
BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno Grinberryall

Book 1: The Whisperer STARTED April 23rd, 2022 ENDED ??? The wheels of time have spun, and the stage is prepared. Stretching beyond her, the path extends further than the eye can see. Venturing into uncharted territories demands more than mere footfalls. Bravery must be wielded as a sword, courage as a shield, and trust as the guiding way. To tread a path requires a transformation of perspective, a recalibration of how the world is perceived and understood. "I will protect them all, even if my body shatters into nothing but dust." 01. This is a "Black Clover" fan fiction - Book 1. 02. The pictures used for the cover do not belong to me. 03. This is a work of fiction - none of it is real. 04. Any similarities in organizations' names, a person's name, and events are all purely coincidental. 05. Under the stage of editing typographical errors, grammatical mistakes, miscast words, etc.

Xierryne · Komik
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47 Chs



Whistles and the gleeful chirps of the birds filled the air and the bluish-pink sky was starting to turn dark. The Magic Knights Entrance Exam was finally over when the last number was called.

"Number 512, no offers." The referee took a deep breath and continued, "This concludes the Magic Knights Entrance Exam."

After the exam was announced over, the nine captains went back from the way they came in from. The examinees began releasing the breaths they didn't know they held in.

It was over–– the Magic Knights Entrance Exam was finally done.

They began spreading out, filling the place randomly. They grouped, one by one, leaving some to leave the building and others to chatter nonchalantly.

Then, night soon came looming in as the whole sky darkened. Only the light of the lamps lit their vision and the moon and stars above.

They twinkled brightly and decorated the hollow night roof. Blinking as though they were eyes, Xierra marvelled at the stars she always saw back at Hage.

'I wonder if the little ones back at the church are seeing the same stars...'

"Asta, Xierra..." Yuno called out to his foster siblings as he walked to them. Xierra responded with a small hum, indicating that she's listening.

Her small hums were followed by a soft smile while Asta came running in and exclaimed the raven-haired male's name loudly.

"You're Golden," Asta directed at Yuno before turning to Xierra, "You're a Lionness, and I'm a Bull. This is where our true battle begins!"

"Haha, right~"

"Yeah, let's see who'll––"

The grumbles of Asta's stomach cut Yuno's words off abruptly, causing him to stop. Xierra who was beside him, raised an eyebrow and teasingly pointed out, "Are you hungry?"

"NO, NATURE'S CALLING!!!" Asta yelled loudly as he ran away towards the bathroom, shrieking in panic. "Nature's calling pretty loud!!!"

"It's probably that purplish thing he ate before we come here, wasn't it?"

"... Yeah."

Yuno sighed and shook his head, looking around the stone stadium that only had the stars and the setting sun to illuminate it.

"Hmm? Yuno," Xierra called out to Yuno and tugged his sleeve when he was about to leave.

"... What is it?"

The raven-haired male only received a point from the girl, directing towards the way Asta went. They saw Sekke, the guy Asta defeated earlier going into the male bathroom with his grimoire ready.

Yuno's eyes somewhat twitched and he sighed. "... I'll go instead. Xierra, you stay here and don't wander off."

"Oi, wind kid. I'm going with you," Inari added in, his slanted eyes looking as sly as ever. They're guessing that he had some sort of plan in mind.

"All right... Xierra, don't move from this spot," Yuno rephrased his words and soon strode away with Inari on the male's shoulders.

Xierra was left behind dumbfounded whilst she smiled them off and waved. "Uhh... Okay?" And there they went.

The steps of the raven-haired male's feet echoed through the halls. Bouncing off of one pillar to the wall and back to the pillars, the cycle continued.

She waited for a while and leaned on a wall for support. Resting her eyes shut, a vision suddenly made its way to her closed sight.

It showed her a burnt village with broken houses and crushed lanterns everywhere. A young girl stood still amidst all the chaos.

She held her precious grimoire close to her, despite not being the right age to receive one. The girl's arms prevented Xierra from seeing what kind of grimoire she held.

The thought of what this was never crossed her mind when Yuno called out to her. "Xierra," Yuno gently shook the girl by the shoulders, waking her up.

