kaito chose them to eat at the back table while waiting for their orders to talk about their past, instantly came a girl in a black and red dress, long black hair, and black eye lenses.

She comes while carrying a tray and leads to where kaito and sophia are sitting

"hello" in a flat voice

"yes, why"

"all the seats are full so I can't sit here."

kaito also looked around it was true what was said by the child, kaito also agreed to it and sophia also he was sitting next to sophia.

A few moments later, the girl introduced herself

"Hello My Name Is Bella Raymond"

kaito introduced himself and was followed by sophia.


Sparda was sitting in her room in the dormitory she was taking notes and reading something

"Get out of here," said Sparta

a man appeared at the door

"Oh my god, you're so cute, you're so cute."

"You alone can't hide the soul energy, Mr. Takahashi"