
Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character

Dying and meeting a being who made him his new brother and promised to reincarnate him into the body of the strongest person of that world, what could go wrong with this right?....Well let's see how our protagonist deals with this when he finds himself inside a body that is destined to be strongest, which he will achieve no matter what. P.S.: It's not a serious story just a light read like a casual fanific about a guy reincarnating into Black Clover with some wishes.

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165 Chs

Cliché Quest

Getting out of his trance Sekke pulled his hand back from the girl and nodded his head.

'What happened? Don't tell me she fell for my handsome looks.' thought Sekke as he looked at the girl.

"... Don't mind her, she is just a rookie and is kinda.....unique." said Ruban

"It's alright. So shall we start the mission?" asked Sekke.

Ruban nodded hearing that and thought, 'Its the first time that I met someone from the bulls who is not weird and easy to talk with.'

"Gauche-san stop bleeding we are going to start." said Sekke making Gauche look up from the picture.

'A pity that he is in that weird squad.' thought Ruban.

"Alright, from what we have Benn told by the captains we can say that there must be a group of bandits, in the forest close to the town. What we don't know is where and how many of them will be present." said Ruban.

"Before we start is anyone here a support type or all of us are attackers?" asked Sekke.

Hearing that the two Crimson Lions knights just stared at him which was enough to answer his question.

"All right then, that means that we don't need to worry that much about someone on the team.....now what matters is how we approach the forest?" said Sekke.

"Let's split up in twos and-" Ruban was saying something but suddenly the girl beside him raised her hand and said, "I would like to go with Sekke-kun."

Both Ruben and Sekke stared at her with and thought at the same time, 'She is acting so obvious!'

Sekke gave a wry smile and said, "A-As much as I would like to team up with you, I don't think it would be a good idea since we don't know how the we fight so it might cause problems."

"I am just a rookie like you, so I don't have much experience working with him. Our magic attributes clash with each other anyways." said Anna as she pointed at Ruben making him twitch his lips.

'...She is acting more like a member of black bulls than him.' thought Ruben.

He then looked at Sekke and asked, "As much as I would like to deny her claim, it is true that my sandstone magic and her fire magic are not the most compatible when fighting together, that too in a forest. So..."

"...You are asking two rookies to pair up and that too on my first mission?" asked Sekke with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"It's my first time as well." said the girl in her monotone voice.

'...Don't phrase it like that!' thought Sekke but was suddenly grabbed By Gauche who glared at him and said, "Just team up with her and start this mission. You are wasting my precious time."

'Hey! Support your fellow squad member you damn siscon!!!' mentally yelled Sekke as Gauche rushed through the whole planning phase.

In the end Sekke got paired up with the Anna girl and both of them first decided to check the town for any clues while also asking around about the bandits from the people.

'...They look like they have not eaten or slept for days.' thought Sekke as looked at the people of the town and said, "We need to take care of those bandits soon."

The girl who was beside him nodded her head and said, "Yes, I agree with that....it is looking very bad for them."

Sekke looked at her and thought, '...She certainly is strange, first she was acting like that and now all of a sudden she turned serious.....taking a look at her she is better looking than Noelle who is a royal....and those are big too..'

The girl noticed Sekke look at her and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

'... Did she just say that she will protect me?' thought Sekke.

"Listen her Anna,your duty is to protect them not me.....and always keep in mind that the dark lord Sekke, doesn't need protection...unless the situation is totally fu*ked up." said Sekke as he pointed his finger at her.

"Alright, I will protect Sekke-kun if the situation becomes too difficult be handled." said the girl in her monotone voice.

"...I will make sure that such a situation doesn't arise...and I will probably save you if that were to happen." said Sekke and looked forward.

'I don't want other to think that someone got injured because they were saving the great me. It will really tarnish my reputation as a dark lord.' thought Sekke.

Meanwhile the girl who heard Sekke would save her if she gets in troubled didn't has any expression bon her face but her heart was pounding very fast after she heard that.

While walking and asking around Sekke suddenly felt someone pull his clothes and turned around to see two children a boy and a girl looking at him.

"Hello, is there something you need?" asked Sekke.

"Big brother, if we can tell you where the bandits are hiding, will you bring our mom back?" asked the boy.

'...A cliché quest just got triggered.' thought Sekke as he crouched down and asked, "Do you really know where they are hiding?"

The children nodded their heads and started telling him about the way they should go.....but considering they were children the directions that they gave were too high level for Sekke to understand.

"You know what, you two are coming with me." said Sekke as his Grimoire started flipping."

[Bronze Creation Magic:Bronze Rider + Side car]

His bike along with the side car appeared in front of them as the children looked at it with awe making Sekke puff his chest in pride.

"Heh, bask in the dark lord's majesty.' said Sekke as he picked up the kids and placed them in the side cart.

He then took his seat and turned around to call Anna who was standing beside him.

"Get on the back." said Sekke as the black haired girl nodded and sat behind Sekke.

'...What the....I never knew that riding a bike with a girl comes with this softness.' thought Sekke as felt two big and soft sensations on his back.

He slowly turned around and with a smile on his face said, "You should hold on tightly so that you don't fall and get injured."

The girl didn't needed to be asked a second time as she wrapped her arms around him and held him a bit tighter than before.

"Is this fine?" asked Anna to which Sekke just gave a thumbs up and said, "Perfect." and then channeled his mana through the bike.

'...I will make sure to go over every bump that will come on the way.' thought Sekke as he told the children to tell him the way.