"Hmm...? Yuno? What about––"

"The guy left, did you not see him?" Yuno questioned, confused at the girl's dazed state. The latter shook her head and muttered a small "no" to her childhood friend.

"Master, what happened when we were gone? Also, why were you sleeping while standing up––"

Inari's gold eyes suddenly went wide and he gasped dramatically, loud enough for his voice to leap throughout the emptying halls. The examinees had begun leaving the place.

Yuno arched an eyebrow and slightly tilted his head. "What is it?"

"Master!!! Are you tired?! Cause if you are, we NEED to––!"

"Haha, no. I'm fine, Inari. Don't worry too much. And to answer your question..." Xierra put an index finger up and smiled.

"I didn't sleep-stand, for your information. I didn't see the guy either... Asta's fine, I'm guessing?" she asked softly with inquisitiveness in her blue orbs.

"Yeah," Yuno replied simply, letting go of her shoulders. "This is where we part ways, you should get back to your squad, Xierra."

Xierra giggled and nodded in agreement. "See you later, Yuno!" Xierra walked away while glancing back at her childhood friend, giving him a bright smile and waved before leaving with Inari.

"All right, let's go."

Yuno waved back, giving a ghost smile that the girl barely noticed. His hand then fell to his side. The boy's expression remained unchanging once more and he looked in the directing Xierra went off to.

He clenched his hands and exhaled through his nose. Looking up towards the starry night sky, Yuno made one promise to himself:

'Someday... I'll make you mine when I'm stronger. Until then, wait for me.'


Xierra and her fox companion skidded outside to meet with their chosen squad, the Crimson Lion Kings.

"Oh, there they are!" someone exclaimed as they waved at the late two new members. "Jeez, what took you so long?" he questioned.

Xierra took note of his long, messy hair that had the same colour as Fuegoleon. His looks were also the same, only shorter.

He was only a few inches taller than the white-haired girl, too. He also had red markings over his turquoise eyes, just like Fuegoleon. The teen could even be the same age as the girl, perhaps only a year older than her.

Their similarities were uncanny.

"A-Ah, I'm so sorry sir–– err..."

"Leopold. Leopold Vermillion, a pleasure to make your acquaintances," Leopold answered and grinned, showing his sharp canine teeth.

"Ho? Vermillion, you say?" Inari pointed out. Leopold's laugh confirmed their suspicions.

"That's right. Fuegoleon's my brother!"

"Oi, Leopold! We're about to leave!" one member called out from behind him. The former got onto his broom and began to fly away with the others.

"Got that!"

After taking a good look, Xierra and Inari realized that the squad was full of boys. No single soul of a woman was seen by the two newbies.

'Oh, dear. This is troublesome,' Inari commented with a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face. He would rather have his master surrounded by the obnoxious Asta than being in a squad full of mostly boys.

Nevertheless, the Crimson Lion Kings was the squad his master chose.

Xierra's puzzled expression was considered adorable in Leopold's book, causing him to laugh merrily and patted her back a little too harsh–– however, she voiced no complaints.

"Haha! What are you waiting for, little cub?"

"'Cub?'" Inari and Xierra quoted while deadpanning, wondering how she got that nickname. She wasn't little, that's for sure.

"Get on your broom and let's go!"

Xierra exclaimed in surprise and widened her eyes when the vermillion-headed male threw her her broom. It was lighter compared to the exam one for some reason, even though they're both made out of wood.

"Oi, let's go! You don't want to get left behind, do you?"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Make sure to keep up with us! Well, considering you aced all your tests, I'm sure you'll do fine, right? Haha!" Leopold laughed proudly, gushing into the dead night.

Xierra flew on her broom and balanced herself, with Inari resting on her shoulders like always. She could see her captain, Fuegoleon, conversing with someone as he led the group in front of them–– possibly to their headquarters.

"Huh... I wonder why he or even the others didn't insult you about being a peasant, Master."

Inari yawned and rested his head down, but still keeping his eyes open. Xierra shrugged and kept flying, keeping her pace with the others, specifically Leopold who stayed at the end with the later ones.

