
Black Panther

Zaysyndrome · Seni bela diri
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3 Chs

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Nakia and T'challa got married and after a year, they gave birth to a beautiful girl called Nickyla.

She was indeed beautiful, her skin tone was a shade of rich almond. She looked alot like T'challa but had Nakia's lips.


Nickyla was born sick, very sick. Her body was burning up to the point that her skin was turning red.

The doctors couldn't do anything because touching Nickyla's skin was like touching fire. Nickyla still hasn't opened her eyes and all she was doing was crying.

One herbalist suggested the assistance of their ancestors.

Nickyla was then placed on a shawl and taken to the ancestral

Plane. A very frightened Nakia placed Nickyla gently on the ground.

The herbalist dropped a few drops of vibranium inside her mouth before he started the ritual while they buried her in the red sand.

After ten minutes, the sand started sinking before it pushed Nickyla up.

Everyone bowed down at the presence of two Panthers.

"Bhotani koobawo abakhulu!" (Greetings to the great fathers).

Still shocked because it is something that has never happened before.

A herbalist couldn't help but utter "Ootata bethu abakhulu sinethemba lokuba yonke into ilungile?"

(Our great fathers we hope everything is fine?").

A panther turned to face Nickyla who has stopped crying and was now breathing lightly.

The panther placed his hand on Nickyla's chest and pumped out her heart that was black. Her body also turned black.

The other panther also approached him and together, they blew deeply at Nickyla's heart.

The chief moved forward as they seemed to converse with the panther before he turned to look at T'challa.

"Her heart is not good, it is bad for her and for all of us"

"Are you saying that she is going to die?" Ramonda asked.

"No she can live. But she might cause harm to herself or the people around her " he explained.

"I don't understand " T'challa said.

"She is born with evil heart. It runs through her blood. It is a prophecy that was told since our forefathers and it is said to pass down future generations but it never happened until now. She will live but may bring evil in the future "

"No. Let her live. We can protect her. " Nakia cried.

He turned to look at Nickyla with a sigh "iqalile" (it has begun).

The two Panthers stepped backwards and disappeared at the same time Nickyla woke up with her skin back to normal.

Her light ebony skin seemed to be glowing as she blinked her eyes to adjust to the light. Her Hazel eyes scanned through the room as she looked at everyone in confusion and question.

Nakia moved to her and knelt down as she brushed her palm through her cheeks. Nickyla followed her with her eyes before recognition flashed through and she started crying.