
Black Flames

This is a story of a young man struggling with the demons of his past and present. Zepher is no hero, he is an assassin for the Unions mysterious Shadow Company. A select group of orphans raised to be killing machines for the Union military. Headed by the even more mysterious man code named Mentor. After a high ranking politician is killed, a plan is set in motion to gather the worlds greatest weapons. The 13 blades are fabled weapons that are said to be more powerful than anything imaginable. When, where, and who they will appear to is something unknown. Most people say they don’t exist but whoever attains their power will truly become a moving force in the world. Follow Zepher and his companions as he travels the world in search of who he is and who he wants to become.

Kage13 · Peperangan
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Young Mistress (Nozomi)

Lex came into my room and opened up the curtains.

"Your Coffee and toast is ready in the kitchen Miss Nozomi." Lex said with a smile and then left the room.

"Thanks Lex!" I yelled as my door shut behind him. "Looks like I have no choice but to get ready." I climb out of bed and look out my window. The sun pours in like a stream of melted caramel. The warm feeling runs through me, putting a smile on my face.

I walk over to my mirror and start to brush out my dark auburn hair, which accents my warm skin tone. "my hair has gotten long, its down to my back now. Maybe I will arrange a cut soon!" I reminded myself.

I pulled off my sleeping garments and threw them in the pile of clothes in the corner of my room. Then I opened my drawers for something comfortably to wear. I grabbed a white top with a union crest of two swords on the right shoulder and my black cargo slacks that have lots of pockets on both sides. I tie up my combat boots and run out of the room.

I walked into the dining hall where I see my father, mother, and Lex sitting eating breakfast.

"Darling, why must you wear something so, unfashionable." Asked my Mother.

"Reese please, she can wear whatever she wants. Let her express herself!" My Father retorted. Mother gave him a stare and then shook her head. Then she smiled and said.

"whatever Emanuel, I guess were lucky our daughter has a mind of her own. As long as it doesn't get her in trouble."

"Me? Get in trouble? Mom, please." I said while we all laughed together. "I'm going out to the market today. does anyone need anything?"

"No, Nozomi, thank you." Mother said with a smile. I nodded, took a sip of coffee, and shoved the toast in my mouth. I ran to the guard shed to get my backpack and sword. I opened the locker that had my name above it. Then I slipped into my brown leather jacket and threw my backpack over my shoulders. The pack has a built in sheath for my short sword. I pulled the sword out, swung it back and forth, then put it back in its sheath.

I ran along the path leading outside the gates of our estate towards the city of Leem. Which is the capitol of the Surate Province. Its mostly woods except for Leem and another city, but I like it that way. Untouched by civilization and the war. For now, at least. The walk is a short one, only ten minutes from our estate. Its just far enough to drown out the noise of the city but close enough to enjoy what Leem has to offer, like the markets; tree art museum; and the Luther Rifle Company.

Emerging from the forest path I came into Leem. The site of all the economic bustle in the Surate Province. A big welcome sign hung from two large gray buildings. Most buildings were 10 to 15 stories high except for the capitol tower in the center of the city which was 21 stories high. The capitol building houses my father's and other officials' offices, the economic department, and the defense branch of Surate. My father is the low-president of Surate, which is one of the highest officials except for the high-president of the Union. Each province is taken care of by low-presidents and they report to the high-president in the Bethra province. My father, Emanuel Sproul, was elected 7 years ago and has 3 years left in his term.

I continued through the streets passing by blue and white apartment buildings with small trees lining the front of the buildings. Seeing normal people commuting from their houses to work gives me hope that the war isn't destroying everyone's lives. Children were throwing a ball around right outside the walls of the market. Their parents must be selling or buying things in there. Walking into the market you get hit with a mass of people in lines trying to buy the freshest produce and meat.

I arrived at my favorite food stand ran by Mr. Kesa and the smell was overwhelming. The thin slice of deer meat cooked over a burning log and an egg mixed with goat cheese made my mouth water. "Hey Mr. Kesa, how are you?" I yelled up to the older man with gray hair and dirty white shirt.

"Miss Nozomi! I'm splendid. How is school going for you?" he asked in his old achy voice.

"I'm almost finished Mr. Kesa, only one month left and then I can join the DBS. Although I know my parents don't want me to." I replied to him and I know he could see the gleam in my eyes when I talked about serving in the Defense Branch.