"Don't question it, Inari. I'm already grateful that they accepted me here."

The vermillion-haired male heard what Inari said and turned to look at the white-haired female beside him. Leopold then moved next to the girl and grinned, catching her attention.

"Well, that's because you're a part of our squad, of course! If Aniue lets you in, then you're one of us!"

"Eh?" Inari and his female master looked at Leopold in confusion, "That easy, kid?"

"Why, of course! What more reason do I need? You are my rival, after all! Hahaha!"


"Ho~ I like you kid. You're going in my list of candidates~" Inari cheekily smiled and laughed mischievously. "Inari, you're planning something, aren't you?"

"Hmm? What do you mean, Master~? I'm innocent."

"Since when?"

"Hahaha! I like this fox! You will become my rival, too! Since you're her pet! A pleasure to be working with you, little cub's pet!"

Hearing his last sentence, Inari was triggered as he clutched onto his master's clothes and screeched, "'PET?!' Since when am I a pet?! I am her partner, I'll have you know! I'm also much older than you, so respect me!"

"Hahaha, whatever you say~!" Leopold continued to laugh as the squad went on their way through the dark starry night.

"Master! Make him stop this nonsense!"

Xierra only stifled a chuckle at Inari's protests, enjoying the conversation they had with each other. Inari continued to send his outburst towards the laughing Leopold whilst the latter could care less.

Their interaction was odd, she would say.

But, she enjoyed it.


The white-haired girl flopped onto her new bed in exhaustion. The dark maroon coverlet encompassed her petite form perfectly from top to bottom.

She was warm.

So much had happened today. Remembering back to when they arrived at the base, Fuegoleon ordered Leopold to take Xierra on a tour around the base. He also told the other seniors to tour the other newbies.

She was already exhausted, but then they HAD to tour around the who-knows-how big of a base they're in. Not to mention the mental shock she received when she eyed the room she received.

This bedroom is probably bigger than the whole church she used to live in. Xierra couldn't even imagine how big the room Yuno received when he's in the Golden Dawn.

'He must be living in a palace if he's in the Golden Dawn.' Xierra gaped in disbelieve and lightly slapped both her cheeks to wake herself up. "My supposed room already feels like a whole house already."

"This room is bigger than my shrine," Inari mumbled and sweatdropped as he looked around the room, "This place can probably fit a whole village!"

"Yeah, this room is too much... I wonder how I'll clean it though..."

"Don't need to worry about that. They're royalties and nobles! They probably have maids or servants to clean their rooms, including ours, Master."

Xierra nodded and sighed. "You're probably right... It would be difficult for us if we're supposed to clean our room by ourselves. This place is humongous."

Xierra got up and walked to her closet, where Leopold said that there would be something in there for her as a gift. Opening the doors of her closet, she found a flowy red robe with a shorter front and a much longer back.

Aside from the red robe that stood out the most, her closet was filled with dresses and casual clothes.

"Huh... I guess they do have normal clothing other than fancy garbs and frilly attires..."

"All right, hurry up, Master! Clean yourself and get ready to bed! We got a new day ahead of us!" Inari ordered and brushed his tail against the floor.

Sitting on the giant-sized bed already felt like a damn throne. He didn't dare to touch those soft-looking pillows, fretting that he would rip them to shreds with one touch.

"Jeez, you sound like someone I know..." Xierra pouted and let out a tired breath. "Also, I need to write a letter for everyone back at the church to let them know."

"Deal with it and do what I say."

"Aye, aye... I'm always wondering who's the master here."



Sitting down on the fancy-carved desk beside her bed, Xierra took a paper and a peacock quill, something she found being displayed on the desk by the rows of books. Xierra figured she could use it since it's her room now.

Carefully dipping the tip of the feather into the jar of ink, Xierra struggling to keep her hand stable when what she's holding literally cost her whole life–– the quill's surely expensive.

'Dear Sister, Father, and everyone at church...

How are you? I, Asta, and Yuno are doing fine, including Inari, of course. Also, we have good news, guess what?

