
Chapter 2 — Meet the Family and Family History

The Mc will have the same name and appearance as Minato Namikaze

MC Image here (age 4 to 8) ——>


It has been 2 long years since I've been reincarnated into this new world. Now let me tell you it has not been easy as for nearly 6 months I could do nothing until my body figured out how to crawl and then another month or so until I learned how to walk.

It also took around an entire year to start speaking in words that could be understood. Now I know what you think as someone who has been reincarnated I should be able to walk and talk at like 4 months old, News Flash that's not possible.

Thats not possible as even though I lived 19 years in my past live, in this life I'm a newborn child and newborns are weak and fragile. So I had to wait until my body was ready and developed the necessary bodily functions to walk and talk.

Okay rant out of that way. I should really stop inner monologuing to myself it makes me seem crazy. Ah well onto my parents.

Both of my parents are commoners from what I could find out. My Mother is a beautiful light blonde haired lady with emerald greens eyes, she looks to be around 5'7ft. She is also a house wife but that only fooled me for a few weeks until I learned that she is fiercely intelligent and helps my dad in important family issues like business.

My Father on the the other hand is around 6ft with a fairly broad frame. He also has blonde hair but it looks almost a golden yellow in colour while is eyes are an ocean blue, he could also be considered quite handsome. He does spend most of his time working on and takes care of the family businesses, but when he's at home with Myself and mom he's quite the loveable and caring father.

(Family Picture here —>

My new appearance is what I imagine young 'Minato' looked like in naruto. I have similar golden yellow hair as my father while my eyes are more of an azure blue. While I also have 'Minatos' knowledge I don't have his life experience, meaning that for example I'm not in love with a fictional Kushina.

(A.N: This also means that the MC will still act childishly or immature at times)

~~ 2 Year Time Skip ~~

"Minato it's time to start your schooling" my mother tells me while carrying in a few books into my room.

"Okay Mom I'm ready to start when your ready" I say to her. I've been waiting for this as even though I've seen the anime I don't know the basics of this world, like have do you even activate your magic.

"Okay, well start with maths and language. Then proper manners for formal occasions, then lastly we'll go over family history and magic study" she says more to herself then to me.

"Family history? I thought we were just commoners" I ask

"We are just commoners but this family has history that goes as far back as the first Wizard King" she tells me with a smile while ruffling my golden hair.

Wow I didn't know I was reborn into a family that has 500 years of history, that means this family must have loads of knowledge about this world and it's secrets.

— 4 hours later —

"Now onto our final lessons of today family history and magic study. Now for today I'm going to give you a general over view of our family and magic, I want your to take notes for self study later."

"I will mother" I says as I grab a stack of paper and my magic pen that uses mana as the ink and can be recharged with mana from someone.

"Good. Now then lets begin with Family history, the Namikaze family can be traced back all the way to the time of the First Wizard King nearly 500 years ago. The Namikazes have always been a commoner family even though they have over the years been invited to be and considered Nobles.

But it is always turned down as the family as a whole disagrees with the way the Nobles behave and treat the people of the kingdom"

"The beginnings of the Namikaze family was humble at best. The first Namikaze was an orphan with slightly above average mana reserves. But his mana didn't stop him from becoming a powerful wizard. Using his unique magic known as Runic magic"

"Using his magic he was able to create some of the most powerful and useful magic tools in the kingdom, some of which are still used today"

"When He created these magic tools and sold them he quickly gained a vast amount of wealth, wealth he used to not only build this very house we live in but also to improve the life's of commoners and anyone who would accept his help"

"Mom you haven't even told me his name yet?" I complain wanting to know about this man who clearly wasn't in the anime or manga.

"Oh well his name was Levi Namikaze"

Levi Namikaze, never heard of him in the anime or manga he must of been created by Rogers to allow for my request to fit into this world easily or he was reincarnated here like myself.

"Mom do we have any other family? Because I only ever see you and dad around" I ask and curious to the new family Rogers has gifted me with.

"Yes you've got quite a few cousins scattered around the kingdom and even one or two in the Heart kingdom. You even have an ancestor that was apart of the witches in the Witches Forest. Due to said witch we are even able to do business with the queen of witches on occasion" my mom says to me shocking greatly as I wouldn't have imagined that we had family in basically two different Kingdoms.

"Is anyone in our family a magic knight?" I ask getting even more curious about my family.

"No, not a single Namikaze has ever been a Magic Knight" she says in a slightly cold tone.

"What!? Why not?" I ask finding it hard to believe that a family on par with nobles would have no Magic Knights ever.

"The Magic Knights purpose was to protect the Kingdom and All of its people, but over the years that has changed all of the Magic Knights are Nobles who don't care about commoners or peasants. They abuse their high Mana count and status to do whatever they please with little or no repercussions"

"But surely theres some Magic Knights that truly fight for the Kingdom and its people" I say

"True but that number is so little I could count the number on only one hand" she says sadly.

"Do you know of any?" I ask

"I've only met two Magic Knights that actually care for the people of this Kingdom" she tells me.

"Who might they be?" I ask

"I'm sure you'll find out in future, after all they are both good friends of mine and your fathers" she says while patting my head.

"Now onto magic study we've wasted enough time" Mom tells me.

<End of Chapter>