
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Chapter 36: Hellion

(Aet) Well, Well, Well.... Look who it is. I never thought Grada would be back here. And he took down BlackBlood/Nimra in one perfectly orchestrated ambush. But Hellion is still active and there's only a dozen members left to leave here. Where's ThreeScar so I can be on my way. If she's gone for good then I can go, but I have to wait until Hellion is dead and the trouble settles down. No... They won't dare come after me here. They'd leave soon as possible, I'm sure of it, Grada isn't stupid.

(Grada) On your feet now...

It was too late...



Before Grada could give them a proper warning, Hellion chained together a brutal series of death blows. He rushed the first Druid getting off the ground, snatching him by his head and kneeing his bottom jaw through the top of his skull.


Hellion dropped the lifeless Druid and skirted over to another. The Druid would be ready -whooosh, the Druid swung his sword at one of the remaining heads, a mighty swing but Hellion put up his arm snatching away the sword and landing a looping right to the side of the head of the Druid knocking off its face, both eyes still attached, instantly causing the corpse to fall to its knees..


The momentum from the last blow brought Hellion closer to a third onlooker and Hellion almost tumbled over as its hand and arm cocked back so far. But it was that tiny stumble that caused the anxious Druid to overzealously swing for the fences. Missed completely, Hellion would land a bolo to the chest of the Druid, sending him flying into the pool of blood. The chest of the Druid had a hole, the Druid's heart had splattered against the trees behind him....

-Sacred Veno -Fwwwwwooooooooohhhhhhhhhh

A purple flame shot from the Hero's palm but once it touched Hellion's arm it rotted the meat off the bone, like it was nothing more than wax under the blaze of a candle, and still...


A clothesline from Hellion's arm that just had the acid eat off its fleshed served as the perfect decapitation tool... As Hellion swung through the neck of the Hero it severed his head...


Smoothly moving on to the next member, Hellion lunged forward, leading off with the same bony arm. But instead of a clothesline it would be an elbow to the eye socket, spewing brain matter everywhere....

Everything had somehow gotten worse; Nimra wasn't there and the puppet seemed stronger and faster by leaps and bounds. It was a true terror to the remaining members, but Grada had a plan and it was his only option...


Hellion rushed another member. With great speed and agility the puppet scraped his knee across the ground and struck the Hero with an uppercut... Lodging its arm halfway into the sternum of the member, killing him instantly from the painful shock, but Hellion's arm was caught inside the body.

-Finally a break, all of you rally to me now!!!!

The remaining six gathered around Grada, with ears wide open awaiting orders on how to take down the hellish puppet. Instead when they looked into Grada's eyes they didn't see the Leader they'd become accustomed to. No, Grada's presence was dark, it was as if they were gazing in the eyes of a beast equal to when they faced Tusok...

With a twisted grin-growl forming on his face, Grada stared at them in their eyes, and with no hesitation...

-Gash of the Banshee

-Agghhh arrhhgg agghhh arrrgghh aaaffggggg aaarrrggghh...

All six of them were sliced in half at the waist by that same blade used to slice open Nimra's neck...


Hellion rushed over to Grada as his back was turned, presenting the perfect opportunity for Hellion to finish off the solo leader. Hellion would swing at the back of Grada's head. Grada sidestepped, grabbed the arm of Hellion and whipped the puppet over his head, slamming it down into the Oasis's floor, splattering the main head of Hellion...

The puppet made up of their friend's severed heads is now dead and Grada stands alone. Looking over the pool of blood and bodies, he takes the time to reflect on his actions and contemplate his next moves...

(Grada) I had to get rid of all of you weaklings. This is the perfect time to start over. Everyone won't suspect me to be the one who finished off my own Circle... I can compound all these events and blame them all on BlackBlood.


The blood started to swirl and gather, then swished around spewing out the bodies of the dead. Something was happening and Grada would gain distance from the situation by slipping off into a rift... Once the bodies were clear of the blood swell it turned into a huge bubble, and just as quick as it all gathered the ginormous blood clot instantly disappeared. There was a body laying down in the area where the blood and bodies were. It started to stand...

(Aet) Wh... What the hell is going on??? Does it ever stop!?? This really is the land of the Strong. Is that someone getting up!?? No!!! Ho... How!!???

Aet was watching as it took a while for them to get up, who was it? Could it be someone who was playing dead??

-Kek... Kek.... Kek... ccccrrrfggg(cough) Ccccrrrrgggggg(cough)

-Grada!! Come out you wart.. ccccrrrrggg (Cough) cccccrrrgggg (cough)

-You... You killed m.. Ccrrrgg (Holding throat and coughing) You killed my teacher...

-Y.. mmmmrrrrrmmm Mmmmrrrrrmmmm (holding throat, trying to clear throat) You killed your own men..

ccccrrrgg ccccrrrgg mmmrrrmm Was that out of fear.. Mmmmm orrrrr Mercy??!!! Ccccrrrrgggggggggggg


(BlackBlood) There... There. It only took a good whack to straighten out my voice-box. Grada I told you I want it all back... Nimra died valiantly. She was thrilled that your group could provide some needed entertainment, but she also gave them all failing grades. You see, puppets of that level were the norm for training our apprentices, and your circle mostly was demolished by it...

BlackBlood is now back on the scene, so it is closing in on the climax to the Oasis of Blood....

To be Continued...

Next chapter 37...

~Blood Oasis~