Well, I'm guessing those other two should have sent you their letters as well, so who am I to worry, hahaha~

The three of us all made it into the Magic Knights, yay! Yuno's in the Golden Dawn while Asta's in the Black Bulls. Inari and I are in the Crimson Lions! Surprise!

Did I do well at the exam? Uh, probably?

We hope that all of you are doing well back in the village... Truthfully, I'm kind of already missing home. I miss all of you.

I miss the children at home, I miss the other villagers and Father Orsi. And of course, I miss Sister Lily as well!

Most of all, I miss home.

I genuinely hope that you all will be fine without us around. We'll try to send you letters daily to inform you guys of how we're doing.

That's all from us both.

With love, Xierra and Inari.'

After she finished her letter and sending it in the middle of the night, Xierra went to bed in her sleepwear. With one last blow, the candles died and the room dimmed with only the moon illuminating it.

And those visions came back.


A single girl stood in the midst of a burnt down village. Her grimoire in her hands, hidden away from the outside world.

She stepped back as she gritted her teeth, her long wavy azure-white hair was covered in dirt. Her simple white dress was tattered with some burnt edges, a tainted mark given by the merciless flames.

The female then staggered back and fell onto the ground with a loud thud, but she could care less.

She clutched her grimoire close as if she was protecting it from someone–– no, something else.

A figure walked closer as its long arms reached out for the girl. Her icy-blue eyes held anger and spite. The girl glared at the monster reaching its hands out to her and hissed.

Dragging herself backwards, trying to escape the being that pursued her. "Don't come any closer!" she screamed.

"Kekeke... Give me that if you value your lif––"

"Hah! Unfortunately for you, I don't! This grimoire worths more than my life–– it's the life of my friends and families I'm holding here! I can't possibly give them up!!!"

"Grrrrrr!!!! Give me that GRIMOIREEEEEE!!!!!"

The being launched at the girl with its big sharp teeth. The girl had horror on her face whilst she continued to drag herself back.

"No...! I'll NEVER give it to you...!"


Another vision came in sight. It was a different one compared to the first one she saw. It's the exact opposite.

The beautiful vast plains that spread before her eyes. The place was graced with small white flowers filling the grass. The wide blue skies stretched over the horizon, cloudless and bright.

A young male with blonde hair and blue eyes was sitting with another male with white braided hair beside him. He had gold eyes and pointed ears. His ears reminded Xierra of an elf. Unbeknown to her, he's actually an elf.

"Oh, she's here."

The blonde male looked away from his elf friend and to his left, waving at a running white-haired girl who was panting heavily.

"Oi, [???]...! Over here!"

"... You're late."

"Haa... Haa... Licht, Lumiere, sorry for the wait... Haaaa..."

[???] flopped down onto the grass in exhaustion, unable to reach her two friends any further. Her grimoire was placed beside her as she rested.

Lumiere and Licht stood up from their spots and went to the tired female. "Jeez, you're younger than us. How come you get tired easier, [???]?"

The young blonde peered above the white-haired female, blue orbs locking with icy ones. The male closed his eyes and grinned, blocking the rays of the sun from hitting the female's face.

"I can't choose the limits of my body, Lumiere..." She sighed. "... and besides, I'm not gifted like you two. I'm not that athletic either."

The girl grabbed Licht, the elf's offered hand and stood up, patting herself from dust. She then grabbed her grimoire and hugged it close with a slight frown.

"What are you talking about? Your powers are amazing!" Lumiere praised the younger female with excitement, "Don't downgrade yourself just because of what others said about you, [???]."

"I agree," Licht chimed in with a soft smile. "Inari's with you, and so are we. The elves all are with you, whether you realized it or not, [???]."

"Hahaha, true~" Lumiere chuckled and placed his hand on [???]'s shoulder, "Speaking of Inari, where is that fox anyway? I need to finish my arguments with him from before..."

"Wha–– what did he do this time?" [???] pinched the bridge of her nose and heaved a sigh. "I swear, if he makes more trouble, I'm going to have to chide him tonight."

She frowned at what her fox companion could possibly do to her two best friends–– err, one of them. Lumiere was the only one who requested the fox's presence.

