
Black Panther

Zaysyndrome · Seni bela diri
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Written in 2020

29th Aug 2020

Yesterday when I found out Chadwick boseman died, to say that I was shocked is an understatement. Black panther was 1 of my favorite movies.

And that Chadwick, the black panther died the same month that I turned 14, Just few days apart, cause my birth day was 20 August.

I even got my name from it. I had been contemplating on what name should I put as my profile name, we even searched Google for suggestions.

And then my mom asked me

"Your favourite movie is black panther right?"

I replied "yes"

"And your favourite color is pink right?"

And I replied with "yes"

"Then use pink panther"

And to say that I was beyond happy with the name is an understatement.

Because it has a mixture of my favorite film and color.

I loved black panther to the extent that I watched the film either 30 times or close or even more than. And I won't hesitate to watch it without question even right now this second.

I remember vividly when I saw on Goggle, a picture of a slim Chadwick on a wheelchair. And I was like "nah it's probably not true, probably people making it up" so I brushed it Off.

But now it all makes sense that the man was dying from colon cancer.

He had been battling stage 4 colon cancer for 4 years. He is indeed not just a superhero in a movie but also in Real life,Can you imagine he stood strong & made all of these amazing movies🤯.

To all those people who were making fun of Chadwick at that time calling him crack panther I hope you're ashamed of yourself and I hope this all teaches us something.

What is that something?

To never judge a book by it's cover. Never judge a person's state because you don't know what he's going through. People think it's hilarious to make fun a person when he's sick or scared they call him weak, When he's mad or depressed they call him a whimp. So PLEASE STOP ALL THE JUDGING I DON'T CARE EVEN IF IT'S AN ANIMAL DONT THEY TOO HAVE FEELINGS.

Before you judge a person wait and think. If he's mad, then something wrong must have happened and try your best to cheer him up. Even a slightest smile earns you a reward of a good deed.

Chadwick spent his last years on earth doing the things he loved. I hope we all learn from him. I  hope he inspires us all to follow our hearts and passion. Socialize with people, make new friends, make your friends happy, make your family proud, and most importantly always stay positive.

CHADWICK BOSEMAN was an amazing actor, and from the look of  news about him a very kind, passionate, intelligent and talented loving man. He surely will be missed and his legacy would live on forever.

Tomorrow & Forever is not promised for any 1, so make good and best use of the time you have left. Every single second that passes is an opportunity for you to do something AMAZING. So as you're reading this message, if you see your brother passing by the corridor say I love you,

Not just your brother but your entire family, friends and neighbors. Those 3 Special words can light up a person's whole day. Don't be mad for what's lost instead be happy, laugh and dance for what's still remaining.


Stay safe and positive during the covid 19. AGAIN WAKANDA FOREVER
