
Training with Yami

The next morning in front of the black bulls base, the rookies along with Magna were talking to each other.

"How come you both don't know how to fly on a broom! That's the basic of the basics!" exclaimed Magna.

"I don't have any magic!" said Asta.

"Hmph, did you forget? I am not able to control my mana." said Noelle in a proud tone.

"Don't be proud about that!" yelled Magna as he looked at the two irregulars.

"Fine then let's do this." said Magna as he went towards the storehouse and took out his self customized broom.

"Hehe, we will go on my Crazy Cyclone." said Magna as he looked smug about his broom.

"....Sekke's bike was cooler than this." said Asta as he looked at the broom.

Sekke fist pumped at that as he looked at Magna with a mocking expression on his face.

"Tch, I can't even deny that." muttered Magna as he clicked his tongue.

"Anyway, you really aren't coming with us Sekke?" asked Asta as he looked at his fellow rookie.

"Sorry Asta, I have gone on quite a number of missions recently so I want some time to relax and focus a bit on myself. Anyways best of luck on your first mission to both of you." said Sekke as he looked at Asta and Noelle.

"Hah! Alright then this mission will be over in no time and soon I will become the Wizard King!!"

"Hmph, I am royalty you know? I don't need your encouragement to complete my first mission."

"Do try to be useful though....and don't mess up, specially you Noelle." said Sekke as he looked at his fellow rookies with a grin.

Both Noelle and Asta snapped at him as Sekke just carefully put his hands at the back of his head.

"Alright you two, stop wasting time!" said Magna as he sat on his broom.

"Go with them and come back to inform me if they are in trouble." said Sekke as he glanced at Secre.

Secre who understood what Sekke meant jumped of his shoulder and flew towards Asta's head.

"Huh? Secre?"

"Looks like she wants to go on the mission as well, she won't trouble you so be nice to her." said Sekke as he looked at the three of them.

"No problems, if Secre likes to go on the mission as well then let's go!" exclaimed Asta as Magna took off.

Once they got out of sight Sekke stretched his hands and said, "Well Secre is gone....looks like it's just you and me now Extase-chan." said Sekke as he looked at the sword on his waist.

'...I haven't used it that much for a while.....let's go and do tha-'

"*yawn* Huh, it's already morning?"

Sekke turned around as he heard the voice behind him.

"Good morning Yami-san."

"Ah, so you were up as well huh, brat."

"Yes, just sent of Asta and the others on their mission."

"Oh, they are already gone, huh."

"Yes, well see you later captain. I going to have some fun with my Extase-chan." said Sekke as he moved towards the base to get some stuff from his room.

"Who the hell is that?" asked Yami.

"My sword." replied Sekke without turning back.

"Your sword, huh?....Oi brat, come with me for a bit." said Yami as he turned around and started walking towards the forest.

Sekke looked at his captain for a while before he started following him as well.

"Where are we going Yami-san?"

"Don't know, somewhere open, I guess...." said Yami without caring much.

"You should go to a covered area though, if you want to take a dump." said Sekke.

"Huh? Who said that I want to take a dump?" said Yami.

"...Now that some breaking news..."bsaid Sekke.

"Alright, it should be fine here." said Yami as he stopped walking.

Sekke stopped as well and looked around only to find himself standing in an area of broken trees and charred ground and wood.

"....Looks like Magna and Luck had a fight here." said Sekke.

"Hey brat, take out that sword of yours." said Yami as he took out his katana as well.

"Huh?....Yami-san if you are thinking about having a sword fight I will ask you to stop here, Extase-chan will cut your sword in half in no time.

"Heh, like hell you will have a sword that sha-" said Yami as Sekke just took out his sword and let it drop vertically downward making the sword pierced through the ground with no effort at all.

"...Oi, brat! What the hell is that sword?!?!" exclaimed Yami as he saw the sword effortlessly get inside the ground. He then looked at his sword and did the same as Sekke.


Yami looked at his sword which was lying down on the ground.

"Oi, katana. Break your limits." said Yami as he took the sword once again and repeated the process once again.


"Yami-san, don't bully the poor katana." said Sekke as he took Extase out of the ground.

"Whatever, it will break it's limits soon anyway. Now, then brat if that sword is too sharp, make one out of your magic." said Yami.

Sekke nodded and made a bronze sword.

"Good, now come at me." said Yami as he looked at Sekke with an uninterested look.

Without questioning Sekke gripped his sword tightly and took his stance.

The ground below Sekke cracked as he rushed towards Yami.

Sekke was looking at Yami without any hesitation and slashed towards the black haired man.

Yami easily parried the attack and took his stance to attack the rookie.

'..Above..' thought Sekke as he looked at Yami and positioned his sword to block the incoming attack.


Sekke immediately frowned as he saw the katana coming towards him from hi right and moved his hand to block the strike.


The two swords clashed for just an instance before Sekke's posture was broken by Yami.

Sekke immediately took distance from the captain who just stood at his spot and scratched his head.

"Come again." said Yami as still looked at Sekke with an uninterested expression on his face.

Sekke narrowed his eyes as he looked at Yami who was looking back at him.

Sekke immediately rushed towards Yami and started attacking him rapidly.

Yami parried and blocked every blow coming towards him though Sekke didn't stop and continued his assault in his captain who slowly getting pushed back by Sekke.

'His strength and agility is good.' thought Yami as he dodged the incoming slash and said, "You rely too much on your instincts." said Yami as he slashed towards the blond boy.

Sekke who was once again not able to predict the slash was only able to block it at the final moment and had to retreat once again.

'Why the hell is that happening?!' thought Sekke a bit frustrated seeing how Yami was not even breathing roughly from all that, he himself was also not breathing heavily, but he was still annoyed at the man.

"Kid, you rely too much on your instincts....you are just swinging that sword without any stance, right?"

"...Yes." said Sekke.

"If that is the case you will not be able to damage me, I know someone who is even better that you when it comes to fighting with just instincts." said Yami as he rested his katana on his shoulder.

"Can't be helped, you know. It's the only type of swordsmanship that I know of." said Sekke as he thought of his days of hunting in the forest with Extase in his hand and his whole body covered in wounds and scratches.

"Huh, who said it can't be helped. Break you limits. Come at me until you are able to land a slash on me. Home your instincts even better and match the stance if you need to, do whatever you want, but keep in mind that you need to break your limits." said Yami as he light up a cigarette and took a smoke.

"Come on then, break time over." said Yami as he provokingly gestured Sekke to come towards him.