"It's nothing. We just had banters about the possible genders of Tetia and Licht's kids~ Might as well name them while we're at it."


[???] and Lumiere ganged up on the elven leader, wiggling their eyebrows while chuckling. Licht looked at them with slight pink dusting his cheeks.

A defeated smile made its way to the elf's face when he brushed them off, walking back to his tribe. Licht left without a word, leaving the other pair with ludicrous looks.

"O-Oi, wait up!"

"Ugh, I still need my rest, Licht! Don't walk so quickly!"

"If you still have the energy to yell, then use it to run~"


Lumiere paced himself to be at the same speed as the girl. She looked at him in confusion but was stopped when the blonde prince pecked her cheek quickly–– quick enough to make her flinch and look stunned.

Her face became slightly pink, going to a darker shade of crimson slowly as steams came out of her. "L-Lumiere! That's not fair!"

The said male just chuckled in response while Licht laughed at their interactions.

"Come back here, you two!"


Xierra was unknowingly enjoying their conversations with each other, feeling oddly familiar. She didn't realize that she was supposed to be in her room instead of this vision thing she was having. The scenery then quickly changed into a dark one, just like before.

But instead of the burnt village, it was a burnt town. The town was a rather big one compared to the first scene she saw.

Xierra could see a large demon corpse in the middle, with the blonde boy from before looking up to the sky with a tear escaping his eyes and fall down his cheeks.

"Lumiere," was that his name?

"First my sister and Licht, now you...? Why [???]...? You said you were going to take us to your homeland. You haven't... fulfilled your promise..."

His sad words also gloomed Xierra's heart. The warm moments she saw before quickly died down. She could imagine what happened to the younger boy–– however...

The skull of the demon confused her. Why was it there? Lumiere seemed familiar to her as well, who was he exactly? Where had she seen him? Why was seeing Lumiere crying made her heartbroken?

Where's [???]...? What happened to her...?


Xierra woke up abruptly from her sleep, sweating furiously and heavily gasping for air. It felt like her lungs were burning, her whole body was on fire.

Her swollen eyes stung and her ragged breathing was audible to one's ears. Something's suffocating her, she couldn't breathe nor see properly with her clouded eyes.

Her jolt shook the bed and Inari soon woke up beside her, eyeing her in concern. His gold eyes frowned and he questioned softly, "Master...? What's wrong? Why... are you crying?"

Xierra touched her, now wet, cheeks when she heard Inari's last question. Furrowing her eyebrows, she wondered in confusion herself.

"I... don't know..."

The female shook her head in puzzlement, not knowing why the sudden feeling of sadness washed over her.

What were those visions? Were they memories?

What were they? They seemed... familiar...

Wiping away her tears, Xierra lightly slapped her face. The red hand marks on her cheeks surprised Inari as he sweatdropped, letting his master do her thing.

Completely woken up, Xierra then turned to look at the worried Inari with an assuring closed-eye smile.

"Sorry for worrying you, Inari. I'm fine, really. Please, rest up."

Inari was quiet for a while, his gold orbs scanning his master's face for anything unusual. The result was null. And so he sighed.

Not wanting to make his master wait for an answer, he gave her a quick reply and snorted, "Jeez, go to sleep as well, Master. I also need my beauty sleep. I won't be able to sleep if you don't."

"Yes, yes~ Sorry about that~" Xierra pulled her warm blanket up and covered her body. Her head drowned beneath the soft pillows rowed by each other, warming her.

Her fair and slender hand reached out to the fox and combed through Inari's soft black fur. She petted him softly, slowly, rhythmically, followed by small hums of the girl that rang through the empty room.

A smile made its way to Xierra's face whilst she gave the being sheepish grin. She then whispered tenderly before proceeding to close her eyes, "Goodnight, Inari."

"Yes, goodnight... Master."

To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! As always, until I reach the last part where I left this story on before the rewrite (when they went shopping to Castle Town Kikka), I'll be mostly following the last version of the chapters, I hope you can understand!

However, if you wish to read a different version of the rewrite, you can say it here and I'll try to not follow the old version too much. Thank you for your patience and have a great day!

Xierrynecreators' thoughts