
Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character

Dying and meeting a being who made him his new brother and promised to reincarnate him into the body of the strongest person of that world, what could go wrong with this right?....Well let's see how our protagonist deals with this when he finds himself inside a body that is destined to be strongest, which he will achieve no matter what. P.S.: It's not a serious story just a light read like a casual fanific about a guy reincarnating into Black Clover with some wishes.

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165 Chs

Noelle's siblings

Sekke and the others who were eating silently while maintaining a certain distance from the manner less mana less boy finally started to hear the mocking comments made by the nobles.

"Noelle you hear them, that's what you sounded like when we first met."

"...I am gonna kill you if you mention that one more time. How much longer are you gonna do that?!" said Noelle as she glared at Sekke who has been reminding her the same thing again and again...and it doesn't help her since what he was saying was true.

"Don't know, it will take a while for me to forget that. You left a pretty strong impression on our first meeting."

"Oh come on!"

"Well they say that the first impression is the last impression. So deal with it. And it's not like your first impression could be any worse than that idiot's."

Saying that both Sekke and Noelle looked at their fellow rookie with his mouth filled with food.

"...I can already see that in the future he will be called a mana less manner less magic knight."

"This stuff's really great!!" said Asta as he finally swallowed what he was eating and then immediately started stuffing his mouth.

"I really can't argue about it." said Noelle as she looked at Asta with a disappointed expression on her face.

"Why would the wizard king even in invite such low class scum?"

"Haha the way he is eating is totally unsightly."

"I don't even feel even an ounce of magic from him. Them capturing that dungeon must have been sheer luck."

"Man, listen to them tear into me. Good thing I'm used to it." said Asta as he heard the others

"*psst* Noelle do you have good relationship with that silver hair lady?"

"Nebra onee-sama....well..."

"Perfect, then I will say it without censoring it. That bitch is annoying." said Sekke in a whisper making Noelle feel a bit surprised by his sudden words.

"Filthy peasants." said one of the nobles but got no reaction from Asta.

"You alright Anna?" asked Sekke.

"Yes, their comments don't bother me much."

"...I was asking about you being so close to me that you our shoulders and arms are constantly touching in a way that my plate was about to fall a number of times....but okay, it's alright if you are fine. I am glad." said Sekke as he looked at Anna with a smile on his face.

'It's really getting hard to hold myself when I am this close...' thought Anna as she stared intently at Sekke who looked back at her wondering why she was staring at him.

"Is their something on my face?"

"Yeah, just stay still." said Anna as she tried to wipe Sekke's mouth only to get her hand swatted away by Secre who stared at the crimson lion magic knight with her usual cold expression.

Seeing that all the people who were near Sekke looked at Anna and Secre with surprised look on their faces.

Wiping his mouth on his own Sekke thanked Anna with a wry smile on his face and apologized for Secre who just sat on his shoulder.

"We are the ones who embody Lord Vangeance and the golden dawn ideals. And speaking of peasants don't the Crimson Lions have one of them as well." said the golden dawn member as he looked towards Anna who simply ignored him and focused on Sekke.

"W-with all due respect..."

"That goes for you as well Klaus. Aren't you ashamed, being here with your lack of skill?"


"And you Mimosa, I heard that you were wounded early on in the dungeon and left the front line. To think that you're royalty of Vermillion line is laughable."

"Oh, so nobles shit talk other nobles as well....You learn something new everyday, huh." muttered Sekke.

"I-I am terribly sorry." said Mimosa.

"No Mimosa was-"

Seeing his superior glare at him Klaus who was trying to defend Mimosa stopped and looked down.

"Now, now. The most useless foll here...is you." said Noelle's older brother Solid Silva as he walked close to Noelle.

"Wouldn't you agree." said Solid as he poured the glass of water on top of Noelle's head.

But before the water fell on top of Noelle's head Sekke, who was standing beside her moved his hand and made a cup of his bronze magic to prevent the water from falling on Noelle's head.

Seeing what he did the whole room turn silent as even Noelle who didn't knew what was happening started to get anxious since her brother didn't do anything to her.

Drinking the water that he got in his cup Sekke looked back at Solid who was looking at him wide eyed.

