
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 32: Vengeful…

In transit to the Oasis, plans were being formulated and passed among the cliques of the Circle.. Rigor passed along the details of dealing with her; it was simple.

(Rigor) Overwhelm her with six members at a time. Make her vulnerable by attacking at every angle. There's Forty-Two of us she won't be able to handle all of us if we attack in layers. Also, Grada and San are close by, I felt their faint presence briefly. We must attack and endure, control the chaos but be chaotic. We will prevail with this method...

Make her choose between targets. We must dictate her moves, if she attacks one, the other five must attack with no hesitation, then another six replace them and attack again. With this method there should be no windows of opportunity for her...

No matter what, we must smother her with momentum and ferocity, don't allow her to breathe. We want her head to swell from so much carnage, let's have her seeing traffic every second, No. Every millisecond. Save your strength for a final push, but do not hold back on chances to kill..

The plan seemed solid enough to trust and easy enough for them to follow, the only problem was the calmness of BlackBlood. She had a serious but eased looked upon her face, she had an ominous air to her.

(Aet) BlackBlood you're sure about this?? I know you're strong and all, but that's a lot of power to be going up against alone. I've taken a liking to your style and I want to follow you on your quest for revenge, but it won't be a long journey if you fall here. Is Threescar or the Grand Goyles going to help you??

(BlackBlood) Nope just me, they would never get involved in our petty squabbles. That match earlier between ThreeScar and Fiend was ordained by destiny, there's a saying here among them...

-Aet interrupts-

(Aet) Yeah, yeah the weak get eaten, and what does that have to do with you.

(BlackBlood) You shouldn't be so quick to speak, don't be like those Scags(Derogatory term for Druids) sit back and observe like the scientist you are. The saying goes 'Death is the great leveler' so I am not afraid to die.

The many years I've been here walking this plain, I have seen my own people slaughtered at the hands of three nations all because I wanted to drink and feast upon the blood of the Cyclo people. I'm sure someone inside the castle-state knew what I was doing and knew the dangers it would bring, and still they accepted their faith...

This day was going to happen no matter what. I watched all of them grow, I witnessed all of them die, I lived their lives through their eyes and I also shared their expiration dates through the same. That is the burden I took in from the confines of my sanctuary... I could have gone out there and fought, but I didn't care at the time..

All of the death, the smoky halls within the castle, and the screams never left my mind for the first year or so and I grew bored, so I made a choice that would lead me down this unquenchable path.

Did you know that bloodmancers are linked through the Sacrificial Offerings we must perform?? See, once the castle was cleared, I was still inside under the floors of my sanctuary, not hiding but deciding on if I wanted to syphon the blood into a vessel or myself.

Being the Tiefling I am, of course I took in the weight. All of them, every single memory poured itself into my soul core. An overload seemed almost certain but I channeled my energy through the Magus of Oni Forest, in order to absorb all blood of my kin and the drawback was very damaging...

Ten whole years it took for me to ingest all of the blood, then another forty years to go through each of their memories of life and death. Do you know how heavy that can be on a youngling? That is why I only grew to this state. Stunted my physical growth, mentally I have seen their views and embedded it within my own soul core.

The assimilation process pushed me towards changes I wouldn't have ever imagined. Each life has a persona within my core, my cells are no longer just my own, their blood cells have been coursing through my veins since that day. I only live to meet their egotistical wishes.

The evil secrets were moved to the forefront and are the driving force behind my existence, all of them wanted more than anything else for REVENGE to be the starting point of this journey. Revenge upon this Circle, revenge upon the Cyclo Nation, and revenge on the Guild of Heroes.

What lies afterwards I don't know, but I do know that I am half Tiefling, half Druid but both of those come secondary to being a Bloodmancer. The smell of death turns frowns upon the faces of men, but that same stench lets me feel warm inside, it is my comfort zone now, I only live to serve those selfish needs of the dead...

I wanted my gargoyle to exact his own revenge so I could get my blood boiling and in the mood. Watching the Trial of Gargoyleon has surely stirred up my own emotions, as I want nothing more than to pop each of their heads and taste their leaking life forces...

-cough- cough- cough-

(Aet) Your hair is on fire do you know that?? What the hell, smoke stack??

(BlackBlood) Chi.. Chi.. Chi.. I'm more worked up than usual, when my blood starts to feel anxious, my hair is the exhaust to let the emotions leak out. This is going to get wild I believe, so you and Threescar please stand back no matter what. It will be hard for me to control what's about to happen...

(San) Grada they're almost here, you sure that this will work??

The Oasis was just up ahead and all parties started to feel giddy, but what outside factors will play a part?? The plans are made but what about the traps being set???

To be Continued...

Next chapter 33...

~Blood Oasis~