
Black Rover

Kaito's new life proves to be far from ideal. He is constantly bullied by his own family, friends, and locals because of his new abilities. Determined to overcome his circumstances and bring justice to the world, Kaito forms an organization called The Black Catcher. Black Catcher becomes a collection of individuals with unique powers and backgrounds, all with the same goal - to free the world from the clutches of evil. With Kaito as their leader, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the darkness plaguing their kingdom, while simultaneously battling the demons within themselves. As Kaito's strength grew stronger, so did the opponents he faced. Corrupt royal nobles, power-hungry magicians, and shadowy organizations all stand in Black Catcher's way. With each battle, Kaito's resolve deepens, and his determination to protect the innocent becomes unwavering. Throughout their quest for justice, the members of the Black Catcher will face many challenges, make unexpected alliances, and discover the true meaning of friendship and sacrifice. As they get closer to their ultimate goal, Kaito and his colleagues will learn that sometimes, the line between hero and villain can blur. Black Rover is a thrilling light novel that explores themes of redemption, the power, and complexity of good and evil. Join Kaito and his allies as they navigate a world filled with danger, magic, and the shadows of their own past, in an effort to bring light to a dark kingdom. Author : MMM. Id

M_Sensei · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 6

morning, everyone has gathered at the dinner table saw kaito was drowning once

"why are you so sick?" said Elaine


"yo kaito, remember yesterday's challenge" said johan with a big smile

"yes, yes"

kaito also gave half a portion of his food

"thank you kaito" after that johan ate greedily

"ha" kaito sighed his

"this is for you" by Elaine

"oh, thank you" Kaito smiled at Elaina

"it's all the same," Elaina was embarrassed.

After eating they were all told by sparda to class first.

as they walk the school hallways many students whisper about them

"this is a failed class."


"why are they looking at us?" exclaimed Aizen

"let it go," kaito said

they got to class, they waited a long time for sparda and finally he came,

"well, damn children, today we will learn to cast magic even though we have a little mana."

sparda also explained and he told all of them to go to their special class field, they arrived at the field, and sparda said that they would have a practice, the practice was that they would duel with another class next month, suddenly they were surprised,

"you're crazy," said Aizen

"are you afraid?" said sparda

"i it ee it"

"you're going to practice after the break."

"good sensei"

after saying that sparda left, and as she left finn threw a pebble at kaito's head,

kaito is very disturbed by it

"why did you throw that Stone?"

"nothing is accidental"

"hey kaito, you don't have to come, you don't have magic anyway."

"no, I'll still come because my parents said to give up for the weak" said kaito confidently

"your parents support you."

"yes, why"

"that means your parents are crazy hahahhaha" laughs finn

"you" kaito took out his katana and wanted to stab finn, but finn took out the magic shield

"stupid" and finn uses magic to attack kaito

kaito was bouncing and his mouth was bleeding

"John" came close to

"you're okay"

"hey what are you doing, we're classmates" said Johan

"oops, it wasn't on purpose" said finn who didn't feel guilty

"you" johan took out his sword of fire,

he rushes to attack finn, but they are both stopped by sparda

"you can be calm and peaceful, How do you do the mission?" shouted sparda

they were silent, with Sparda's sinister face uttering

"you are a team, you must be united do not separate if you stay like this you can be defeated by the opponent easily" said sparda

"do you all understand! "

"got it! "

the rest bell rang, everyone dispersed and went to their respective places, some to the cafeteria, some to practice and some to the library.

While kaito, kaito goes to a deserted park

with an angry expression he slashed the wind

"hey kaito why are you here?" said ken who was looking at kaito in a tree

"I want to practice," kaito said with an angry expression

"are you still angry about that?"

"how do you know"

"I saw it"


"can you shut up?" cried kaito

"hey relax"

"that son of a bitch"

kaito stopped swinging his sword and he shouted

"why am I nowhere anyway?"

"hey young man" said the mysterious man who wanted to approach kaito

"who are you?" kaito pointed his katana at the man

"calm down, you're not going anywhere."

"yes, there is a problem"

"you want to be strong"

kaito nodded his head

"then I want to teach you other power techniques besides magic".

"there is no power other than magic" said curious kaito

"there" said the man

"what is it?" asked kaito

"his name, the energy of the soul"


"what kind of soul energy is that? "tanya kaito

"the energy of the soul is the energy that comes from our souls the stronger our souls, the stronger the energy released" said the man

"Oh that's it,"

"so why would you want to teach me this energy"

"that's because, orders from Albert"

"A, dad"

"you know my father"

"yes, I was with him when he was a knight."

"alright, come on I'll teach Tamashi no Ryoka"

the man also taught kaito fusion, he taught about how to release soul energy in his katana.

Skip one month.

"kaito focus"


the entrance bell rang

"shit is in."

"hey, you're in."

"my uncle went to class."

"you'll have a duel later."


"remember, I'm here to strengthen your soul."

"good uncle"

kaito ran to the duel field,

"may you succeed in defeating them" said the man


Kaito arrived, and looking at his opponent, he saw a blond-haired boy, a black-eyed boy, a blue-haired boy, a black-haired girl, a brown-haired boy, a long red-haired girl, a short blue-haired girl, and a white-haired boy.

sparda came and told them that the children there were their enemies, kaito who heard her smile that there was a strong opponent in front of her eyes.

"well then the first duel will begin" said the referee

"Jesus, Christ is coming"

kaito gets face to face with a white haired boy, his pupils are black and he's from S Class,

little info

cristian was the son of a famous noble and he was the most popular, strongest, and number ten disciple in this Academy.

"well, this is the rule if one of you gives up, is not strong enough to continue the fight, or crosses this line, then he is declared defeated. Do you understand! "

"I understand" they both nodded

"hey look at him against cristian" said one of the children there

"Christ has won"

"Hey, look at that kid who doesn't have magic."

"Oh yeah right"

"hey, you give up."


kaito ignored their words

"you can give it up," said Christ


"that's your fate"

"let the duel with this begin"

Christian's "frost ball" cast its magic

kaito quickly realized that he was immediately dodging

"you're a Christian too," said the

Jesus continued to work his magic

"you're scared," said finn


"Oh, then, frost Bomb.",

a large ball of ice immediately shot to kaito, kaito who began to panic because he saw his feet in the freeze he was reminded of the teachings of fusion a with the man earlier

"alright kaito calm down, focus" while closing his eyes

kaito opened his eyes and said

"Tamashi no kyoka" shouted kaito

suddenly kaito's Katana gave off a black aura and he split the ice ball, everyone was shocked.

from a distance

"you are great, kaito, only 1 month you can master one of the soul energy moves" said the mysterious man with a smile looking at kaito