"Thanks for the liquid, Mr. Solid. It was quite an experience to know that nobles usually don't pass the glass and just it's contents. I will remember that." said Sekke with a smile.

"Wha- Solid nii-sama?"

Noelle who finally heard her brother's name turned around to see her brother looking at Sekke with an angry expression while also noticing that all the people in the room were staring at Sekke.

"...Do you even know what you just did?" asked Solid.

"Umm...drank the water that you just offered? Oh, I see it was meant for Noelle, huh. I apologise for not taking that into consideration. At first I thought that you were going to pour water on Noelle's head, but remembering how classy and elegant nobles, not to mention royals, are I didn't think that you will do something so immature that us commoner kids do in their childhood while playing. So I thought that it must be something else that I am not familiar with." said Sekke.

Hearing that all the people who clearly knew what Solid was trying to do looked at him with a pitiful gaze while at the same time the nobles looked at Sekke with angry expressions on their faces.

"...Sekke really is brave." muttered Klaus as he looked at Sekke who was now the centre of attention of the whole room.

Being at a loss of words to say to the commoner who just insulted him Solid glared towards Noelle and thought, 'It's because of her that I am humiliated.'

"Hmph, coming back to how useless you are. You can't even control your magic. You're such an embarrassment." said Solid as he ignored Sekke and decided to deal with him later.

Backing her brother up Nebra walked forwards as well and with a grin on her face started insulting Noelle as well.

Meanwhile Sekke started looking around the room and thought, 'Yami-san is just looking at us with a bored look probably observing how we deal with this situation. Good thing is that braided bangs is not here in the room and knowing how good my spell was, he wouldn't be here for a bit longer.'

But all of a sudden Noelle who was insulted a bit too much by her siblings turned around and started walking out of the room making Sekke snap out of his thoughts.

'Crap, I got trailed off in my thoughts.'

Asta who finally stopped eating grabbed Noelle's arm stopping her and said, "There is no reason to run from these jerks."


"...So much for the promise to behave here." said Sekke as he saw Asta stand up on top of the table.

"You two should move a bit away from the table." said Sekke as he looked at Mimosa and Anna who nodded and stepped back.

Asta who was totally pissed at the people in the room started to use his [Protagonist's talk magic].

But before the over powered magic could take effect one of the members of the Golden dawn used his own magic and wrapped Asta in sand.

"That's enough, you scoundrel. You shouldn't even be allowed to talk! Silence!"

"I won't shut up!" yelled Asta as he used his anti magic sword to slice through the sand.

"Listen up you all! I am going to pile up merit, become the Wizard king, and shut you all up!!!"

'Yup, things can't go peacefully even if you try your best.' thought Sekke as he sighed seeing his mana less friend on top of the table.

The whole room turned silent as all the people looked at Asta with an expression on disbelief.


"...the wizard king?"

""Don't make us laugh!""

Saying so both Nebra and Solid's Grimoires started flipping.

[Water Binding Magic: Sea Serpent's coils!]

Solid used his magic without any hesitation and a big water serpent appeared and started to move around Asta before rushing for a strike.

[Ice Debuff Magic: Frost Touch]

Using his magic Sekke's touched the body of the snake freezing it in an instant.



"...Don't look at me you started it." said Sekke as his Grimoire started flipping.

[Fire Debuff Magic: Blaze touch]

And immediately magic energy gathered in Sekke's hand and melted the ice snake making water to spill on the floor only to evaporate the next instant.

[Mist Binding Magic: Mist Spider's Threads]

Seeing her brother's spell being cancelled easily by Sekke Nebra changed her target from Asta to Sekke and fired her spell.

"Ice debuff on my left hand and fire debuff in my right. Touch the incoming mist in order and everything will be right. Ooh that rhymed." said Sekke as the incoming mist turned into water and then evaporated as well.

"Hey, you know the rules and so do I. Wizard King told that they are his guests so let's not act rash, though if we are going to continue just make sure that I won't stay silent." said Sekke as he glared at Noelle's siblings.


Meanwhile at another part of the magic knights HQ:

'Why are there no toilets close to that room?!?!?!' thought the captain of silver eagles who being under the pressure was not able to walk easily much less fast.