"That's wonderful Miss Nozomi. Not everyone has that kind of dedication to the Union. Anyway I don't want to keep you. Would you like your usual smoked deer and cheese filled egg roll up?" He asked.

"Yes please, the usual." I smiled and dropped 5 Union Coins on the counter next to the wood burning stove. He handed me the roll up and I inhaled the warm smell of the still steaming meat and egg. "goodbye Mr. Kesa, have a good one." I yelled as I turned and walked deeper into the market. Vendors and small shops lined the streets and created tiny alleyways.

I walked through the maze of vendors and merchants dashing to quickly get to my destination. I ate my roll up quickly as a ran, biting deeply letting the warm taste fill my mouth. After a couple minutes of running I came out of the blended alleyways into a bigger street in front of a big building. This was a short cut to get to the Luther Rifle Company. I was going to pick up a present for my fathers birthday, I had ordered him a custom made rifle for hunting. The Luther building was a tall 10 story gray colored tower filled with many firearm assemble machines and offices. The first floor was just the store. I crossed the busy street crowded with people shopping and running late to work. As I was about to walk into the Luther building, I accidentally knocked into someone. We bumped shoulders which left me unbalanced and I fell over onto the ground. I looked up into the eyes of a tall man in a black leather coat. He had red sharp hair down to his shoulders. The smell of smoke protruded into my nose and I started to cough a little.

"Watch out miss, you never know who'll you'll run into out in the world". The man spoke in a low mysterious voice. I was startled by this and confused, I looked up into his beat red eyes and a chill ran through my body.

"I'm so sorry mister" I said as I got back onto my feet. I bowed to him. "I'll be more careful in the future". I said and than I walked past him into the Luther building. Who was that guy I thought to myself. He gave off such a sinister vibe. I pushed my way through the building doors and entered the Luther store.

The store is made of all kinds of beautiful woods from all over Surate. Fancy weapons hang all over behind the counters. The Luther rifle company is top of the line in modern firearms and is the largest weapons manufacturer in the nation other than the militaries supply factory's up in the industrial province in Chroma. Luther's firearms are much more for hobby than for warfare and thus they are much more expensive.

"Ah, Ms.Sproul, it's so nice to see you again. I assume your here to pick up your fathers gift?" A pleasing light voice from behind one of the counters called to me.

"Hey Mr. Doch, is it ready yet?" I answered back to the tall man with curly blonde hair. He is the spokesperson for Mr. Luther and his company. My family is personal friends with Mr. Luther so it's only natural that he would be waiting for me.

"Of course, right this way ma'am." I follow Mr. Doch through the wood counter tops and through a big wooden door. We entered into a small conference room with a gorgeous mahogany table. "Wait right here Ms. Sproul, I'll be back in a minute with the firearm."

I sat down in a comfortable chair and waited a few moments until Doch came back Into the room carrying a stunning blue stained wooden case. The shine on the case flowed as Doch put it down on the table. He than opened the case to reveal the firearm to me. It was the newest L-3R model. It also like the case has a shiny blue wood finish and the metal parts were covered in a gold finish. The rifle was about 2 1/2 feet long.

"It's a semi-automatic repeater rifle and it holds three, .44 magnum bullets. They are loaded into the back of the barrel and then the gun is primed by a loader on the right side." Mr. Doch explained how the firearm works.

"Thank you so much Mr. Doch, I'm sure my father will love this!" I expressed my gratitude and bowed. After this I grabbed the case and walked out of the room. I continued out of the building back onto the crowded streets of Leem. I followed the flow of the crowd until I reached the exit of the city back into the forest.

I decided that I was going to do some sword practice on my own before returning home. I really need to perfect my style before taking the defense exit exam if I want make it into the branch. After graduating from the Surate defense school, depending on your exit exam scores, you can join the defense branch at the rank of Silver 1 instead of Copper 1. The Union's military hierarchy is broken into different colors starting at Copper and moving to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. The highest military officials are at a level of their own called champion while each other color is broken into ranks 1-3.

After leaving the city I ran off to the location in the woods where I always practice at since I was little.

Hello this is Kage13,

Hopefully this is an interesting start to a great story. My grammar is bad and I miss a lot of mistakes so if you point them out I will try to fix them. Hopefully it doesn’t hinder the story at all. Any criticism or advice would be appreciated!

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